Team Captain THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE RULES 2012 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE INTRODUCTION Established in 1993 as the 1st statewide computerized handicap scoring dart league in Rhode Island. We are committed to sportsmanship, accountability, accessibility, communication and FUN. Our Per Point Dart Average System is designed to allow players of all calibers to be competitive with each other - a beginner has a chance to win. We are always looking for ways to expand, so if you have a team or an establishment that would be interested in the fun and benefits our league can deliver - please write, e-mail, fax or call our office. There are 3 separate seasons each year. Each season has Division Playoffs and a State Championship. We assume no responsibility for any accidents or injuries incurring at any place or at any time. Our League finishes usually in 2 to 2 ½ hours. All players should read this Rulebook. We offer dart leagues Sunday 6:30 pm & Tuesday 7:30 pm CONTACT INFORMATION League Office Telephone \ Fax 401-885-2468 Mailing Address: Rhode Island Dart League P.O. Box 733 N. Kingstown, RI 02852-0632 E-Mail: These rules and policies were written by Stephen and Cherrie Dorsey in 1992 © Go to our website For all Schedules – Team rosters – Achievements – States & any updates Reminder: All Darts & Supplies C.O.D. 1 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE Visit the web site Weekly Posting by Divisions as needed Team Rosters Achievements Schedules Updates Rule book for Captain Season Playoffs (3 per year) RI State Championships (3 per year) Fees: $5 Membership for each player each season Team $30 Weekly dues Starting week 1 of Schedule Updated January 23, 2012 2 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # Achievements / Pins 29 – A Bonus Points 23 Byes 22 – 5 Corkshoot 21 -3 & 4 Dartboard Setup 26 Dues / Lineup Envelope Spare Front Pocket 13 Sample 13 Forfeits 22 – 4 League Rules 21 League Games – including 301 ‘27’ dart rule 20 Make-ups 22 - 3 Match Envelope 12 Membership 7 Membership Application Sample 8 Blanks - Front pocket Out Chart single / double Front Pocket Player Dues Log Front Pocket Player Rotation – Lineup Front Pocket Playing Area & Equipment 25 Playoffs 28 PPDA Per Point Dart Average 5&6 Chart Front Pocket Prize money 29 - C Protests 24 Roster, Weekly Division Sample 10 Schedule Sample 27 Scoresheet Instructions 14 Sample 15 Blanks - Front pocket Scoreboard & Scoring 18 Sample 19 Sportsmanship 4 Standings Weekly Sample 11 State Championship 30 Supplies - Darts, Parts & Dartboards Front Survival Rule 16-2 Team 16 Team Captain 9 Team Registration Sample 17 Blanks Front pocket Telephone Numbers 1 Three (3) Players 21- 1 Trophies & Plaques 29 – B Vacation 22-6 3 RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE SPORTSMANSHIP Good healthy attitudes must prevail. The object is to have fun and experience Good Sportsmanship. The Home Team is the “Host” Team - the away team should be welcomed and feel comfortable. Teams that try to gain advantage by creating their own interpretation of the rules or “spirit of the rules” are subject to sportsmanship violations. 1. Start time is on the schedule, Real time not bar time. Communicate if you expect to be late. Start time = First Dart Thrown Example: If the schedule says “Tuesday 7:30 PM” Then 1st dart should be thrown by 7:30 If at 7:45 the game has not started, 1st game is forfeited If at 8:00 the game has not started, 2nd game is forfeited If at 8:15 the game has not started, 3rd game is forfeited If at 8:30 the game has not started, the Match is forfeited 2. All players at a match should display sportsmanship, whether in the game or match or not. (Otherwise the Bonus Point could be forfeited.) Which means a player can be at a match & not play! 3. Any team allowing someone other than a valid team member to shoot will lose all points earned by the unqualified player. 4. Any Player or Team that walks out of a Game / Match will forfeit that Game / Match. 5. When you are throwing, do not start your turn until the person scoring has completed all calculations, stops writing and moves out of the way. 6. Look at the scoresheet – know when it is your turn, be ready to start when it is your game. 7. The repeated use of foul or insulting language, or resorting to physical violence shall be considered just cause for penalizing the offender = zero tolerance = possible penalty points or out of the league. 8. Bad Sportsmanship – Written complaints by 2 different players from 2 different teams may cause a player or team to be suspended. Please give people “in” the match “air space”. Don’t stand in front of, beside or behind them. If it is not your match, stay out of the way and be quiet. It is not good sportsmanship to be obnoxious 9. Toe lines – a player in a game will be warned once that his/her toe is over the line. If he/she does it a second time, his /her darts shall not score in that turn. 10. No Gambling Allowed. 