Introduction to the Teaching Profession EDF 2005 Mondays – 2:00

Introduction to the Teaching Profession
EDF 2005
Mondays – 2:00 – 4:45
Room: SS203
1/5/12 – 5/7/12
Professor name: Dr. Angela Gonzalez
Professor office hours: Before or after class, by appointment
Professor e-mail address:
Home Page:
Phone: 305-934-2308
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the nature of teaching in public schools in
the United States. Topics include: Planning and preparation for teaching; roles and
responsibilities of teachers; relationship between schools and society; organizing, financing,
and control of public schools; historical perspective; and the aims and objectives of education
as a social institution.
Core Course Objectives: The basic objective of this course is to assist the student in acquiring
awareness and an understanding of the growth and development of formal education in
America. Although it is realized that not all students who enroll in the course are potential
teachers, emphasis is given to planning for professional participation.
1. The nature of society and the concepts of education it supports
2. Historical development of formal education in America
3. Philosophical differences
4. Organization and administrative procedures in American schools
5. The study of financial support of education in America
6. Programs for teacher preparation, certifications, and accreditation
7. Analysis of the Florida school system in relation to most of the above listed objectives
Special Requirements for This Course:
Each student is required to complete 15 hours of Field Observation for this course. The process
is easy to follow. Students should go to the Field Observation website and follow the instructions there for signing up.
The site contains:
A Quick Guide to Field Observation
The Process for Signing up for Field Observation
A Student Guide and Forms to Download
Frequently Asked Questions
Link to contact me with questions or concerns
Please note that this is a new edition.
Teachers, Schools, and Society. A Brief Introduction to Education. 2nd Edition. David Miller
Sadker & Karen R. Zittleman, Boston, MA: McGraw Hill, 2009. (ISBN: 978-0-07-337855-8) 2
Student’s responsibilities Time management and self-motivation are very important aspects of
college courses. Assignments are set to help you pace your workload. Please utilize additional
resources such as The Student Learning Center (SLC).
Grading Scale and Policy:
Grading Policy
Attendance and Participation
Assignments & Quizzes
Final Project
Field Observations/Journal
Grading Scale
89.5-100% =A
79.5-89.4% =B
69.5-79.4% =C
59.5-69.4% =D
Below 59.5% =F
Equipment and Supplies: Please come to class prepared with writing materials, i.e., pen/pencil,
paper, etc. On occasion, special equipment may be required (markers, poster board). If this
occurs, you will be notified in advance.
Course Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1
The Teaching Profession and You
Chapter 2
Diverse Learners
Chapter 3
Student Life in School & At Home
Chapter 4
History of American Education
Chapter 5
The Struggle for Educational Opportunity
Chapter 6
Philosophy of Education
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3
Week #4
Week #5
Week #6
Week #7
Chapter 7
Financing and Governing America’s Schools
Chapter 8
School Law and Ethics
Chapter 9
Schools: Choices & Challenges
Chapter 10
Curriculum, Standards, & Testing
Chapter 11
Becoming an Effective Teacher
Final Class Presentation of Field Experience
Field Experience Paper Due
Film Analysis & Final Exam Meeting
Week #8
Week #9
Week #10
Week #11
Week #12
Week #13
Week #14
Tests, Quizzes, and Final Examination Schedule:
See course calendar at the end of this document. (This will be added at a later date)
Professor’s expectations:
It is expected that students will demonstrate respect for the Professor and fellow students.
Given some sensitive topics that will arise in this course, it is particularly vital that awareness,
tolerance, compassion and empathy be employed to its fullest extent during class discussions.
Also, students will make a sincere and conscientious commitment to complete assignments as
Each student is to have read the assignment prior to the class discussion on the material so that
they are familiar with the topic and can take part in the class discussions. Each student is also
expected to be an active participant in any group activity or assignment that is given. Weekly
quizzes are intended to foster inquiry, group collaboration and to ensure that material is being
read regularly. Quizzes are not intended to assess overall mastery of the material.
All course documents and regular announcements are posted on
Electronic Device Usage: If student’s require a laptop or other electronic device for the
purpose of note taking, please see the instructor. Otherwise, it is preferred that laptops not be
used during class time. Cell phone use in not permitted during class. Likewise, texting or
playing any type of game on a cell phone or other electronic device is not permitted. Students
observed texting will be asked to leave the classroom until they are prepared to return in a
“text-free” state. Students asked to leave will be held accountable for whatever material/work
that is missed.
Late assignment policy: Deadlines are set to help you pace out your workload. Assignments
are due on the date provided.
Make-up exam policy:
Make-up tests will not be given unless a valid note for a valid reason can be produced. If this is
the case, a make-up quiz/exam will be given during final exam week. If a note cannot be
produced on the day of the make-up, zero will be placed in to any missing grades with no
chance of making up the assignment. Work, weddings, vacations, sports, public school holidays,
pets, relationships, etc are not valid reasons to miss assignments. Collaboration with others is
allowed on homework and in-class work, but not on tests, quizzes or exams.
