Study Guide for Chemistry Test – Electron configurations & Periodic

Study Guide for Chemistry Test –Electrons in Atoms & Periodic Table
Sections in the book – 13.1 – 13.3, 5.4, 14.1 – 14.2
Words/Terms to know:
Periodic table
Alkali Metals
ground state
Alkaline Earth Metals
excited state
Group or family
Noble Gases
flame test
Representative elements
energy level
Transition metals
quantum mechanical model
Inner transition metals
atomic orbitals
sublevels (subshells)
Energy levels (energy shells)
Metalloids or Semimetals
electron configurations (rules to write them)
s, p, d, f blocks
electromagnetic radiation
Electron configuration
Valence electrons
Electron dot structures
atomic emission spectrum
Octet Rule
continuous spectrum
Good to review: Notes, worksheets, quiz on periodic table
Pg 409 #10-12, 14, 18, 22, 24, 27
Pg 432 #20, 21, 23, 24
Test Set up –
 Multiple Choice, True/False, Diagram of Periodic Table that you will have to identify specific parts of it
(groups and families and types of elements – metals, nonmetals, metalloids),
 Problems – calculate the wavelength, frequency or energy of light, electron configurations, determine
valence electrons and write dot structures of elements, determine the trends using the periodic table
 Possible short answer questions – Determine the identity of an unknown element using chemical and
physical properties Explain why metals lose electrons and why nonmetals gain electrons.
Answers to review questions:
Pg 409 #10-12, 14, 18, 22, 24, 27
10 Noble gases are found in group 18 and they are the least reactive elements, Representative elements are
found in groups 1,2 and 13 – 18, the transition elements are found in groups 3 – 12, and the inner
transition elements are found in the two rows below the periodic table
11 a) B 1s22s22p1
b) Mg 1s22s22p63s2 c) As 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p3
12 Na, Mg, and Cl are representative elements
14 This is because the outermost electron configuration tells us the block, the row and the number of
elements over in the block that the element is located. For example [Ar] 4s2 tells us that the element is
located in the s-block in row 4 and it is the second one over in the s-block making it the element Calcium
18 a) sodium
b) strontium c) germanium
d) selenium
22 a Sr, Mg, Be b) Cs, Ba, Bi c) Na, Al, S
24 a) Na
b) S2-
c) I -
d) Al
27 a) F
b) N
c) Mg
d) As
Pg 432 #20, 21, 23, 24
20. Valence electrons are electrons that are in the highest energy level of an atom
21. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine. They are in group 17, They all have 7 valence
23. a) :Cl .
b) :S .
c) Al .
d) Li
24. B/c the energy level are all full of electrons