Test preparation

Test preparation
Test Date
Test preparation start Date
What type of test is it going to be e.g.
multiple choice?
What date will the test be taking place
What will the test cover?
(Spend 7-15 hours studying)
27 November 2006
2nd November 2006
Preparing a balance sheet and profit
and loss account
Monday 27th November 2006
Identify the gaps in your knowledge.
What do I need to find out?
Conversation Date
I have not studied accounting before
and so it is all new to me.
9th, 15th,22nd, 31st October and then it
tailed off.
Weeks 1-4 reading and tutorial
exercises covered the material.
P.Weetman Financial Accounting
Preparing a balance sheet and profit
and loss account
Research Date
(Get reading materials)
Read course notes weekly and make
sure that you understand them
(Tidy up & add to course notes
Highlight and outline the book
(shuffle study cards around. Learn the
information on the back of the card
and have a key word on the front.)
For computing or maths tests do
problem questions
Identify any problem types that you
cannot do
Do more problems the more you
practise the more you recall
Writing/test examples
I should have done both class
exercises and workbook exercises.
Actual completion date
Will probably keep reading until the
27th but I will need to know all the
stud by the 20th November
Expected Grade
(below pass mark)
Actual Grade
Notes or commentsI
I read for this module weekly and did the tutorial exercise, though looking
back now I realise that I did not use the reading and exercises to the fullest. I
would do the reading each week and the exercises but not put them to best
use. I might dip into the reading to answer the exercises but most of the
answers that I gave were based on guess work and so they were largely
wrong. The time that I spent talking to the company accountant would have
been better if I had done the reading, answered the exercises and asked him
specific questions about specific things that I did not understand.
It is Wednesday 15th November, I have a ISM test tomorrow and a D3 FMA
due on Wednesday 22nd November. My plan of action is to read the
recommended reading from cover to cover and make notes and then do the
exercises with the view to seeing Sheeja and Steve at some point next week.
I would prefer to have covered all the reading my Monday 22 nd November
because we have a revision lecture, we will see how it goes.
The test was not too bad. It is Saturday 18th November and I have spent the
whole day on the Access FMA. I want to make a start on the reading for FA1
at about 22.00 but I have to organise the notes and reading first. The problem
that I usually face is that I read a lot towards the end of the deadline and
because it is still new and there is no organisation to it, I cannot make sense
of it when I finally get into the exam or test. I therefore need to get an overall
view of what I will need to read, what it will be covering and how much of it
there is.
It is the day of the test, I have spent the last three days reading and rereading the chapters. I definitely benefited from having read the
chapters before and having notes on the index cards. If this was a
theoretical subject I would be in a better position but because it is a
mathematical subject I am at a disadvantage because I have not used
the equations enough.
I will revise for another three hours using some practise questions. I will
probably start off my drawing a mind-map (I went on the course on
Thursday) . I have managed to get over the feeling of being totally
washed out and breain saturated I think I have done that by being more
organised and having read the stuff already. Physically I do not feel so
rited because I have been on leave for most of the last three weeks, I
now know how much sleep I must get (or at least when I need to be in
bed by). I have been going to the gym which is good because I get to
stretch and I find that the exercise reduces my back ache for a while.
Funnily enough I did not eat very well this week, being off and the
assignments meant that I was easing a lot of junk. Usually in the
evening I come home nad have a cup of tea and go to bed. Because I
was going out early afternoon and coming in I was stopping off and
buying junk on the way home (I usually have a home-made lunch and
that serves as my biggest meal) . I intend to go for a weigh in at Boots
this week so I will see how much damage this week has done.
Assignments are usually set for weeks 8-10 I must plan better food
wise next semester.
I am going home this evening, I have not been home since the beginning of
the month, which means that I will not sleep very well and I have to go
to work tomorrow evening. I have tidied up the studio and will leave out
some tuna/salmon for dinner on Tuesday.
I sat the test on Monday evening, I spent the whole of Monday revising. I went
to see Steve Horne at 4.00pm regarding the brought forward carried
forward “thingy” on the bottom of the T Account. Truth is I have not