Sociology 101 - Augusta University

Sociology 3303 A
Sociology of the Family
FALL 2014
14:30 pm- 15:45 pm TR
AH E256
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
Ms. Lisa Smoot
(706) 737-1735/ (706) 250-1842
SH 1064
Office Hours 4:00-5:00 pm (TR) or by appointment
Sociology 3303: Sociology of Family
Prerequisite: Sociology 1101
Semester Hours: 3
Introduction to the Course:
What is a family? What is the relationship between family and household structure and economic, political, and
cultural change both historically and in the more recent past? Why are many American’s choosing not to get married?
These are all questions we will answer throughout this course.
This course is designed to introduce students to the sociological study of families, situated within social,
economic, political, and historical contexts. The idea of “family” has been changed throughout history. While, the
perception of family in the United States is “universal”, in thought; it differs substantially by gender, race, age and social
class. We will discuss various issues such as intimacy, mate selection, and divorce. We will discuss how “family”, norms
and interrelationships are a byproduct of society.
This course will rely on lectures, discussions, in-class activities, and videos. Class lectures and assigned readings
are informative yet to understand the entire premise of this course discussions, activities and videos will help you fully
grasp the sociological form of thinking but be able to recognize these relationships in all facets of your daily live(s).
Students will be expected to apply the terms and concepts to assigned readings, class discussions and videos.
This class is NOT a lecture based class. To me, the idea of learning is not only memorizing key terms and facts, but
students should be able to apply what we learn in class/text to real life situations/society. Thus, I usually will not lecture
but will ask questions and expect students to respond and engage not only to myself but other classmates in discussion. I
assume that students have read the assigned material before class and will come prepared to discuss. My goal is for
students to engage their sociological imaginations in order to understand the idea of the “family”. The textbook will be
used to supplement critical concepts and to facilitate more in-depth conversations in class as well as on exams.
Required Text(s): Exploring Marriages & Families, Seccombe
Course Requirements and Evaluation
Attendance and participation
Reading Response Papers (total 3)
Other Assignments (pop quizzes, etc.)
Exams - 3
459-510= A
305-BELOW= F
408-458= B
357-407= C
306-356= D
Competencies/Student Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to
identify, define, describe, analyze, and respond to or apply sociological principles as they relate to the family.
Students will be able to:
I. How do we define the family
1. Discuss the evolution of a changing family
2. Discuss theoretical perspectives as they relate to the family
3. Understanding the functions of the family
4. The changing dynamics of the family
II. Recognize how social status, gender, sex and social class impact the family
1. Why are gender, race, ethnicity, and social class important to the family structure/development
2. Diversity in American families
3. Intersections of Sex, Gender, Race, Ethnicity
4. Sex/Sexuality in society/relationships
III. Describe the development of relationships
1. Understanding the factors for developing relationships
2. Technology: The new relationship venue
3. Identify and explain issues within relationships
4. Discuss courtship and mate selection
IV. Analyze Communication tools in relationships/family
1. Describe, define, and explain various communication formats in relationships
2. Identify how social, class, and culture affect/effect communication dialogue
3. Foundations of relationships
V. Identify Family Strengths, Challenges, and Reorganization
1. Identify and explain the nature of stress and crises in families
2. Identify and explain the various types of abuse in relationships
3. Understanding the process and experience of divorce
4. Discuss child rearing
4. Understanding the importance of family policy/programs
* No laptops/recorded devices allowed due to the sensitive conversations we have in class.
* Plagiarism is not allowed: Any work that is “not” your own-must be properly cited.
* Emails must be in proper format (not in text message format). If emails are non-professional it is up to the
instructors’ discretion to respond.
* It is the students’ responsibility to check emails/D2L daily for any announcements or assignments. (Not knowing
will not be a valid excuse for missing an assignment)
* Any emailed assignment(s) sent without prior approval will be automatically deleted and the student will be
assigned a “0”, for that assignment.
*It is up to the student to withdraw from the course not the instructor. If you fail to withdraw you will be given the
overall grade at the end of the course.
* Books are not an option-they are a required element of the course. If you cannot afford a textbook-please see me
at the beginning of the course.
* Emails are important for course communication-make sure you are able to log into D2L and your
account by the first week of class (not having the proper log-in credentials or etc—is not an excuse for missed
Initial: _________
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
D2L Assignments:
Students must submit assignments through Desire2Learn as directed. D2L is essential to our class and your
overall productivity in this course. Most of are assignments will be uploaded in the drop box located in D2L. We will have
class activities and lectures in class however, 95% of all your work is posted in D2L. Most of your assignments are
already posted in D2L at the beginning of the course—I always encourage students to start early (we will discuss settings
in class-to get reminders sent via text message/email).
Attendance and participation:
Your attendance and participation in class discussions will be an important element in regards to this course and
each student should come prepared to take part. Attendance and participation will consist of thirty points of your overall
course grade. I believe that students that attend and actively participate in class will get more out of this course. I
understand that not all students are comfortable in class discussions so this grade will also based on attendance. Tardiness
is not accepted and if a student is more than 15 minutes late for class, they will be marked absent for that day.
