1 KERALA FINANCIAL CORPORATION THIRUVANANTHAPURAM BO ZONE APPRAISAL MEMORANDUM – FLATS/HOUSING PROJECTS Sub:- Proposal for term loan of Rs. ………………….. lakhs to …………………. – reg. PART – I ABSTRACT Application Regn. No. & Date : Amount applied for : Rs. lakhs Amount recommended : Rs. lakhs New Loan/Additional Loan : Sanctioning Authority 1. 2. 3. : Name of Applicant Name of the Unit Address of Firm (a) Registered Office : : Pin Code Phone Numbers (b) Project site : : : 4. 5. Constitution Reasons for delay in processing application if any : : 6. Date of incorporation/ registration / commencement of activity 7. 8. 9. 10. Activity Industry Classification Code Whether new / existing Compliance of Eligibility Criteria a) The promoters should be financially sound and should be successful in their other ventures. : : : : : Yes / No DOC NO. AMP1F09 PAGE 1 OF 34 NO. DATE 15.5.2012 2 b) The project should be located at Corporation/Municipality/ Township : Areas and on the own premises of the applicant c) The project should have minimum : five residential units d) Sufficient parking space for vehicles commensurate with the number of : residential units should be provided e) Prior approval of the plan from the Local Authority/PCB/Fire Force/Airport : Authority of India etc. should be obtained where ever necessary 11. Cost of the project : Rs. lakhs 12. Promoters contribution : Rs. lakhs 13. Debt Equity Ratio : 14. Debt Service Coverage Ratio : 15. Overall Asset Coverage Ratio : 16. Whether KYC Norms satisfactory : 17. Whether CIBIL report satisfactory : 18. Score/ rating in Credit Rating : 19. Whether interest reduction allowed (as per credit rating, SC/ST, Women entrepreneur etc) : 20. Whether Bank Take over involved : 21. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) : 22. Whether member of CREDAI : 23. Whether the unit located in BO 3 jurisdiction area : If no give details of prior permission taken : 24. Date of commencement of Commercial operations 25. Appraisal done by Name : : Designation PART – II 1. INTRODUCTION (Briefly describe the purpose for which the loan has been applied for) 2. PROMOTERS AND MANAGEMENT (a) Particulars about Directors/Partners/Proprietor/Surety Name Position in the firm/ Company Date of Birth Sex Resident/ Non Resident Educational Qualification Proof of Identity Voter Card No. PAN No. Passport No. 4 Ration Card No. Any other identity Present residential address House No. House Name Area/Locality Post Office District Pin Code Residing since Office Phone No. Residential Ph.No. Mobile No. E-mail ID Whether KYC norms completed Yes/No Annual income based on last years Income Tax Returns Annual income based on previous years Income Tax Returns Value of immovable properties as per Affidavit Value of movable properties as per Affidavit Liabilities as per Affidavit Net worth as per Affidavit CIBIL Rating Opinion received in the confidential report obtained by appraisal team/FO Criminal cases if any 5 (b) Particulars regarding constitution (i) Partnership Firm Date of Registration with Registrar of firms Whether partnership deed allows the activity proposed Name of partners (ii) Private or public limited companies Date of Incorporation Place of Incorporation Name of company as per certificate of Incorporation Whether Activity proposed has been allowed in the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association Authorised capital Paid up capital Borrowing power allowed as per MoA Details of charges created as per Search Report Whether the details of present Directors as per statement from ROC or search report from Company Secretary collected Certificate from Company Secretary that company has complied with all provision as per Companies Act (iii) Societies Date of Registration Whether certified copy of resolutions of the governing body and general body collected Whether byelaws of the society collected Whether the activity proposed is allowed as per the byelaws of the society (iv) Trust Specify whether Private Trust or Public Trust 6 Whether Trust Deed collected Whether the trustees are entitled to avail loan and mortgage the trust properties. (c) List of Board Members/Partners/Co-Obligants/Guarantees/Executive Members/ Directors/Trustees Name (d) Designation Contact Address Age Phone Number Relation with chief promoter Whether giving personal guarantee Share Holding Pattern Name