SYLLABUS FOR CIS 114 Comprehensive Programming Logic and Design INSTRUCTOR: E-MAIL ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: OFFICE HOURS: COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, we will take an in depth look at some advanced programming concepts and techniques. We will examine theoretical concepts that make the world of programming unique. Also, this course will adopt a practical hands-on approach when examining programming techniques. Along with examining different programming strategies, this course will explore the advancement of program development, as well as, timeless problem solving strategies. TEXTBOOK: Programming Logic and Design Comprehensive, Third Edition GRADING: Test Labs Class Participation and attendance A= 100- 90 B= 89-80 LATE WORK: MAKE-UPS: C= 79-70 40% 50% 10% D= 69-60 F= below 60 NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! There will be no make-up of tests unless previously arranged with the instructor. ATTENDANCE: In accordance with the course catalog. THE INSTRUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE ANY PORTION OF THIS SYLLABUS AT ANY TIME. Week 1 -An Overview of Computers and Logic -Understanding Structure 2 -Modules, Hierarchy Charts, and Documentation -Writing and Designing a Complete Program 3 -Making Decisions 4 -Looping 5 -Control Breaks 6 -Arrays 7 Midterm 8 -Advanced Array Manipulation 9 -Using Menus and Validating Input 10 -Sequential File Merging, Matching, and Updating 11 -Advanced Modularization Techniques 12 -Object-Oriented Programming 13 -Event-Driven Programming with Graphical User Interfaces 14 -System Modeling with UML -Using Relational Databases 15 Final Exam Assignments Chapter Exercises Chapters 1 and 2 1 and 2 Exercises Chapters 3 and 4 3 and 4 Exercises Chapter 5 Exercises Chapter 6 Exercises Chapter 7 Exercises Chapter 8 Midterm 5 Exercises Chapter 9 Exercises Chapter 10 Exercises Chapter 11 Exercises Chapter 12 Exercises Chapter 13 Exercises Chapter 14 Exercises Chapters 15 and 16 Final Exam 6 7 8 1-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 Assignment Due Date Exam Date Week Assignments Chapter Exercises Chapters 1 and 2 1 and 2 Exercises Chapters 3 and 4 3 and 4 Exercises Chapters 5 and 6 5 and 6 3 Exercises Chapters 7 and 8 7 and 8 4 5 Midterm 1-8 Exercises Chapters 9 and 10 9 and 10 Exercises Chapters 11and 12 11 and 12 Exercises Chapters 13 and 14 13 and 14 Exercises Chapters 15 and 16 15 and 16 1 -An Overview of Computers and Logic -Understanding Structure 2 -Modules, Hierarchy Charts, and Documentation -Writing and Designing a Complete Program -Making Decisions -Looping -Control Breaks -Arrays 6 -Advanced Array Manipulation - Using Menus and Validating Input 7 -Sequential File Merging, Matching, and Updating -Advanced Modularization Techniques 8 -Object-Oriented Programming -Event-Driven Programming with Graphical User Interfaces 9 -System Modeling with UML - Using Relational Databases 10 Final Exam Assignment Due Date Exam Date