Mahopac CSD Level: 8th Grade Home and Career Skills Curriculum Content Area: Home and Career Skills Culinary Arts Curriculum Map--April Standards Essential Question Content (KNOW) Students will know… (list concepts) SKILLS (DO) Students will… Assessment/Products Students will… (performance task) Instructional Material Standard 1: Students will use an understanding of the elements of Good nutrition to plan nutritious breakfasts. What makes a breakfast healthy? Understand healthy breakfast choices Choose and prepare a healthy breakfast based on the Food Guide Pyramid Egg Cookery Describe the principles and methods of egg cookery Demonstrate how Text books, vegetables, fruits and dairy Demonstrations, products can enhance a meal Cook books, videos, kitchen equipment, Plan a breakfast a buffet. foods Have each kitchen group prepare eggs using a different method. Review quick breads Use appropriate food preparation techniques and utensils to prepare waffles, pancakes, or crepes Have each kitchen group choose and prepare waffles, pancakes, or crepes to share with the class. Vocabulary Words Emulsion Coagulate Egg Substitutes Scrambled Poached Omelet Cooked in Shell Folding Crepe Mahopac CSD Home and Career Skills Curriculum