Unit 1 The Chain of Love

Unit 10
Anne Frank’s Diary
I. Vocabulary and Derivatives
Fill in each blank with the correct word.
1 It is hoped that the government will come up with a p
y to
ease the racial problem.
2 Feeling a little bit d
y, I leaned against the wall until I felt
3 Because Tim had failed to solve the problem so many times in
the past, he decided to a
t a different approach to deal with
the problem this time.
4 World War II was an international military c
t that resulted
in the death of over 70 million people.
5 The general b
yed his country by revealing the top-secret
information to the enemy country.
6 Nobody survived the fire because the s
e access to the
building had been blocked.
neighborhood 7 It is apparent that the people who live in this n
d are rich.
The cars parked outside their houses all look expensive.
occupation 8 It was in 1895 that the people of Taiwan began to live under
9 During World War II, millions of Jews were the victims of
(racist) and died in concentration camps.
10 The sound of
(giggly) could be heard coming from the
girls’ room. They must have been talking about something
II. Discourse Structure
Fill in each blank with one of the correct sentences below.
A. Even though German planes attacked the ship, the children made it through
B. Nevertheless, far more children could have been saved if the rest of the Western
World had not stood by and done nothing.
C. Its purpose was to find new homes for these Jews.
D. However, some Jewish children escaped death through a program called
E. Seeing this, the British government finally decided to accept some Jewish
During World War II, the Nazis killed millions of Jews in what has become
known as the Holocaust.
The program was part of what Winston Churchill
called Britain’s “finest hour.”
In the 1930s, many Jews wanted to leave Germany to escape the Nazis, but other
countries would not take them in. On July 6, 1938, an international meeting was held
in France.
Unfortunately, that meeting ended without agreement on any
action. Three days later, the Nazis destroyed thousands of Jewish homes and shops in
Germany and Austria. They then sent more than 30,000 Jewish men to concentration
This was the beginning of Kindertransport.
The program began in 1938 and ended in 1940. The last Kindertransport ship left
for Britain through Holland on the day World War II broke out.
Kindertransport saved about 10,000 children, but that figure represented less
than one percent of the children who were believed to have died in the Holocaust.
The Kindertransport provided the Jewish children with not only new homes but also
hopes to live.
1. D 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. B
III. Cloze Test
Choose the correct answer to fill in each blank.
The Holocaust was one of the greatest tragedies in human history. During World
War II, tens of thousands of Jews were forced
their homes and were sent to
concentration camps. Most of them were cruelly murdered by the Nazi government of
the victims, a teenage girl called Anne Frank was left to die
from a disease. Bergen-Belsen
was a place filled with prisoners from other
camps, was where she took her last breath. Though Anne Frank did not survive the
war, she did leave behind her diary, in which she kept a
of her life of
hiding in the Secret Annex. To make Anne’s suffering and hardships known to the
world, her father, the only survivor in her family, decided to have the diary
5 .
He hoped that with the help of this book, such tragedies would never
( A )1 (A) to leave
(B) leaving
(C) to be left (D) being left
( A )2 (A) Among
(B) Beneath
(C) Beside
(D) With
( C )3 (A) where
(B) in which
(C) , which
(D) that
( B )4 (A) balance
(B) record
(C) control
(D) promise
( C )5 (A) to publish
(B) publishing
(C) published
(D) to be published
( B )6 (A) occupy
(B) occur
(C) suffer
(D) prevent
IV. Blank-filling
Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks below.
(A) at any time
(B) beg
(C) at war
(D) happening
(E) losing
(F) ease
(G) robbed
(H) helpless
Anne Frank kept a diary when she lived in hiding for two years with her family
in Amsterdam, Holland. In her diary, she recorded the terrible things
outside the Secret Annex. She saw how
people were being dragged out of
their homes. What’s more, these people were often
of the small amounts of
cash and clothing they were allowed to take in their rucksacks. She also saw how
poor children gnawed on a carrot to
their hunger pain. These children even
stopped passers-by in the streets to
for a piece of bread. She heard the
planes passing over Holland on their way to sowing bombs on German soil
of the night and day. As the entire world was
7 , people everywhere lived in
constant fear. All were afraid of
their families and their lives.