of shareholder/ partner No of Shares Total Share value Percentage Whether giving personal guarantee Total 3. MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE (Details of Qualification & Experience of Promoters and other technical Experts) Name 4. Designation Qualification Experience SOLVENCY OF BOARD MEMBERS /PARTNERS/ CO-OBLIGANTS/ GUARANTOR AS PER AFFIDAVIT (in lakhs) Name Details of assets (movable & Estimated Value of Details of liabilities Estimated value of Net Asset Annual income 7 immovable) 5. asset liabilities based on last years IT returns KYC NORMS AND AML STANDARDS (a) Details of Identity proof (to be verified with original and signed ) Name of Promoters/ Guarantors Voters ID No/UID No PAN No Ration Card No Other ID with No if any Pending criminal cases if any (b) Credit Report from Bank (credit report and bank statements of all banks of all promoters/unit to be obtained and details written here) (c) Field Officer Report (give details with remarks) Name Designation : : (d) Details of bank account Name of Unit / Promoters Bank Name & account No(1) Bank Name & account No(2) Remarks (e) Details of loans taken from other banks Sl No Name of institution Loan sanctioned /availed Balance O/s Arrears Loan category Whether credit rating obtained 8 (f) Details of previous assistance from KFC (if any) (in lakhs) Loan No Sanction date Amount sanctioned (a) Amount disbursed Outstanding as on---- The present proposal (b) Total a+b (g) Group concerns/firms (Rs. in lakhs) Sl. No. Affiliated group companies/firms Nature of Business Any financial dealing with the Corporation Name and address of the Banker Turnover Net worth (h) Details regarding CIBIL Report of Unit/ Board Members /Partners/Co-Obligants/ Guarantors Name of Unit & Promoters (i) CIBIL Score(individuals)/Opinion (unit/associated unit) Remarks RBI’s caution list /willful defaulters’ list State if the name of the company or its promoters, directors/partners/associated concerns appear in any of the following list. Sl. No . Name of organisations Whether name of unit/promoters/ associated concerns Remarks 9 appear 1 2 6. CIBIL list of suit filed defaulters of Rs. 1 crore and above. CIBIL list of suit filed accounts of willful defaulters of Rs. 25 lakh and above. REMARKS ON MANAGERIAL APPRAISAL (write detailed remarks on managerial competence with following information) Necessary local enquiry regarding promoters and unit have been conducted and general opinion about then is good. Original KYC documents are verified and photocopies are kept in file. Advocate signed Affidavit and gazette officer signed photo verification certificate is procured and kept in file. The managerial/technical competence/ qualification of the promoters and technical experts are sufficient to run the unit. It is concluded that the managerial appraisal is satisfactory. PART – III TECHNICAL 1. LAND AND LOCATION The site is located near which is KM away from junction towards The plot is meters from ----- cents of land identified by the Legal Officer and it is sufficient for the proposed activity and only the value of the said area is taken into account for the computation of the project cost. The site has motorable access. 2. BUILDING AND CIVIL STRUCTURES (a) Building permit No & date : (specify if it is not in the name of the loanee) (b) Area approved : (c) Floor Area Ratio (FAR) : (d) Total estimated value : (e) Details attached as : Annexure 'C' 3. FLOOR WISE ALLOCATION OF FACILITIES OF BUILDING Floor type Foundation Basement Ground Floor First Floor Facilities Proposed Covered Area Rate/m2 Cost Estimated No. of flats per floor 10 (Give details of all floors) (In case of villa projects give details of villas) 4. EQUIPMENTS AND MACHINERY The total cost of equipments and machinery is estimated at Rs. A detailed list of Equipments and Machinery required for the unit is given in Annexure'D' The equipments and machinery listed in Annexure- D are essential and sufficient for the level of operations envisaged. (In case, manufacturer/supplier selected are not known to the Corporation, a special condition to the effect, that disbursement would be made only after physical verification/ performance evaluation may be stipulated.) 