Maritime English I

Maritime English V
Adelija Čulić-Viskota, Ph.D., senior lecturer
Reccomended course materials
• Skračić, T., Waypoint, PFST, 2010.
• Units 1 - 15
Lectures / exercises
• 1 hour of lectures (PPT presentations on the
web page)
• 2 hours of exercises (standard language +
ME exercises)- prof. Žanić-Mikuličić
Office hours (consultations)
• Information on the web page:
• 1 morning and 1 afternoon, 45 min. each
Mid-term exams
• 2
• During the 8th session
• During the last, 15th session
• First, written
• If passed, then oral at the end of the semester
• One mid-term exam has to be positive : at least
50% of the points to proceed to the final exam
Final exam
During the exam periods
First, written
If passed with at least 50% of the points,
then oral
• Examples of exams on the web page
• 100% of the lectures
• 100% of the exercises
• In case of absence, exercises have to be made
for after consulting the lecturer
Ishodi učenja (learning outcomes)
• Nakon položenog ispita iz kolegija Engleski jezik V
student će na engleskom jeziku uporabom termina
pomorskog engleskog:
• 1) opisati povijesni razvoj plovila i građevne materijale
• 2) nabrojiti temeljne dijelove krstaša i motornih plovila
te odgovarajuće opreme i opisati njihove funkcije
• 3) opisati suvremena mala i srednja beodogradilišta te
komentirati razvoj male brodogradnje u Hrvatskoj
• 4) komentirati uporabu nautičkih instrumenata i drugih
pomagala u navigaciji
• 5) razlikovati metode određivanja pozicije
• 6) opisati vrste jedrenja i povezati ih s postupkom
planiranja putovanja
• Good luck 
• Or, rather,
work hard from the very beginning!!!