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Plant Tissue Systems Worksheet

4.2 Plant Tissue Systems (pg 129 – 133)
Similar to stem cells in animals, ________________________________ are undifferentiated plant cells that
can form any kind of specialized tissue.
Plant tissues are classified into three tissue systems, each containing a variety of specialized cell
types that carry out specific functions within the plant. The three major tissue systems of plants
o ____________________________
o ____________________________
o ____________________________
The dermal tissue system forms the ______________________. It includes both _______________
_________________________ tissues. These tissues are what you see when you look at the leaves,
stem, and roots of a plant.
______________________________ is the thin layer of cells that covers the surfaces of leaves,
stems, and roots. In woody plants, the epidermal tissue is replaced by ______________________,
which forms bark on stems and large roots.
Some cells of the dermal tissue system __________________________ from the surrounding soil.
Others produce a layer of wax to ___________________ the surface of leaves. Still others contain
chemical irritants for defence.
A plant’s vascular tissue system is ____________________________________________________.
There are two types of vascular tissue: __________________________________.
___________ carries water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. Water
moves through the tubes in one direction.
______________ transports solutions of sugars produced during photosynthesis, as well as other
dissolved nutrients and hormones. In phloem tissue food materials may be transported in either
o downward from photosynthesizing leaves to stem and roots or
o upward from the root and stem to the leaves.
_____________________________ are part of the third major tissue of plants. They are the filler
between the dermal and the vascular tissues.
Ground tissues perform a variety of functions, depending on their location within the plant:
o In the green parts of the plants, ________________________________________________.
o In the stems, they _______________________________________.
o In the roots, they _______________________________.
HOMEWORK: pg 133 #1-6