reading and writing iii - Erie Community College

SPR 2006
Ellene S. Phufas
Welcome to the Reading and Writing III course (EN132 ) – 3
hours degree credit.
Distance Learning website:
By the end of this course, you must be able to write a
composition in English of approximately 250 words in length
with no more than eight errors in punctuation, spelling, word
usage, and g rammar. The ideas in the paragraphs must be clear,
well-organized and properly connected. You must also be able
to read and understand English in at least a high level
secondary school level or beginning college level.
To help you improve your reading a nd writing ability in English
we will do a number of exercises including dictation, spelling,
editing, reading activities, grammar, punctuation practice, and
research strategies using the Internet, using your textbook, and
doing the exercises posted on ANGEL.
Posted online there will be lectures, grammar practice, reading
activities, pre-writing and writing activities.
You will be writing your drafts several times to review errors
and to correct them. I will help you in the preparation of your
writing by pointing out to you all the different types of errors
that you may have. Your job will then be to rewrite the draft so
that it is as perfect as possible and so that you may learn from
the process.
Sometimes you might need to go to the English lab (Room 360)
or the Bilingual lab (Room 200) for assistance with grammar or
writing or reading exercises. You may also use the internet to
contact the instructor. It is possible to conference online at the
convenience of the student and the instructor. (W hiteboard)
All homework and final drafts should be typed using MS
WORD. Do not use any other program. If you do not have
MSWord, please save your work in RTF (rich text format)
before you send it to me.
I will help all students to get set up on the co mputer during
Orientation, but it will be the student's job to go to the
computer lab or use the computer at home to do the work. If
the student cannot come to the orientation, pleas make an
appointment with the instructor to receive the information
needed as soon as possible (ASAP)
1. Text: Concepts and Comments by Ackert and Lee
2. Bilingual or English-English dictionary - The American
Heritage Dictionary is recommended and is available in
the bookstore.
3. 3.5" high density diskette or scandisk for saving, printing,
and sending your computer work
The homework assignments are available online at
It is required that you become familiar with email and
attachments as soon as possible! Everyone must use the ECC
webmail email. No hotmail/yahoo/ms mail etc.
There will be announced quizzes during the semester. These
quizzes are to help you to get practice with spelling, grammar,
etc. There is no midterm exam.
All homework including the
midterm and final exam will be graded by the instructor of
the course. The midterm grade is not permanent and is used
for the purpose of letting you know how you are doing in the
course. You must finish all the assignments in the course in
order to pass the course.
Your grades will be calculated after you finish the following
Satisfactory completion of all assignments in the textbook
and quizzes.
Satisfactory completion of research paper (3 -5 pages).
Satisfactory completion of discussion b oard assignments.
Please check at the website regularly for announcements and
assignments. Try to do the work as soon as possible by the date
Do not wait until the last minute to do the work for the
Do not wait until December to do the work for the course.
You cannot do it.
1) In order to improve your writing you must write.
2) To help you to write well you must read. There are plenty
of reading in the textbook you have to read but if you have time
read other selections that I post on ANGEL.
3) Read anything. Read in English or in your native language
but especially in English. If you like sports, read about sports.
If you enjoy politics, read magazines and newspapers with
articles about politics. If you like poetry and fiction, read
books of literature.
4) To help you reach your goals,
 There are a number of handouts available online at the
ANGEL website.
 In addition we will discuss different questions online at
the ANGEL discussion board website where your written
commentary or feedback will be posted.
 Finally, when I notice specific problems with grammar or
spelling or vocabulary, etc. I will post materials online to
help you with these problems. I want to h elp you solve
these problems with your cooperation.
5) The Internet is a wonderful tool to help people increase
their knowledge about the world and help improve language
ability. Make sure that you spend time getting familiar with
the Internet and all t he websites the instructor recommends.
6) Keep in touch with the instructor by email , voicemail, or in
person. If there is a question/problem/ dilemma concerning
English or any of your classes, please contact me as soon as
possible (ASAP).
In order to pass this course you must do the
 Write at least five essays of at least 250
words with topics in the textbook.
 Do all assignments completely and well
using MSWORD. If you do not have MS
WORD you need to save your documents in
rtf (rich text fo rmat) and the download the
MSWORD viewer to see the corrections and
comments I make to your papers. The
viewer can be downloaded at the distance
learning website.
 Write a 3-5 page research paper
 Take all required quizzes
 Take a final exam ( optional at the discretion
of the instructor)