BUSINESS LAW 230 CONSUMER/PERSONAL LAW Summer 2007 Alnwick! Professor: Thomas Zupanc, J.D., LL.M Office Hours: Phone: Office: Fax: Appointments email: welcome I. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES Demonstrate general knowledge of the most common types of rules which affect students as citizens, consumers, and employees. Compare and contrast specific rules of the United States and the host country(ies)/cultures. Explain the difficulties arising from these different expectations. Explain the devices which are used to alleviate these difficulties, and analyze the effectiveness of these devices. II. REQUIRED CORE TOPICS Employment, property rights and obligations, legal system and dispute resolution, borrowing and lending, insurance, purchases and warranties, contracts, torts. III. SKILL COVERAGE BLAW 230 includes a written communication assignment requiring critical thinking by application of legal literature, rigorously evaluated for business writing mechanics. BLAW 230 INFORMATION TEXT: Survival Guide to The Legal Environment; © 2002, John Adamson; ISBN 0-53872523-0 DICTIONARY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EVALUATIONS There will be seven tests; multiple choice, short answer. Absolutely NO make up tests!!! (without medical excuse or an obituary with your name in it.) GRADING Exams: % Project: % Participation: % EXAMS The Monday exams will be multiple choice and short answer exams covering the material of the previous week, both from the book and from discussion WRITING ASSIGNMENT Please choose a law topic of interest to you. Compare American law with United Kingdom (or England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland) law. Use the textbook chapter headings to give you ideas about subjects to write on. I want an accurate description of the main points in the American version, and an accurate description of the main points of the UK version which points out the similarities and differences. YOU MUST INFORM ME OF YOUR TOPIC BY JUNE 7, and give me an outline by June 21. PARTICIPATION I expect you to participate by asking pertinent questions and responding appropriately (even if not correctly) to my questions, every class session. I will keep track of your participation. You can also gain participation points by bringing relevant business law news events to class and explaining what you read. Double participation points for explaining the difference between the US law and the story’s law when discussing the current event. CHEATING Plagiarized reports or any academic dishonesty will result in an automatic Fail (F) for the course and the student will be required to appear before the Student Life and Development Board for further disciplinary action. Refer to the SCSU Student Handbook for General Policies and Regulations. Cheating includes copying and plagiarizing, as well as using someone else to do the work for or with you. NO AUDIO, VIDEO or ELECTRONIC RECORDING OF ANY CLASS. This discourages class attendance and participation. Please silence your cell phones. Your classmates paid for uninterrupted classes. USE OF CLASS TIME You shall read the assigned material BEFORE class. We will discuss the more difficult concepts in class, and will go over the problems and examples. Be prepared to be called on. If you have read the material, the participation points will come. Be prepared to make an honest effort. After the first day, we will start with individual and group discussion. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Week of May 28 Ch 1 Legal System; Ch 3 and 4 Courts; Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation, Arbitration); Ch 5 Difference between crimes and civil liability Week of June 4 Exam; Ch 6 Torts; INFORM PROF Z OF TOPIC BY JUNE 7 Week of June 11 Exam; Ch 7 and 8 Contracts and agreements Week of June 18 Exam; Ch 9, 10, 11, 12 special contract rules; Ch 16 Warranties TOPIC OUTLINE DUE JUNE 21. June 23 to July 1 BREAK Week of July 2 Exam; Ch 21, 22, 13 Lending, Borrowing and Bankruptcy July 8 to July 12 LONDON Week of July 16 Exam; Ch 19 Employment; Week of July 23 Exam; Ch 15, 30, 31, 33 Property and Insurance July 30 and 31 Exam; Writing Project Due