Italian 201 - Southeastern Louisiana University

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Instructor: Elisabetta LeJeune
OBJECTIVES: Italian 201 is the third course in the 12-hour sequence of 101, 102, 201, and 202. It is an
elementary level course designed to develop and strengthen oral and written communication, reading and
listening. Students will be exposed to the language as a means of communication in order to develop
communicative language ability. Therefore, your instructor will speak mainly Italian in class, and English
will be kept to a minimum.
Lazzarino et. al., Prego! (rental), 5th. ed., McGraw Hill, 2000.
Workbook and Laboratory Manual (resale)
Italian/English Dictionary
English Grammar for Students of Italian
Student Audio Program (cassettes or CDs)
GRADE: The course grade will be determined as follows:
Lesson Tests
Oral Communication Assessment
Written Communication Assessment
Homework/Lab book
Final Exam
A 100 / 90
B 89 / 80
C 79 / 70
D 69 / 65
F below 65
Optimum performance in a second language requires constant exposure to the language and practice. It is
important that you participate actively in classroom activities every day, keep up with homework
assignments, and read/study assigned textbook materials. Your attendance is mandatory.
QUIZZES You will have a variety of quizzes every day during this course. Quizzes will focus on specific
points covered in each chapter; format will vary. Duration of each quiz will not exceed 15 minutes.
EXAMS are cumulative. There will be 2 chapter exams plus the final. Each exam will have sections on
listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, reading and culture, and composition. Compositions
will emphasize the vocabulary and grammar structures that you have been studying most recently, but
will also incorporate everything that you have learned so far.
HOMEWORK is any activity assigned by the instructor to be prepared outside of class. These may
include translations, lab work, presentations, oral interviews, lab/workbooks, handouts, readings,
compositions, exercises, etc. Assignments should be completed prior to coming to class. The average
student, in order to be successful (i.e., earn a “C” or better), should study at least two hours outside class
for every hour he/she is in class.
COMPOSITIONS AND ORAL COMUNICATION will emphasize the vocabulary and grammar
structures you have been studying most recently, but will incorporate everything that you have learned so
far. They must be ready by the due date on the schedule with no exceptions.
Additional information
1. Only Southeastern's Webmail addresses must be used to communicate with the
2. If a student has not contacted me by the fourteenth day of class, he/she will be
withdrawn from the class.
3. Students with a valid reason for missing class are responsible for obtaining
class notes from other students and discussing with the instructor the feasibility
of making up any missed exams and/or assignments. It is not always possible to
make up some in-class assignments. Excessive absences will impact student's
learning and, in some cases, can impact other students. Excessive unexcused
absences after the withdrawal date can result in failure.
4. Students who turn in work other than their own will fail the course.
5. Free discussion, inquiry, and expression are encouraged in this
class. However, students are expected to display respectful behavior towards the
instructor and fellow classmates. Disruptive behavior that interferes with
teaching and learning is not acceptable.
6. If you need extra help or you have problems completing your work, come see
me during my office hours or make an appointment.
7. If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under
the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the
office of Disability Services, Room 203, Student Union. No accomodation will be
granted without documentation from the Office of Disability Services.
8. Friday February 14, 2008 is the last day to resign from the university or
withdraw from this term class.
9. The final exam is on March 12.