11. Cheating – Any of the following can result in a player or a team having their averages raised or being removed from the League or losing the Bonus Point. a. Not correctly filling out the scoresheet b. Intentionally throwing more darts than needed c. Not playing with or by the sprit of the rules. d. Not using the most correct / current PPDA 12. If you are Right / Left handed – that is what you must throw all the time. Unless there has been an injury / surgery. In which case the office needs to be notified. 13. If a Captain interprets the rules to their advantage, he/she can lose the bonus point that week. 14. The night of play is not the time to discuss averages. Call or e-mail the League Office any other time and we will talk to you. Everyone has lucky nights. Let that person enjoy a lucky night. Make a bad comment about it - your TEAM can be Penalized. 4 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE Per Point Dart Average = PPDA 1. 2. 3. PPDA’s are maintained, calculated and updated weekly at the League office. The process includes a number of factors including the application of specific mathematical formulas to the data on the weekly scoresheet, win/loss record, achievements, tournament performance and other considerations. Your PPDA is based on your performance in each game you play. Your PPDA is calculated from the information recorded on your scoresheet. When that information is averaged in with your previous scores, some surprising effects can occur. Here are some possibilities: a. You could shoot a very high PPDA and not increase your PPDA. Your average could go up, down or stay the same. b. Losing a match, will not necessarily lower your PPDA, because handicaps are calculated by counting your best scores first. 4. Using several good scores when calculating your handicap lends stability. Your best scores eliminate the match where playing conditions were bad, you weren’t feeling well or you just had a bad night. 5. Our handicap system works well when players concentrate on the game and let the system take care of it self. You are asked to refrain from attempting to keep your own records, as it is generally a disruptive practice. 6. 7. If every player / team would simply play the game to the best of their ability and let the handicap system take care of itself, handicap problems would not exist 8. The League Operator may assign special skill levels to new players who are known highly skilled players or to players who have previously established skill levels in another format. 9. Occasionally you will observe a team telling the player to throw more darts than needed to win – Report this to the League office. It is CHEATING. 10. It is usually quite obvious when a player is sandbagging. The player throws extra darts to increase the darts thrown in 301 to try to lower the PPDA 11. If you see a player / team in violation of any rules, notify the League. 12. A new player in the league starts at a 14 PPDA or higher if they are known to be highly skilled ~ the following week the players PPDA will be a result of how he actually played. 5 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE PPDA - POINT PER DART AVERAGE CHART NOTE: The Yellow Balance Chart is in the front pocket 1. The PPDA Balance chart is used when the players in a game have different PPDA’s. A. 301 – is for singles. Look at the PPDA Balance chart – locate the lower PPDA on the left / step side, locate the higher PPDA on the top row, find where the two columns meet, that is the starting score for the lower PPDA. B. Cricket is for doubles. Add the PPDA of the 2 players from each team, round up the PPDA to an even number and read the cricket PPDA Balance chart the same way as above. The marks go to the team with the lower combined PPDA. 6 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP All players must submit a new/renewal membership application each season. All members must be at least 21 years old. The membership fee is $5 per season. Due week 1 of the schedule Expires at the end of each season. Must be paid by the 1st week of the schedule. Any player added after week 1 must pay the League membership fee and submit the membership application on the first night they are added to the team. (Before the match starts) or No Bonus Point. Any player can ask - in person, by mail, by telephone or by E- mail, any question and suggestions are welcome. See web site: for division results - handicaps – tournaments – Rules - etc. 3 seasons each year – Spring January 10th, Summer May 10th, Fall September 10th Dart Leagues available Sunday & Tuesday Managed by professionals (Not Players or Bars) since 1993 Player Handicaps – computerized Balance system for fairness - updated weekly Achievement pins awarded weekly Each Season has Division Playoffs and a State Championship Tournament Any plaque can have a players name engraved upon it please request before the season ends Darts and Supplies at discounted prices We are looking for local businesses and services to offer our membership perks and discounts. Call the office if you have ideas and information. Add your business or service to the list. 7 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION – SAMPLE 8 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE TEAM CAPTAIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Must have a telephone and should have a computer with internet. Your first job as a Team Captain is to read the rulebook. At the beginning of each season there is a Captains season startup meeting, league rule books are given to new Team Captains, existing rule books are updated, schedules and other information is handed out. All information about the current season is exchanged. Also trophies, pins & plaques are passed out to the previous season winners. Bring the rule book to all matches and ensure all team members have the opportunity to borrow and read the rule book. In the rule book keep your players telephone numbers, all current season scoresheets, rosters and standings. The Rule Book is available on the Web site. Make sure each member of your team has a correct schedule. Team rosters, standings, league schedules and notices are updated on the Web site each week. Make your players aware of weekly league information. Take all information to all matches. You might not be interested in the information but your team mates could be and you should not make that judgment for them. Captain receives free membership If you have a player that is not reliable or causes harm, trouble, does not pay dues, Get rid of the player and notify the league office of why. Be prepared – Can your team reschedule a match? When could it be done? This situation could happen. Show up at Home Games early – The match should start by the time on the Schedule. Start time = 1st dart thrown Get the Match Envelope from the bar Move furniture if necessary - get tables, chairs - Turn on the lights Put up the BEST Dartboard in the house 10. Restock Rulebook with Scoresheets and Dues envelopes as needed. 9 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE ROSTER – SAMPLE 10 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE ACHIEVEMENTS (SAMPLE) 11 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE MATCH ENVELOPE Match Envelope – Please do not fold or write on. Home team responsible: 1. Bar staff should know where it is. The Match Envelope should always be behind the bar in the same spot. It is picked up after each match where you played and one is left for the next match. 2. At match start - collect dues - put both team dues envelopes, applications and notes in match envelope - place match envelope behind bar. 3. At completion of match - home team inserts completed and signed white copy of scoresheet not folded into the match envelope. Yellow - Visitors team, Pink - Home team Close Match Envelope with string tie with 1 wrap around button only. 4. The Home team is responsible for the dues & paperwork if lost or bar closes. 12 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE Dues / Lineup envelope Each team responsible for their own. See Sample Below 1. Write on envelope full team name, team #, week number, amount paid and what it is for. Each week must have its own envelope. Do not double up. 2. The team lineups must be written on the envelope by the Team Captains and then transferred to the scoresheet by the Home Team Captain, or no Bonus Points. Do not reveal lineup in advance. 3. Place only money and checks in envelope, all in one direction, not folded and no coins, ( $20 and a $10, or a check, not all one’s please.) 4. Checks payable to: Rhode Island Dart League. $15 charge for returned checks. 5. Weekly dues are due when the match is played. 6. Both teams must pay the weekly dues for a forfeit to get bonus points 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. If no dues paid or short of funds – No bonus points Bad checks – No bonus points No post dated checks accepted Any Team / Player monies due will be withheld from winnings Week one: Team Weekly Dues $30 / Player $5 Membership for all players per season DUES / LINEUP ENVELOPE – SAMPLE 13 THE THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE SCORESHEET Scoresheet - Both Teams Responsible: Use player name as it appears on Roster 1. Home team Captain can fill out all of scoresheet except actual results before starting match. - with BLACK or BLUE INK, No other colors or pencil, No changes to lineup once play starts. Use White Player Rotation card and Yellow PPDA Balance chart. 2. Each game X for win in box - nothing in box for loss 3. 301 stats: SS = starting Score, PR = 0 if win / points remaining if loss, TD = actual darts thrown. 4. If PPDA stats are not on the scoresheet or are not correct, then that game will equal a PPDA of at least 5 points higher or more than the players PPDA. 5. Achievements - write in box beside player number of each game as they occur. Must be written before next game starts. Write exact value for tons 114, 100, etc (no "T" for ton). One hundred and eighty points = 180 Round of Nine = RD9 Hat Trick = HT Hat Trick 150 = HT150 White Horse = WH 6. The player listed on the scoresheet for each game must play in that game and must compete in the match in the order listed on the scoresheet. 