Hypothesis Testing -

Stat 503: Final – Review
Final : Thursday 12/17/09, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Math 175
Office hours next week: Wednesday 12/16/09, 9:30-11:30
Final grades will be available on the web on Friday 12/18/09 evening.
Extra office hours – Saturday 12/19/09, 10:00 – 12:00.
The exam is closed book and closed notes. You will be provided with the final formula
sheet (available on the web-page ) and statistical tables (necessary and unnecessary)
Three long computational problems on
1. Chi-square tests
chi-square tests of goodness of fit or chi-square tests of independence
Make sure you know how to
a) calculate expected values
b) estimate conditional probabilities
c) build a confidence interval for the difference in population proportions
d) use a chi-square test for a non-directional and directional alternative
Make sure you know how to
a) Calculate SSW and SSB given the sample means and standard deviations
b) Fill in the gaps in the ANOVA table
c) Find out the sample size and the number of groups based on the ANOVA
d) Perform F-test
e) Build confidence intervals for the difference in means using adjustment for
multiple testing (Bonferroni and Tukey)
3. Regression
Make sure you know how to
a) calculate the least squares regression line based on SSX and SPXY (instead of
SSX you may be given the corresponding standard deviation) and means of Y
and X
calculate predicted values and residuals
estimate the standard deviation of the error term
build a confidence interval for the slope
test the hypothesis of the lack of correlation between X and Y
calculate the correlation and determination coefficients given sums of
squares, sum of products and (or) the slope of the regression line(Sums of
squares can be replaced by the corresponding standard deviations. Also the
question can be reversed, e.g. Find the slope or the sum of squares of residuals
based on the correlation coefficient and some other parameters)
g) interpret the correlation coefficient
Two shorter computational problems on
1. Chapters 1-4
Make sure you know how to
a) calculate the probabilities and the quantiles of the normal distribution
b) calculate the probabilities for the Binomial distribution
c) identify Binormal distribution in text problems
d) apply the Central Limit Theorem to approximate the Binomial distribution
(with continuity correction)
e) calculate the distribution of the sample mean and the approximate
distribution of the sample proportion
f) use the Bayes formula for the conditional probability
2. Chapters 5-9
Make sure you
a) know how to build confidence intervals for the population mean and
b) know how to perform t-tests(directional and not directional) for two
independent samples and a paired design
c) understand the difference between two independent samples and a paired
design – know how to calculate the standard error for the difference in sample
means in both situations
d) know how to bracket and interpret a p-value
e) know which tests you are supposed to use when the data are not normal
f) know how to perform the Wilcoxon and the sign test
g) know how to calculate the exact p-value for the sign test
Short questions over the entire material – look at the old final and midterms.