Excessive tardiness and absences will be detrimental to the participation grade, as will inappropriate in-class behavior
(disruptive comments, sleeping, reading newspapers, doing homework from other courses--and cell phones-- (turn them
OFF when you come in the door). If you miss, three days or more it is up to my discretion to drop you from the
Reading Response Papers:
Students will be required to complete 2 reading response papers based on readings coming from supplemental
readings/videos. You may include information from lectures, textbook readings and videos to display your knowledge of
the material. They must be turned in as stated on the syllabus calendar. The guidelines for these papers will be in a
separate handout posted on D2L.
******************************** NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED********************************
News Paper: Articles
Each student is required to submit a reading assignment based on media representations of families. Familyrelated issues are often the subject of news coverage and provide contemporary real-world examples of course topics.
Analyzing news stories about families is an ideal way to practice applying sociological ideas and family perspectives to
current events. Please note that these assignments are focused on news articles from reputable sources, including (but not
limited to) the New York Times,, or your local newspaper. It is also fine to draw from reputable international
newspapers. School newspapers (e.g., the Targum) do not count as news sources. Although I recommend you focus on
newspapers or news websites, I will also accept TV news segments so long as the segment is from a reputable source
and you can provide me a video of the segment along with the written assignment. Please ask if you have any questions
about whether something is a reputable news source because you will get zero credit for using an inappropriate source.
Limit of three persons per group (unless approved by instructor). This project requires you to direct a 15-20
minute script (scene, movie) utilizing the concepts/themes we have discussed in class. The team will be graded as an
entirety—meaning if someone is not actively participating or contributing to the group inform the instructor of
concerns/issues. Instructor must approve your topics before starting research. Grading will be based on a paper and
presentation/performance. (Guidelines will be given out in a separate handout)
There will be three exams online (D2L). Exam questions will be drawn from assigned readings, videos, class
discussions and lectures. Exams will be open on scheduled date(s) from 9:00 am- 11:55 pm. If you miss the scheduled
time—the exam will not be reopened. The exam(s) will be forced completion- meaning, that once the exam is open you
are not allowed to close or reopen it. Exam(s) will also be timed for one hour once launched.
Assignments must be typed, not hand-written, and you must complete every assignment in order to pass the
course. Further, all assignments must be handed in at the beginning of class on the day on which the assignment is due.
Any assignments handed in after their deadlines will be penalized 10 percent off the overall grade. In addition, papers
must be Times New Roman 12 font, doubled spaced, and must be stapled! If these rules are not followed, the
assignments will be deducted one-point for each page/each offense.
In Class/homework assignments:
In and out of class homework assignments will be assigned during various times in the semester. In class
assignments will usually consist of your response to a reading, a chapter of the book, a movie, or a group project that will
be completed in class and require a paper to be written. In class assignments will not be listed and credit will only be
given to students who are either University excused or in class that day.
Extra Credit:
There will be ample extra credit opportunities! Since there are many opportunities please do not ask me at the end
of the semester if I can give you extra points so your final grade will be higher or if there will be any more extra credit. I
suggest that you complete at least one extra credit assignment. If you are missing more than two regular assignments it is
up to my discretion on whether to allow your extra credit points to be counted.
Academic Honesty:
Students enrolled in this class are responsible for knowing and abiding by the University's Student Conduct Code,
particularly as it pertains to academic dishonesty. Students who violate the University's code of academic honesty and
integrity run the risk of failing this course.
Topics or Activities
T 8/19
R 8/21
T 8/26
What is the Family
Social Status: Sex, Gender,
Race, Ethnicity, and Social
Social Status: Sex, Gender,
Race, Ethnicity, and Social
Class- cont’
Sexual Identity, Behavior,
and Relationships
Sexual Identity, Behavior,
and Relationships-cont’
Test 1/Project Day 1
Communication, Conflict,
and Power in Our
Communication, Conflict,
and Power in Our
Family Stress and Crisis:
Violence among Intimates
The Process of Divorce
BOB (con’t)
Test 2/Project Day 2
Raising Children
Thinking about Parenthood
Project Day 3
R 8/28
T 9/2
R 9/4
T 9/9
R 9/11
T 9/16
R 9/18
T 9/23
R 9/25
T 9/30
R 10/2
T 10/7
R 10/9
T 10/14
R 10/16
T 10/21
R 10/23
T 10/28
R 10/30
T 11/4
R 11/6
T 11/11
R 11/13
T 11/18
R 11/20
T 11/25
R 11/27
T 12/2
Learning Objectives
Assignments, Exams, or
Read: Syllabus
(Syllabus Quiz)
All Research Papers Due!!!
Test 3/Project Day
October 14, 2014 (Mid-term)
December5, 2014 Last day of class
November 27-29 (Thanksgiving Holiday)
Student Contract
I have read the entire syllabus and understand all rules and regulations set forth by Ms. Smoot. Please also understand that
the items listed within the syllabus can be changed at anytime by Ms. Smoot. This contract must be signed and returned
to Ms. Smoot after it is read in its entirety by 08/31/2014 .
(POSTED IN D2L for grade- do not bring to class—submit via D2L)
Printed Name