5. OTHER ASSETS IF ANY 6. DETAILS OF EXTERNAL VALUATION TAKEN (IF ANY) (If value of land/building/machinery exceeds Rs. 1 Crore or if loan amount exceeds Rs. 2.5 crore) Name and address of approved valuer : 7. SPECIAL FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT (EXISTING / PROPOSED) 8. UTILITY SERVICES a) Power: The total connected load is KW/KVA. (Arrangements made for power supply should be explained). The promoters have obtained/has obtained a feasibility certificate from KSEB regarding allocation of power supply. (Extra line if any to be drawn or deposit if any to be given etc. are to commented. DG set if any included is also to be commented.) b) Water: Water is required for construction and general purposes. Requirement per day is about ….........ltrs. It is to be met from the existing/proposed well or protected water supply system. 11 c) Transportation: The proposed site is located by the side of a …................................... Hence transportation by road is convenient. The nearest railway station is …....... which is about …........KM from the site. d) Effluent disposal (Harmful / No harmful effluent is generated during the process. (The arrangements provided / to be provided to be commented. State whether NOC from PCB is required) 9. DETAILS OF MARKETING EXPENSES 10. PRODUCT MIX/INCOME FROM SERVICES OFFERED AT 100% The details of income adopted for computation of profitability of the concern at installed capacity is given below for 1 shift working Income from Products/services No./Area Rate per unit/area Total income 11. INCOME FROM OTHER FACILITIES (IF ANY) 12. MAN POWER REQUIREMENTS (in lakhs) Sl No. Designation Number of employee Annual Salary per employee Total annual expenses 12 Total 13. DETAILS OF STATUTORY CLEARANCES Sl No Certificate/clearance Authority Validity Remarks (Obtained/ Not Obtained /Not Applicable) with Building construction permission Pollution Control Board Allocation for power supply/feasibility for giving power supply by the KSEB Approval by the Electrical Inspectorate NOC from Fire Department Airport Authority of India Coastal Regulation Zone Clearance 14. SCHEDULE OF IMPLEMENTATION Sl. N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Duration in weeks/month Current status Land acquisition and leveling Foundation Construction of building (Giving Floor wise time involved) First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Plumbing & sanitary fittings Electrification Installation of lift and generator Painting Completion of the project It is expected that the apartment complex/villa project can be completed within a period of ……………… weeks/months. 13 15. REMARKS ON TECHNICAL APPRAISAL (Write opinion on technical feasibility of the project in view of the infrastructure facilities available, land & location, power, road etc.) PART – IV FINANCIAL 1. PAST PERFORMANCE OF THE UNIT (IF EXISTING) (a) Brief description of the unit. (The balance sheet analysis of the existing unit (if) to be annexed as Annexure 'A'. Give comments on the income, expenditure, profit, debt, capital, DER, networth, current ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio etc. of the concern.) (b) Brief description of the associated / sister concern (The stake of the promoters in the associated /sister concern to be shown) (The balance sheet analysis of the associated / sister concern to be annexed Annexure 'B'. Give comments on the income, expenditure, profit, debt, capital, DER, networth, current ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio etc. of the concern.) 2. COST OF THE PROJECT (Rs.in lakhs) Assets taken into project cost for finance R e a s o n f Cost o projected by r Applicant v a r i a t i 14 o n * * Cost already incurred (a) Cost to be incurred (b) Total (a+b) Land ( cents)* Landscaping Building and civil structures Contingency @ 10 % Equipments Contingency @ 10 % Furniture and Misc.Items Preliminary & Pre-op.expenses* Total **Give reasons for variations in project cost from the project report submitted by the applicant. * The value of project land can be considered for computing project cost. However cost of land shall not be considered for working out term loan eligibility. 