7. All players of BOTH TEAMS should check all items written for accuracy. 8. No changes / additions allowed after the Captains have signed the scoresheet. 9. See page 24 for Bonus Points. 14 SCORESHEET – SAMPLE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE 15 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE THE TEAM – See page 24 Bonus Points 1. Turn in your Team Registration for the next season early to guarantee your teams spot. A Dart Team is made up of 4 to 6 players with one being the captain. The last team in may not make it – if a Bye is created. 2012 Season Team Registration Due dates: Spring January 10th - Summer May 10th - Fall September 10th 2. You may only make player changes during the 1st 4 weeks. Survival Exception: Survival additions must be approved by the League Office – prior to the match. Hardship, Medical & Military situations will be looked at as needed. 3. A player must be in good standing with the League and the house in which the match is scheduled. If a player is not allowed where the match is scheduled to play – than that player will not be playing in that match – unless a prior agreement is made for the match. 4. A player cannot be on 2 Team rosters in the same division at the same time or on the same night. 5. For a player to change teams, the 2 teams involved must agree & the league must Approve. 6. No change to the Team Name, once it is printed on the Schedule 7. There may be special considerations for medical or military situations 8. The longer you wait to take care of a problem the more likely you won’t be able to 16 TEAM REGISTRATION FORM - SAMPLE 17 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE SCOREBOARD SCORING 1. The Home team will score the 1st game and all odd number games. The Visiting team will score the 2nd game and all even number games. 2. As the official scorer in the game, you should not jump around, cheer or do anything that would distract the players. The scorekeeper may inform the player on how many points/marks have been scored but only when asked. While the scorekeeper shall be the sole authority in charge of the game, his calling of the score may be challenged by the Team Captains. Any player in a game that has a problem with the scorer, can politely request a different scorer , this is done by the Team Captains. 3. When you are scoring, always let good sportsmanship influence your judgment. Try to be quiet and not distract the thrower. No coaching from the scorer. Do not write anything until the turn is completed. The thrower is responsible for the math in his turn. Meaning to win, your turn must be exactly as the scoreboard indicates. 4. Verification of the score is the responsibility of the scorekeeper and the score shall stand once the darts are pulled from the dartboard. However, math errors must be corrected before the next Dart is thrown. Also, if the Office finds a math error, it will be corrected and the score changed to reflect it. No dart shall be touched prior to the decision of the scorekeeper. Never touch another player’s darts. 5. For a dart to score it must remain in the dartboard for a minimum of 5 seconds after the third or final dart has been thrown = walk to the dartboart & pull the dart 6. The dart point must be actually imbedded in the dartboard – the dart scores where the dart enters the dartboard. 7. Suggestion – On the top of the Scoreboard, keep track of the match score. Especially at Tournaments. Example: III IIII HOME VISITOR 18 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE SCOREBOARD Home Team on the left – Visitors on the right side of scoreboard. 301 Example 1 Turn scores posted on the outside of the scoreboard. Points remaining on the inside of the scoreboard. EXAMPLE l HOME JIM 301 60 241 45 196 100 96 60 36 B2 36 36 0 17 TD 0 PR 1 llll VISITOR SARA 245 219 26 174 45 114 60 54 60 54 B3 15 TD 54 PR Cricket Example 2 EXAMPLE 2 ll llll HOME VISITOR PIRATES I DEVILS II 20 O 20 O 36 39 O 19 X 51 58 O 18 \ O 17 O O 16 O O 15 O O B O 19 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE LEAGUE GAMES 1. There are six 301 singles games in a match for 1 point each game. A. The game starts with players at 301 or less if the PPDA’s are not equal. The total score of each turn is subtracted from the points remaining from the last turn. Throwing extra darts is cheating. Exceeding zero score (busting) ends the turn and requires the player to go back to the score he / she had in the turn prior to busting. Game ends when a player reaches zero exactly by finishing on a single, double or triple. B. In “301” count actual darts for a bust. Indicate bust as: B1 / B2 / B3. C. 301 “27” Rule: A player will not throw more than 27 darts in a ‘01 game. Should a game reach 27 darts by one player - stop