1. D 2. H 3. G 4. F
5. B 6. A 7. C 8. E
V. Idioms and Phrases
Fill in each blank with one of the idioms or phrases listed below. Make changes if
look forward to (doing) something
round up . . .
be torn apart
keep (someone) out of something
lead up to something
1 In the weeks
leading up to
the festival, there was a joyful atmosphere in
the air.
2 All of the fans of the award-winning director are
looking forward to (watching)
his new movie.
3 Unable to
keep (himself) out of
trouble, Steven has been in and out of
prison several times.
4 The police
rounded up
the man who had been throwing eggs at the
5 After the war broke out, numerous people were killed and many happy families
were torn apart .
VI. Making Sentences
A. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences by using the given pattern.
S + be + made + to + V . . .
1 John gave up his opportunity to study abroad.
His girlfriend made him do so.
→ John was made to give up his opportunity to study abroad (by his girlfriend).
2 The boy with a toothache went to the dentist.
His mother made him do so.
→ The boy with a toothache was made to go to the dentist (by his mother).
3 The people who live in the low-lying area left their houses.
The flood made them do so.
→ The people who live in the low-lying area were made to leave their houses (by
the flood).
B. Rewrite the following sentences by using the given pattern.
S + be + being + V-en . . .
1 They are building another nuclear plant in spite of the opposition of local residents.
→ Another nuclear plant is being built in spite of the opposition of local residents.
2 They are conducting an experiment on mice to find out what side effects the new
drug might have.
→ An experiment on mice is being conducted to find out what side effects the new
drug might have.
3 Strong wind and waves are destroying the Queen’s Head in Yehliu.
→ The Queen’s Head in Yehliu is being destroyed by strong wind and waves.
VII. Translation
Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.
1 雖然聽得到音樂聲,但是垃圾車仍不見蹤影。
Even though the music can be heard, the garbage truck is still nowhere in sight.
2 我們能做的就是在路邊耐心地等待垃圾車。
All we can do is patiently wait on the side of the road for the garbage truck.
3 Jim 和我一樣,都喜歡在牛奶裡加一些可可亞粉。
Jim and I alike prefer to add some cocoa powder in milk.
4 我有一個新的消遣就是用我的手機玩遊戲。
I have new recreation, namely, playing games on my cell phone.
5 用英文寫日記不只有助於記錄每天發生的事,還可以增進你的英文寫作能
Keeping a diary in English can help you not only record what’s happening every
day, but it can also help you improve your English writing ability.
VIII. Reading Comprehension
Read the following article and choose the correct answer to each question or
France’s Anne Frank
Suite Française, written by Irène Némirovsky, gives a detailed description of her
life in France during World War II. It wasn’t published until the author had been dead
for more than sixty years. When the novel finally appeared in 2004, it became a bestseller, partly because of the dramatic life story of Irène Némirovsky.
Irène Némirovsky was born to a rich Jewish family in Russia. To escape the
1917 Russian Revolution, the Némirovskys moved to Paris, where the young Irène
soon became a famous writer. In 1926, Irène married a banker, and they had two
daughters. Even though the couple tried to protect its family from discrimination(歧
視), they couldn’t escape the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s.
Their situation became dangerous when the Nazis occupied Paris in 1940. Irène
and her family hid in a distant village, but even there, they were required to wear the
yellow stars that marked them as Jews. To record their difficult experiences in
France, Irène wrote down what she saw, heard, and experienced.
Unfortunately, Irène Némirovsky didn’t live long enough to finish the huge
novel that she had started. She was arrested by the Nazis and died in a concentration
camp in 1942. Irène’s husband also died, but her two daughters survived. It was not
until the 1990s, however, that Irène’s elder daughter finally read her mother’s
writings and realized that her mother had written a fine novel.
Suite Française is a story about innocent people caught in a terrible time. It
stands on its own as a work of art, but knowing Irène Némirovsky’s personal tragic
tale makes its description of courage and loss more touching.
( C )1 This article is mainly about
(A) the miserable lives that the Jews had to live during World War II in
(B) how Irène Némirovsky’s daughters found their mother’s writings
(C) Némirovsky’s life story and the novel she left behind
(D) innocent people being caught in a terrible time in both Russia and
( B )2 Which of the following adjectives is NOT appropriate to describe Irène
Némirovsky’s life?
(A) Tragic.
(B) Pleasant. (C) Dramatic. (D) Miserable.