3. PRELIMINARY AND PRE-OP.EXPS. (Rs.in lakhs) Item Amount Application processing fee Company registration and other expenses including project report Interest during construction period Supervision charges during construction period Start up expenses Total 4. MEANS OF FINANCE (Rs.in lakhs) Item Promoter contribution Term Loan from K.F.C Others (unsecured loans, advance Existing Proposed Total Percentage Minimum percentage as per scheme Means of finance as per applicant Reasons for variations 15 from customers) Total 100 5. RAISING OF PROMOTERS CONTRIBUTION (Source of PC should be mentioned) 6. BENCH MARK FINANCIAL PARAMETERS Sl No Ratio Benchmark norms (a) DER 2:1 (b) Projected DSCR > 1.5 (c) Promoters Contribution (d) BEP Actual parameters Deviation if in case of this any (Yes/No) proposal Remarks/ Justification for inferior ratio than Benchmark 33.00% 60% (e) Pay back Period (f) Debt ratio for the company = Total debt Maximum 5 years 2:3 Total asset (capital employed) (g) Asset Coverage ratio 2 times (h) Net profit to sales (i) IRR 7. SECURITY AND MARGIN FOR THE LOAN (Rs.in lakhs) Particulars Primary Land Building Plant & Machinery Equipments Vehicle Others as per policy Collateral Land Building Others Value (a) Percentage as per norms % % % % % % % % % Margin (b) Eligibility (a)-(b) 16 The overall margin on security works out to …..... % 8. OVERALL ASSET COVERAGE Total tangible security after margin including collateral security for first loan (if any) + Security for second loan Loan amount (Balance outstanding of first loan (if any) + New loan (proposed) = 9. CASH FLOW STATEMENT A cash flow statement to cover the loan period is given as Annexure. (State if the repayments fixed are as per the cash flow statement). 10. CALCULATION OF NPV & IRR Year Net Inflow Discounting factor Net present value Use discounting factor which makes Net Present Value or Discounted net inflow zero after 8 years / Repayment period whichever is less. 11. PROJECT BALANCE SHEET A projected Balance Sheet of the unit to cover the loan period is given as Annexure. 12. CREDIT RATING HIGHLIGHTS Sl No Details (a) Name of rating agency (approved by SEBI/RBI) (b) Date of rating and validity (c ) Rating grade (d) (e) Internal Credit Rating Score Whether reduction of interest allowed based on internal credit rating Remarks if any (write interpretation of grading ) Attached as Annexure -E Yes/No 17 13. TERMS SHEET (Give details of the repayment period requested by the applicant and the reasons for variations if any proposed) The repayment period, interest rate and processing fee recommended are as follows. (a) Repayment period Sl No Item Terms (i) Initial Moratorium Years (ii) Repayment period Years Maximum as per scheme (b) Interest rate Sl No Item Terms (i) Gross Rate of interest(PLR + … ) % (ii) Reduction based on credit rating % (iii) Reduction based on SC/ST, Women entrepreneur etc % (iv) Net rate of Interest % (v) Rebate on prompt repayment % (vi) Effective interest rate % Remarks , if any (c) Processing fee Sl No Item (i) Processing Fee chargeable (ii) Processing fee paid (iii) Balance processing fee payable Terms Details of concession allowed, if any 14. REMARKS ON FINANCIAL APPRAISAL (write remarks on financial feasibility of the project ) (write whether the project is financially feasible) (in lakhs) 18 Particulars 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Financials projected by the applicant for 3rd year Reasons for variation Income Expenses Operating profit Income Tax Net Profit Depreciation Cash Profit (Give detailed reasons for the difference if any in the financial projections given by the applicant in the project report and the projections done by the appraisal team). 15. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Matrix showing the Break Even Point at various selling price and capacity utilization has to be done (A sample of the Matrix format is enclosed). PART – V COMMERCIAL 1. THE PRESENT MARKET (Industry & market prospects, demand & supply position, price trends, major competitor etc) 2. STATUS OF SIMILAR PROJECTS ASSISTED BY KFC IN THE LOCALITY /DISTRICT. Name of the unit Year of sanction Loan amount in lakhs Present balance outstanding Asset classification 3. DETAILS OF SELLING PRICE OF FLATS/HOUSING PROJECTS OF SIMILAR GRADE BUILDERS IN THE LOCALITY/DISTRICT (format given at Annexure to be filled in the case of Flats/Housing Projects). Also give comments on the same. 4. AVAILABILITY OF RAW MATERIALS AND CONSUMABLES (whether the raw materials and consumables available locally etc) 19 5. MARKETING OF PRODUCTS/SERVICES (Marketing strategy, selling & distribution arrangements etc) 6. SWOT ANALYSIS (a) Strengths of the project (b) Weakness of the project (c) Opportunities (d) Threats 7. REMARKS ON COMMERCIAL APPRAISAL (write whether the project is commercially feasible) PART – VI LEGAL 1. CONSTITUTION OF FIRM (Opinion regarding AOA, MOA, partnership deed, trust deed etc) (Opinion on resolutions of company, assignment of land to the name of firm, charges of the company with ROC etc, second charge etc ) 2. PRIMARY SECURITY (INDUSTRIAL) (a) DETAIL OF PRIMARY LAND Item No. Sy. No. Extent Tandaper No Village Taluk Total * Applicable if value exceed Rs. 100 lakhs. (b) DETAILS OF OWNERSHIP OF PRIMARY LAND District Value assessed by Corporation Value assessed by external valuer* 20 Item No. 3. Sy. No. Tandaper No Owned by SRO No. with date Whether Original & Prior documents available COLLATERAL SECURITY (a) LOCATION OF COLLATERAL SECURITY (describe about the location of the land and marketability of the land) (b) DETAIL OF COLLATERAL LAND Item No. Sy. No. Extent Tandaper No Village Taluk District Value assessed by Corporation Value assessed by external valuer* Total * Applicable if value exceed Rs. 100 lakhs. (c) DETAILS OF OWNERSHIP OF COLLATERAL Item No. Sy. No. Tandaper No SRO No. with date Owned by Whether Original & Prior documents available (d) DETAILS OF BUILDING AND CIVIL STRUCTURES IN COLLATERAL SECURITY Name of Panchayath/ Muncipality/ Corporation Building No & Ward No Plinth Area * Applicable if value exceed Rs. 100 lakhs. Age Depreciated value Value assessed by external valuer* 21 (e) DETAILS OF OTHER COLLATERAL SECURITIES (IF ANY) 4. REMARKS ON LEGAL APPRAISAL (remarks on various legal certificates accepted and any deviation from norms etc) PART – VII 1. DISBURSEMENT PATTERN SUGGESTED 2. WHETHER ACCEPTED BY THE PROMOTERS PART – VIII DEVIATIONS IN THE PROPOSAL (IF ANY) (Clearly specify all deviations (Managerial, technical, legal & commercial ) in the project with sanctioning authority for the deviations) PART – IX RECOMMENDATIONS (Give briefly the reasons for recommending the loan) Based on the value of the existing and proposed assets and as per the financing pattern suggested at para a term loan of Rs......... lakhs is recommended for consideration to M/s …………………………………………………….. on credit line basis subject to usual terms and conditions and on the following special conditions:1. Utilisation of the term loan For acquisition of fixed assets 2. (a) Rate of Interest 22 Interest rate will be …...% p.a. With …...% penal interest for the defaulted amount for the defaulted period on monthly compound basis and …....% rebate for prompt repayment of interest. Further ….% reduction will be allowed based on credit rating. Floating rate of interest based on the PLR fixed from time to time, depending on the market conditions will be applicable to this proposal. The rate of rebate can be revised (increased/decreased) by the Corporation from time to time and the borrower hereby agrees to such revision in the rate of rebate and that intimation of such revision shall be deemed to be served on the borrower when sent by post to the address of the borrower. 2. (b) Interest reduction based on credit rating will be subject to annual review and will be continued only if the firm satisfies the norms for interest reduction applicable at the time of review. 2. (c) Rebate for prompt payment will be paid only if the insurance of all fixed assets is current and the policy is taken in the joint name of the firm and KFC. 3. Repayment Period Term Loan: To repay in ….... monthly instalments commencing at the end of ………………………. month of drawal of the 1st Instalment of the term loan.. The principal amount will fall due on 1st day of every month. 4. The applicant has remitted Rs……….. + service tax as initial processing fee. Further sum of Rs…………….. + service tax is to be remitted. 5. Period of completion of project: …......... months 6. Personal Guarantee should be given by : 7. Before drawing any portion of the loan amount the applicant/Company should satisfy the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Approval by the local authorities Approval by the Pollution Control Board Allocation for power supply/feasibility for giving power supply by the KSEB Approval by the Electrical Inspectorate. Approval from Airport Authority. Credit report from Bank Others (Please specify). 23 8. Clearance from Coasted Regulation Zone Authority if applicable. 