Mrs. Hirschler Northside Baptist School Email: 7th Grade English 2014-2015 TEXTBOOKS: Writing & Grammar - 7 Explorations in Literature Vocabulary Workshop – Level B Across Five Aprils (provided later through class) PURPOSE: The purpose of this course is to increase the student’s understanding of English grammar and mechanics and to improve his or her reading and writing skills. CONTENT: Quarter One – Literature, literary analysis, and composition Quarter Two – Grammar basics and composition Quarter Three – Across Five Aprils and literary analysis Quarter Four –Mechanics and usage HOMEWORK: Weekly vocabulary homework and quizzes Fridays = vocabulary homework (filling in the sentence & synonyms/antonyms) Mondays = vocabulary homework (choosing the right word & vocabulary in context) Tuesdays = spelling quiz over unit Wednesdays = vocabulary quiz over unit (extra credit/flash cards due then) Grammar exercises Reading quizzes Papers EVALUATION: Student evaluation will be accomplished through the following: 1. Homework 2. Quizzes 3. Book reports (4 reports total) 4. Unit tests REQUIREMENTS: Textbooks Loose-leaf notebook paper 3-ring binder, folder, or notebook for notes Blue/black pens, pencils, and red pen for grading GRADE WEIGHTING: 20% 20% 30% 30% - Homework Quizzes Tests Book Reports APPROXIMATE DUE DATES FOR BOOK REPORTS: (These books can be found in the school library.) Island of the Blue Dolphin (Scott O’Dell) September 22 (book review) Christian missionary biography (must be 90 or more pages) November 3 (diorama) Book from the approved list (handed out in class later) February 2 (informative) Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day (Scott O’Dell) March 30 (char. sketch) BOOK REPORT HONESTY: All students at Northside Christian School adhere to an honor code. This includes the work you complete and turn in for class. When completing book reports, you are to sign and turn in a written declaration stating that you have read and completed the book report on your own and without ANY outside help. Academic honesty also refers to your usage and correct documentation of ANY outside sources that you either quote, paraphrase, or create an idea from. CLASSROOM HONESTY: Students may not use unauthorized notes during homework, quizzes, and tests. Students may not share their answers with classmates on homework, quizzes, and tests (this includes vocabulary homework). By doing so, a student is cheating and lying (claiming to have done all the work present). Students who copy answers or use unauthorized notes will be penalized with a zero AND demerits. Students who share their answers or provide the unauthorized notes to others will also receive a zero AND demerits. POLICIES: Please refer to the MLA handout for book report requirements and formatting. All writing assignments must be neat, legible, either written in blue or black ink or typed double spaced in the appropriate format. All materials are required to be in class EVERYDAY unless otherwise noted by the teacher. LATE WORK: Papers and homework are due at the beginning of the hour and are considered late if not turned in at that time. Late book reports will be penalized five percent for each school day not turned in. Late grammar and literature homework will be penalized ten percent for each school day not turned in and will not be accepted a week after it is due. Late vocabulary homework will be penalized fifteen percent for each school day not turned in and will not be accepted a week after it is due. TO THOSE INVOLVED IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: YOU are responsible to turn in homework before leaving AND to ask about class work and assignments BEFORE leaving. YOU are responsible, not your teachers, coaches, parents, or classmates! If you fail to turn in homework before leaving (on away games, fine arts trips, etc.), will be penalized as late and lose points. If you fail to ask about your assignments and class work, you will still be held accountable the next day. For example, if a spelling quiz or reading assignment is given for homework, you are expected to do the work AND will be penalized as late or be required to take the quiz. EXTRA CREDIT: Students have several opportunities to earn extra credit: vocabulary flashcards (bonus points for vocab. quizzes and review tests), grammar worksheet (given at the end of a grammar chapter), and bonus questions on literature tests. The teacher WILL NOT offer extra credit at the end of the quarter, so work ahead!