Methods of instruction:
Class lectures, discussions, research articles, cooperative group learning. Visual aids and
technology used as available and appropriate.
Computer competency component:
Each student will, to the satisfaction of the professor, demonstrate a fundamental
understanding of basic computer operations through various professor-determined exercises
and/or assignments.
Email Policies:
Palm Beach State College e-mail addresses will be the primary means of communication outside
of class sessions. Be sure to check PBSC e-mail regularly for class information and updates or
changes. Assignment directions/worksheets are regularly sent via email before class. Please
be sure to check your email before each class meeting to ensure that the proper materials are
with you for each class.
To successfully complete this course, your work must be of college caliber. Active and
meaningful participation is expected in class and group discussions of content. Discussion
questions may relate to weekly chapter readings and/or relevant personal experiences and
knowledge. Sheer attendance is not sufficient: tardiness and absences will count against you.
Professional Dispositions include individual characteristics that are not measurable in objective
(1) Attendance and punctuality to class and field experience assignment.
(2) Demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to the Florida Teachers Code of Ethics.
(3) Respectful and timely communication with course instructor and classmates.
(4) Professional attire and behavior
(5) Preparation for class
(6) Class participation
(7) Demonstrated openness, respect, and sensitivity toward diversity and
(8) Enthusiasm for the field of education.
(9) Willingness to become fully involved in the educational process of all students in
urban schools.
(10) Understands and demonstrates a commitment to the goals and objectives of the
(11) Demonstrates ethical behaviors regarding other student’s efforts in the course
(e.g.: cooperation and commitment to group projects).
(12) Exhibits work beyond the required minimum expectations set for the course.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at
making false representation with respect to the student's academic performance:
(1) Cheating on an exam,
(2) Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of
the course,
(3) Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in
another course,
(4) Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions,
including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance,
examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other that the
student under whose name the work is submitted or performed,
(5) Plagiarism.
Please refer to the Palm Beach Community College Student Handbook for further
Students are expected to attend all courses and course activities for which they are registered.
Any class meeting missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity of learning and may
adversely affect a student's achievement in the course. Class attendance policies are set by
individual professors and/or departments. An accurate record of attendance will be kept for
each class. Students are expected to adhere to the policies set by each Professor.
As class participation can only occur when present, grades will be negatively affected with
excessive absenteeism. Students will receive no participation penalty for the first three
unexcused absences. However, any absence after this point will result in a negative
participation grade.
Students, when officially representing the College, such as on a field trip, shall not be counted
absent, provided their professors are given prior notification and any missed assignments are
subsequently completed to each professor's satisfaction.
Students will be granted excused absences in the case of a substantiated emergency such as a
confining illness, a serious accident or the death of an immediate relative. Students are
responsible for immediately informing their professors when they must miss class sessions for
emergency meetings.
Excused absences will be granted only if a note is produced for substantiated emergencies.
Work, weddings, vacations, sports, family issues, pets, personal relationships, public school
holidays, etc are not reasons to miss assignments. Collaboration with others is allowed on
homework and in class work, but not on tests or exams.
Classroom Etiquette and Student Behavior Guidelines
Students will demonstrate respect for professors and fellow students. Behavior that is
disruptive to a positive learning environment reported by the professor will result in a warning
on the first instance; the second instance might result in expulsion from the course or campus. .
I hold the right to subtract points from exams or quizzes for rude/unruly behavior at my
discretion. This includes coming in late, texting, talking etc.
Disability Support Services
Students with disabilities are advised, in compliance with federal and state laws, that
accommodations and services are available through the office of Disability Support Services
(DSS). It is the student's responsibility to contact Disabled Student Services Advisors at this
location and to submit appropriate documentation prior to receiving services.
Disability Support Services
College-Wide Coordinator Susan Lang 868-3375
Belle Glade John Pierson 993-1125
Boca Raton Susan Mills 862-4316
Lake Worth Jelecia Kirk 868-3046
Palm Beach Gardens Ken Swain 207-3193
Eating, Drinking and Smoking
Eating and drinking are confined to cafeteria and outside buildings.. Smoking is not permitted in
any College building.
Student Responsibility Policy
When a student attends the College, s/he becomes subject to its jurisdiction. Students are
expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in all areas of campus life. By
enrolling, they pledge to obey the rules and regulations of the College and are responsible for
observing all College policies and procedures as published in the student handbook, the College
catalog and other College publications. The student will be responsible for preparing for class,
participating in class, and completing assignments on time.
Palm Beach State Websites of Interest
Please see this web page ( for a list of web addresses for
Withdrawal Policy for Individual Courses
The last day to withdraw from a College course with a "W" grade in this course is March 27,
2012. It is the responsibility of the student to use the PantherWeb system or visit a campus
Registrar’s office to withdraw. An official withdrawal entitles the student to a grade of "W" in
the class.
Department Contact Information
Department Contact Name: Dr. Susan Caldwell
Office Location: Lake Worth, SS 101.1
Telephone: 868-3339
Fax Number: 868-3327
Email address: