
Student Exercises Outline
Word Chapter 2
A. What we want to get out of the exercises
B. Explain the types of exercises
A. Multiple Choice
i. 40-60 slides
ii. Reinforcing main ideas and functions
iii. Explaining in depth, specific commands
B. True and False, 6 slides
C. Hands-on Exercises
i. Link to paper which they can open (Nick Downing)
1. Change name of Title to “Role Model for All”
2. Change font to “Arial Narrow”
3. Add their name at top as Author
4. Italicize every time Nick or Downing appears
5. Save the new document
ii. Link to paper (Basketball)
1. Rename the paper, “The Lottery”
2. Boldface and Italicize Dribbling, Passing, Shooting,
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Overall in the Scouting report
3. Highlight and delete “Must Play…” under weaknesses
4. Save the new document
iii. Link to paper (Tenth Performance)
1. Rename “American Justice System”
2. Underline new title
3. Boldface new title
4. Set new left and right margins to 1.25 inches
5. Set hard page break after third paragraph
6. Save the new document
A. Review main points
B. Have them print out papers with changes on them