8. Sanction letter for electrical installation and installation of diesel generator set from Electrical Inspectorate should be produced before availing any amount for equipment and generator set. Approval from the Electrical Inspectorate shall be obtained after installation of DG set. 9. Payment for equipments supplied by manufacturers/suppliers not known to the corporation will be made only after physical verification/ performance evaluation. 10. Partial release of security (Flats, Villas, Apartments) will be allowed on remittance of the proportionate amount based on the loan outstanding. 11. No preclosure premium will be charged. 12. The assets of the company and collateral security building should be insured annually with New Assurance Company Limited, under the Agency Code 90145/900145 or any other agency approved by IRDA and evidence thereof should be produced. No rebate will be allowed if insurance is not done. 13. All statutory charges including Sales tax, Excise duties. P.F contributions, Land tax, Building tax and each other payments due to the Government or concerned authorities shall be paid and kept current by the borrower/co-obligants every year during the tenure of the loan. 14. The capital should be raised at least to the minimum level of Rs.........Lakhs as shown in the financing pattern. 15. The sanction is subject to the availability of refinance from SIDBI/Banks/ FIs and such other conditions as may be imposed by them. 16. The loan amount should not be utilized for any kind of money laundering activities. 17. The loan will be disbursed through a no-lien bank account only. 18. Disbursement will be made on pro-rata basis as per investments made in the project after ensuring the required P.C and DER of ….... and keeping the required security margin. 19. All other usual terms and conditions will also apply. 20. The Borrower and Co-obligant should give consent to the Corporation for the disclosure by the Corporation of information and data relating to them, of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by them, obligations assumed/to be assumed, by the them in relation thereto and default, if any, committed by the them, in discharge thereof, to Credit 24 Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) or any other agency authorized in this behalf by Reserve Bank of India and consent to furnish the information by CIBIL or any other agency, so authorized, to any banks/financial institutions and other credit grantors or registered users. 21. A Board should be displayed in front of the project stating that the project is financed by Kerala Financial Corporation. 22. The annual report/audited financial statements pertaining to the previous financial year shall be furnished to this office within six months from the 1st of April every year. 23. External credit rating by approved agency (if applicable) shall be furnished within a period of six months. 24. External valuation to be arranged as and when necessary. Legal Officer. Technical Officer Project Officer BRANCH MANAGER/CHIEF MANAGER Reviewed by GM Approved by CMD Issued by MR ANNEXURE 'A' ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF UNIT 25 Name of Unit: Balance sheet as at 31st March Rs. in lakhs 201 201 ASSETS 1. Fixed assets 2. Investments 3. Current assets 4. Others ( current account) Total LIABILITIES 1. Capital 2. Reserves and surplus 3. Current liabilities 4. Secured loans 5. Unsecured loan Total III. Profit and loss account 1. Sales 2. Net profit after tax 3. Depreciation 4. Cash profit Analysis Current ratio Quick ratio DER Net worth ROI (EBIT / Net Assets) Net Profit to sales (PBIT) Debt Ratio Benchmark* 2:1 1:1 2:1 > 3 times of loan proposal > 15 > 10 2:3 * Justification for inferior ratio than benchmark may be explained as a footnote. 201 26 ANNEXURE 'B' ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF ASSOCIATED CONCERN Name of concern : Balance sheet as at 31st March Rs. in lakhs 201 201 ASSETS 1. Fixed assets 2. Investments 3. Current assets 4. Others ( current account) Total LIABILITIES 1. Capital 2. Reserves and surplus 3. Current liabilities 4. Secured loans 5. Unsecured loan Total Profit and loss account 1. Sales 2. Net profit after tax 3. Depreciation 4. Cash profit Analysis Current ratio Quick ratio DER Net worth ROI (EBIT / Net Assets) Net Profit to sales (PBIT) Debt Ratio Benchmark* 2:1 1:1 2:1 > 3 times of loan proposal > 15 > 10 * Justification for inferior ratio than benchmark may be explained as a footnote. 201 27 ANNEXURE-'C' BUILDING AND CIVIL STRUCTURES ANNEXURE-'D' LIST OF PLANT AND MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTS Sl. No Description Name of supplier/ manufacturer Connecte d load KW/KVA Basic price as per invoice quotation 28 Annexure E INTERNAL CREDIT RATING FORMAT FOR TERM LOANS Name of the Unit : Loan No: Name of chief promoter: Rating period (FY): Rating done by : Rating points 1. Constitution 2. Qualification of promoter (CEO, principal partner) Experience of promoter/ company Asset Coverage Ratio ( ACR) for proposed project DSCR 3. 4. 5. Profit after tax + depreciation + Interest on term loan Repayment of term loan + Interest on term loan 6. 7. 8. 9. IRR (%) for project ROI – Last 5 years Average EBT / Net Assets General reputation Past Record (Repayment of earlier loan. Dealing with other Banks, CIBIL Report etc.) 5 Govt/. Public Ltd. company 4 Pvt. Ltd. co./ Pvt. Trust/ Society/ AOP Post Graduate 3 Partnership 2 Proprietor/ Individual 1 Graduate +2 Others > 5 < 10 yrs > 3 < 5 yrs < 3 yrs New > 1.5 < 2 > 1.25 < 1.5 > 1.1 < 1.25 < 1.1 >2 > 1.5 < 2 > 1.25 < 1.5 > 1.1 < 1.25 < 1.1 >17 13 – 16 9 – 12 5–8 1–4 > 15 11 - 15 6 – 10 1–5 <1 Very Good Good Average Adverse Very Good Good Average Adverse Professional CA / Doctor / Engineer etc. > 10 years > 2 times of loan Excellent Excellent 29 10. Net worth of the company Promoters Contribution in the project DER for the company Total Debt / Net Worth of the concern BEP(% ) Period of Repayment > 3 times of loan proposal 15 Tie up for marketing Existing 16 Net Profit to sales% (PAT) Exposure to the sector Credit report from existing Bankers >10 Availability of Audited financial statements Risk factor (As perceived by BO/ Appraising Authority) 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 >2.5 < 3 > 2 < 2.5 > 1.5 < 2.5 < 1.5 > 50% 41% - 50% 33% - 40% 25% - 32% < 25% Upto 1 Upto 1-5 Upto 2 Upto 3 >3 <35 Upto 4 years 35- 40 5-6 years 41-50 7-8 years 51-55 9-10 years >55 > 10 years Firm arrangement made >5≤10 Under process To be made >3≤5 <3 No arrangement made so far <1 Very low Low Normal High Very High Excellent Very good good average Up to the latest financial year One year arrear Two year arrear Three year arrear Report not available/ Adverse > 3 years arrear Negligible Very low low High Very high Rating Given Col.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Rating Point Out of 100 = ─ 100 ═ Signature of the officers who have done the rating : * 1. Appraisal Team can give higher grade than the actual rating point with proper justification with the approval of HO. Total Out of 100 30 2. 3. 4. Only units which have rating of 70 and above are eligible for 1% reduction in interest rate. The reduction in interest rates will be available for these units as long as they are in the standard category. Rating to be carried out on annual basis. Total rating points shall not be reduced from 100. FORMAT Details of Selling price of Flats/Housing projects of similar projects functioning in the locality Sl. No. Name of builder Name of project Selling rate per sq.ft *Asset classification in case the unit is assisted by KFC. No. of flats in the project Remarks* 31 METHOD OF CALCULATION OF RATIOS FOR INTERNAL RATING (1) Experience of promoter Relevant experience of promoter in senior management position like Director etc. can be considered, but proof of experience is to be collected. (2) Asset Coverage Ratio (ACR) Asset Coverage Ratio = Capital Investment in the project + Collateral security for proposed loan Proposed loan The value of the security to be taken for the proposed loan will be after deducting the margin on security. For calculating the value of assets the preliminary and pre operative expenses need not be taken. An example for calculation of ACR is given below. A. B. Land Building Pre-operatives expenses capitalized 100 200 10 100% 85% - Rs. in lakhs Value to be taken for the purpose of Asset coverage 100 170 - C. Plant & Machinery Second hand machinery Pre-operative expenses 200 100 30 85% 50% 170 50 Nature of Assets Cost/Value % value to be taken 32 D. E. F. H. capitalized Tools, Dies, Moulds etc. Technical knowhow Office equipments TOTAL (A+B+C+D+E+F) Collateral Security