1/2004 OMB Circular A-133 Audits of State, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations AUDIT REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION FORM Grantee: Grant Number(s): Address: Contact Person: Telephone #: Date Submitted: We have reviewed the audit requirements noted in the above referenced Grant Agreement and do agree to comply with the requirements stated therein. Upon completion of audits conducted during the grant period, we will forward a copy to you for review and clearance as required by this OMB Circular. The following is information on the next organization-wide audit which will include this agency. 1. * Audit Period: Beginning: Ending: 2. Audit is scheduled to begin on: 3. Date Audit Report will be submitted to Finance: 4. Federal Identification Number *NOTE: The Audit Period is the organization’s fiscal or calendar year to be audited. Also, include the month, day and year for “Beginning” and “Ending” period. Additionally, we have or will notify our auditor of the above audit requirements prior to performance of the audit for the period listed above. We will also ensure that the entire grant period will be covered by an audit meeting this OMB Circular’s requirements, which in some cases will mean more than one audit must be submitted. We will advise the auditor to cite specifically that the audit was done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, if we expend $500,000 or more in a year for all Federal awards received. We understand that all audit costs incurred to have the audit completed in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 will be paid with local funds. Also, we understand Federal grant funds (CDBG) and S.C. Department of Commerce agency funds cannot be used to pay any part of the audit costs incurred. Any additional information regarding this OMB Circular audit requirements will be furnished upon request. Signature, Authorized Official Please Return To: SC Department of Commerce- Finance 1201 Main Street, Suite 1600 Columbia, SC 29201 Date