( C )3 Which of the following is true about Irène Némirovsky?
(A) She was born to a poor Jewish family.
(B) She became famous as a writer after she died.
(C) She moved to Paris to escape the 1917 Russian Revolution.
(D) She died after she was released from a concentration camp.
( D )4 According to the article, the book Suite Française
(A) gives a detailed description of Irène Némirovsky’s life in Russia
(B) became an immediate best-seller during World War II
(C) was published by Irène Némirovsky’s husband after she died
(D) moves many readers with Irène Némirovsky’s courage and her loss.
( A )5 According to the article, which of the following is an act of discrimination?
(A) To have to wear a yellow star as a mark.
(B) To move to a distant village.
(C) To make one’s book a best-seller.
(D) To record someone’s life in words.
1. sole
6. conflict
11. betrayed
16. racist
2. policy
7. adopted
12. sowed
17. powdered
3. dizzy
4. drag
8. neighborhood 9. namely
13. hardship
14. giggling
18. occupied
5. gnawing
10. alike
15. authorities
1. On the night leading up to the graduation trip, Mary was too excited to fall asleep.
2. During the months that lead/leading up to the College Entrance Exam, the library is crowded
with high school students.
3. Doris is made to give up her job to be a full-time mother.
4. The boy is made to eat up all the vegetables on his plate.
5. Danny is not allowed to use the computer before every exam so that he can concentrate on his
6. Sue moved to Hualien so that she could take care of her parents.
7. The police (officers) rounded up the running car thief.
8. Andy rounded up the cattle and headed home.
9. Teresa’s mother died of cancer when she was little.
10. About one million people around the world died of the epidemic.
11. This book is published in ten different languages, and is being read all over the world.
12. Tigers are still being caught and killed in this country.
13. The ancient tomb was robbed of all the treasures inside.
14. The young man robbed the lady of her purse.
15. The family was torn apart by the storm.
16. The couple’s marriage was torn apart by the unexpected accident.
17. Mac asked David to keep out of this election.
18. Paul tries to keep out of the argument between his mother and sister.
19. Oscar looks/is looking forward to going to the beach.
20. Our family is looking/looks forward to taking/going on a vacation in the mountains.
21. Mr. Richardson laid aside some money for the new house.
22. Owen’s parents laid aside some money for his college education.
23. Douglas spent every penny buying a house.
24. I use every penny carefully/with caution.
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C
5. A
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. D
1. The racist policy led to the murder of millions of Jews.
2. They were made to wear a yellow star.
3. They were shot, gassed, or left to die of starvation or disease.
4. The only chance of survival was to hide.
5. She looked forward to new clothes and shoes.
6. They eased their hunger pain by gnawing on a carrot.
7. They were betrayed to the Nazi authorities and captured by the Gestapo and then sent to different
concentration camps.
8. Otto Frank, Anne’s father, is the sole survivor of the Holocaust in the Frank family.
9. He decided to have it published so that other people could read not only about the horrors of war
but also about the love, family, and friendship that had given Anne hope.
10. The Secret Annex has become a museum in memory of the people who suffered so many
hardships and those who died in the Holocaust.
1. D 2. A 3. C
4. B
5. C
1. Robin spent every penny on the new house.
2. He looked forward to moving into his new home.
3. Timothy saw a man rob a girl of her bag.
4. He didn’t call the police because he wanted to keep out of trouble.
5. During the days leading up to the speech competition, I was very nervous.
6. I listened to music so that I could relax.
7. Many families lost the money that they had laid aside for years during the war.
8. What’s more, they were torn apart.
9. A book is being read by Peter.
10. My sister was made to memorize ten words every day (by my parents).
11. They were also rounded up and then sent to concentration camps.
12. They were shot, gassed, or left to die of starvation or disease.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I am writing this letter to ask you for 10,000 NT dollars. Summer vacation is coming and here
is how I plan to use the money. First, I plan to spend 7000 dollars buying a digital camera. I always
love taking pictures. With the new camera, I can record my daily life with images. As for the
remaining 3,000 dollars, I want to go on a trip with my close friends. When the new semester starts
in September, we will all bury ourselves in the preparation for the college entrance exam. We plan
to relax and have some fun first. I promise that every penny will be put to very good use.
Your son
Listening Test
Part 1 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D
Part 2 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A
Part 3 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B