Land Building TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 100 20 20 780 25% 0 25% 25 NIL 5 520 G 200 100 300 1080 100% 85% 200 85 285 H 805 J Loan amount proposed = Rs. 520 lakhs Maximum Loan Eligibility based on security = G = Rs. 520 lakhs Asset Coverage Ratio = J Loan Amount = 805 = 1.54 : 1 520 For certain business which involve huge investment in inventory, the minimum level of inventory can be considered for calculating ACR, if it is hypothecated to KFC and after taking approval of Credit Department. (3) Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) DSCR shall be calculated for the proposed project. DSCR = Profit after tax + Depreciation + Interest on Term Loan Repayment of Term loan + Interest on Term loan (4) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) IRR has to be calculated for the proposed project. IRR is the rate of discount which would equate the present value of the investments (cash out flows) to the present value of benefits (cash inflows) over the period of repayment. For (3) and (4) match the cash flow projected with repayment period and other investments made. Please ensure that cash flows are projected on a realistic basis. (5) Return on Investment (ROI) The average for the last 5 years has to be taken based on the audited financial account. If a concern is in existence for a period less than 5 years then ROI has to be calculated for the lesser period. For new concerns the rating point will be zero. ROI = Earnings Before Tax (EBT) or Profit Before Tax (PBT) 33 Net Assets as per balance sheet Net Assets is fixed assets less depreciation. If in a particular year the company is in loss then ROI should be calculated and the negative figures given as shown below and the average taken for rating purposes. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fixed Assets (after depreciation) Net profit after tax Taxes EBT/PBT – [(b) + (c)] ROI (EBT/Net Assets) d/a x 100 2009 168.33 -5.87 1.99 -3.88 -2.30% 2010 162.48 2.56 0.59 3.15 1.94% Rs. in lakhs 2011 165.96 6.56 3.48 10.04 6.05% ROI = - 2.30 + 1.94 + 6.05 = 5.69 = 1.90% 3 3 (6) General Reputation:- Some field report, paper cutting, magazine articles etc. can be collected for the purpose. (7) Net Worth Net Worth = Paid Capital + Free Reserves – Accumulated losses The figures have to be taken from the latest audited figures of the company. (8) Promoters Contribution has to be considered for the proposed project. (9) Debt Equity Ratio (DER) DER = Total Debt / Net worth of the concern. For calculating the DER the total debt will include the existing debt as per balance sheet. Net worth will have to be taken from the latest audited figures of the company. This ratio shows the degree of indebtedness and portion of assets financed by equity. (10) Break Even Point (BEP) BEP = Fixed Cost Contribution Contribution = Sale Price – Variable Cost 34 (11) Net Profit to Sales The Net Profit to be taken is the profit after interest and tax (PAT). This ratio is a measure of the efficiency of the concern. (12) Inventory Turnover Ratio = Cost of goods sold (or sales) Average Inventory Average Inventory = Closing stock + Opening stock 2 (13) Current ratio shows the short term liquidity position of a unit. Current Ratio = Current Assets Current Liability Current assets include stock of raw material, stock in process, finished goods, receivables and short term investments. Current liabilities include creditors for purchases, bills discounted with bank and other short term liabilities. (14) Sectoral exposure shall be seen both with respect to the Branch as well as KFC as a whole. Necessary data can be obtained from systems division. (15) Receivable Turnover Ratio = Average Accounts Receivable = (16) Quick Ratio = Credit Sales Average Accounts Receivable Opening Balance + Closing Balance 2 Current Assets – Stocks Current Liability – Bank Borrowings (short term) Quick ratio evaluates the preparedness/quickness with which a liquidity crisis can be managed. It is seen that certain Branch Offices are reducing the total rating points from 100 to 90 or 80 after deleting certain items. This is not acceptable. The rating has to be out of 100. ROI, Net worth, DER has to be analysed based on the existing financial statements. Revised credit rating format is enclosed. The calculation will be verified by the post sanction scrutiny team. 35 36