GEORGIA BAPTIST COLLEGE OF NURSING OF MERCER UNIVERSITY HEALTH ASSESSMENT (NURN211) ASSESSMENT OF THE NEUROLOGICAL & MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEMS Lesson Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate appropriate techniques for neurologic assessment by: inspection, cranial nerve and sensory testing, proprioception and cerebellar function testing, reflex testing, and by techniques to elicit sensations of pain, touch, vibration, position sense, and fine touch. C1:P2:L3-2b; C2:P2:L3-2d 2. Demonstrate techniques to assess motor movement and strength. C1:P2:L3-2b; C2:P2:L3-2d 3. Differentiate between normal and abnormal findings with age differences of the adult client. C3:P6:L3-6d 4. Recognize expected and unexpected outcomes of mental status by appearance, orientation, thought content and processes, mood and affect, judgment, and abstract reasoning C3:P6:L3-6d 5. Considering review of systems and client history, document a neurologic and musculoskeletal assessment accurately and comprehensively. C1:P2:L3-2b 6. Analyze neuro-muscular findings to identify actual and potential health problems and risks. C4:P6:L3-6d Content Outline: 1. Mental Status Assessment 1.1. appearance 1.2. behavior 1.3. communication 1.4. abstract thinking & judgment 2. 3. Assessment of the neurologic system 2.1. health history data 2.2. cerebral function 2.3. cranial nerve assessment 2.4. sensory responses 2.5. reflexes 2.6. cerebellar function Assessment of the motor system 3.1 range of motion and muscle strength 3.2 limb measurements 3.3 spinal, hip, and knee assessment 4. Abnormal findings & related pathology: 4.1. Compartment syndromes - Phalens test 4.2. Herniated Nucleous Pulposes (HNP) 4.3. Brudzinski’s sign for meningitis 4.4 Knee ballottement, Lachman test, and McMurrays 5. 6. Documentation and analysis of assessment data with nursing diagnoses Symptom analysis and documentation Teaching/Learning Activities: 1. Case study/discussion 2. View videotapes: NeuroScience Nursing: "Increased Intracranial Pressure" 3. Laboratory demonstration/practice of assessment techniques Nursing Series: Neurological Deficits 4. Review CD prior to class 5. Documentation Required Readings: Chapter 6: Mental Status Assessment Chapter 22: Musculoskeletal System Chapter 23: Neurological System Rev.5/08 HH EXAMPLES OF RECORDING FOR THE PHYSICAL EXAM NEURO/MUSCULOSKELETAL Face: Symmetrical at rest and with movement, jaw muscles strong, no crepitation or limitation in movement of temporomandibular joint. Sensory: pain and light touch intact. Eyes: Vision (distant with glasses): R, 20/40; L, 20/30; can read newspaper at 18 in. Visual fields full. Extraocular movements: bilaterally intact; no nystagmus, ptosis, lid lag. Pupils: PEERLA Fundoscopic examination: normal veins and arteries; disc round, margins well defined, color yellowish pink; macular areas normal; no arteriovenous nicking, hemorrhages, or exudates. Corneal reflex: present bilaterally. Ears: Hearing: finger rub heard in both ears at 3 ft. Weber test: no lateralization. Rinne test: AC 2x > BC bilaterally. Nose: Able to identify odors bilaterally. Oral cavity: Palate: intact, moves symmetrically with phonation, gag reflex present. Tongue: strong, midline, moves symmetrically. Taste: able to differentiate sweet and sour. Neck: Full ROM, strong symmetrically. Neural system: Alert, oriented x3; mood appropriate and stable; remote and recent memory intact; several calculations by 6 accurate; insight normal; cranial nerves intact, examined and recorded in head and neck regions; all movement coordinated; able to perform rapid coordinated movements with upper and lower extremities. Reflexes: 2+ through out. (see chart) Sensory: light touch, pain, and vibration to face trunk, and extremities intact and symmetrical; position sense intact bilaterally in upper and lower extremities; walks with coordination, able to maintain standing position with eyes closed (Romberg intact). Extremities and musculoskeletal system: Muscular development and mass normal for age; arms and legs symmetrical; skin warm, soft, neither moist nor dry; normal male hair growth on arms; legs, and feet; no edema; varicosities, or tenderness; joints nontender, not swollen; normal ROM; muscle tone and strength normal bilaterally; ROM; no tenderness or deformities. neuro.211 DD/1991;5/95/hh; 10/97/hh/lmw; Rev hh 3-04 NEUROLOGICAL EXAM I. II. MENTAL STATUS A. General appearance and behavior B. Level of consciousness C. Intellectual performance D. Emotional status CRANIAL NERVES A. Olfactory (I) B. Optic (II) C. 1. visual acuity 2. visual fields 3. fundoscopic Oculomotor (III), Trochlear (IV) & Abducens (IV) 1. cardinal fields of gaze 2. oculomotor's other functions a. direct, consensual constriction b. accommodation D. Trigeminal (V) 1. 2. Sensory a. light touch b. pain c. corneal reflex Motor a. masseter and temporal muscles E. Facial (VII) 1. sensory - anterior tongue 2. motor - facial movements F. G. H. Acoustic (VIII) 1. watch tick 2. Weber 3. Rinne Glossopharyngeal (IX) and Vagus (X) 1. swallowing 2. rise of soft palate 3. gag Spinal Accessory (XI) 1. strength of tongue 2. strength of sternocleidomastoid & neck I. III. Hypoglossal (XII) 1. protrude tongue 2. strength of tongue CEREBELLAR FUNCTION (BALANCE & COORDINATION) A. Whole body coordination 1. gait 2. heel-toe 3. Rhomberg; pronator drift 4. Deep knee bend B. 1. Upper body 2. finger-nose 3. point-to-point C. Lower body 1. IV. heel-shin REFLEX STATUS 0-4+ Very brisk/hyperactive (Upper motor neuron disease possible) A. B. C. Biceps C5-6 Brachiordialis C5-6 Triceps C6,7 D. E. Patellar L2,3,4 Achilles S1 V. MOTOR SYSTEM A. Muscle size B. Muscle tone C. Muscle strength D. Involuntary movements 1. Tremors: Intention, Resting, Postural VI. SENSORY SYSTEM A. Light touch B. Pain C. Vibration (tuning fork extremities/joints) D. Motion and Position E. Two-point discrimination (normal 2-3mm) F. Point localization G. Stereognostic function H. Graphesthesia Neuro 211 Rev 3/04 hh GEORGIA BAPTIST COLLEGE OF NURSING OF MERCER UNIVERSITY Mental Status Assessment Appearance--grooming, posture, facial expression, gait mannerisms Behavior--eye contact, speech patterns, tone of voice, clarity of speech, body language Consciousness--sensorium, (altered, confused, unresponsive), attentiveness to environment Mood and Affect Cognitive functioning Orientation Time Place Person Attention and Concentration Digit Span Serial sevens or threes Simple arithmetic calculations Memory Recent--What did client have for breakfast? Give address to remember and ask about it five minutes later. Remote--Ask client his/her birthday. List grades in school. Fund of Knowledge (General intelligence, nonstandardized) Aware of current events Can name last 3-5 presidents Can name governor of state and mayor of city Knows nation's capitol Can name the seasons of the year Abstract Thinking Proverbs Judgment Insight--Client's thoughts about present situation. Perception and Coordination Write name or sentence Draw common figures Thought Processes-ability to form associations and connections between thoughts Blocking Circumstantiality Tangentiality Confabulation Looseness of associations Flight of ideas Perseveration Word salad Thought Content Obsessive Somatic Violent Presence of hallucinations, illusions and/or delusions Judgment Letter found on street Smoke in crowed movie theater Documentation of Mental Status Assessment The client is a 25 year old, well-groomed woman who speaks clearly and coherently to the examiner. Oriented x 3. Able to remember 7 digits forward and 5 backward. No difficulty with serial sevens or arithmetic calculations. Recent and remote memory intact. Fund of knowledge and intelligence adequate. Able to abstract proverbs--when asked "Don't cry over spilled milk, " responded, "Don't focus on a situation that can't be corrected. No problems with perception and coordination as evidenced by figure drawings. Though content appropriate--no evidence of suicidal/homicidal thoughts, denies delusions, hallucinations and illusions. Judgment intact--would mail stamped, addressed letter found on the street. N. Ice: Winter/1991 Reviewed 10/92/NI, 11/93 Revised 6/93/NI; 5/95/hh mntl-lab.211