play. Each player in the “01 game throws one dart for the bull’s-eye (Home Player throws first). Closest dart to the bull’s-eye is declared the winner. In the event of a tie - re-shoot as necessary. Example of stats on the scoresheet: For the winner: SS = 301 PR = 0 TD = 27 or less For the loser: SS = 301 PR = something TD = 27 or less 2. There are six cricket doubles games in a match for 1 point each game. The object of the game is to score three “marks” in each of the numbers 15 through 20 and the bull’s-eye. A triple scores three marks, a double scores two marks and a single scores one. Additional marks on a closed number scores points if the opponent is still open on that number. The first player to close all 6 numbers and the bullseye and have the highest score is the winner. If there are no points for either team or the point score is tied – the 1st team to close - wins. 20 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE LEAGUE RULES 1. The match is a MAKE-UP or FORFEIT if there are less than 3 players. If a team only has 3 players it is not a reason to make-up unless 24 hours notice and 2 captains agree. Fill out the scoresheet using the four player lineup. For player #4 use a player who may actually show up and play. Game #8 will be a forfeit. The PR point will be only for the 5 ’01 games played. Write “FORFEIT” in place of SS-PR-TD for the missing player. Cricket games # 2-6-11 will be played 1 player against 2 – Meaning 3 darts VS. 6 darts. Each game is not missing the player until the game is due to be played. 2. 9 practice darts allowed per shooter before each game. 3. All games begin with a corkshoot. Home team throws first for cork. A single or a double bull’s-eye MUST BE PULLED before second person throws for cork. If tied – reshoot, keep same throwing order. Both darts must be scoreable and sticking in the dartboard, if one falls out, rethrow fallen dart. Double cork beats single cork. In cricket either player may cork. 4. After corkshoot: 301- Starting score is taken from the scoresheet for each player and written on scoreboard. Cricket – Place marks anywhere on scoreboard, limited to two marks per number, including the cork. The winning team of the corkshoot starts the game using the throwing order as listed on the scoresheet. 5. A dart shall be considered thrown if it hits the dartboard, backboard or wall – which means a dropped dart is not a thrown dart. (Do not try to catch bounce out darts, they cannot be thrown again in that turn.) 6. Throw Out of Turn: A player throwing out of turn shall stop when it is noticed. There will be no score for that turn. Resume playing with the correct player order. Must be done before the next player throws his first dart. 7. Wrong player in the Game: Replay the game. It must be noticed, stopped and replayed before the next game starts or it counts as it happened. The scoresheet should always indicate who actually played in the game 8. Your turn ends when you win the game. If it is in less than 3 darts and you continue to throw, you will bust and it will be your opponents turn. If you bust on 1 or 2 darts, it is poor sportsmanship to throw any more darts at the dartboard or wall. 21 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE WEATHER / MAKEUPS / FORFEITS / BYES 1. When a match cannot be played where/when scheduled, the league office must be notified by phone or E-mail by BOTH TEAMS. If the location must be changed then it will be moved to the Visiting teams ‘HOME’. If that is not possible it will move to a location in the division that both teams agree on. The Match Envelope shall remain where the match is played. 2. Weather - No forfeits because of weather – play or reschedule. 3. Makeups – Both teams MUST notify the League Office of details, which team requested the make-up, when and where the match will be made up, on the original scheduled day of the match or they may not qualify for the bonus point. Make-ups MUST be played within 14 days of the original scheduled match, or the team who requested may forfeit. Any match in the schedule can be played ahead of time. Please be mindful, any team may need to reschedule. You may be the next team to need a make-up match. Regardless of circumstances, all season matches must be completed on the last scheduled day of play. Players must always use their most current PPDA. When a make-up is played, write “Make-up for week ____” in the area of the scoresheet for “week”. 4. Forfeit: the team not available will get zero points. At the time of the forfeit, fill out the scoresheet, collect Dues and write “FORFEIT” in their team line-up and “0” in correct place of total score. A team that forfeits more than once or in the last two weeks of a schedule - may not qualify to play in the Playoffs. 5. Byes / Forfeits are 8 points or 6 week team average – whichever is higher. The team average is determined by the 6 week block of matches PLAYED before the Bye / Forfeit match was originally scheduled. If the Bye / Forfeit occurs week 1 to 6, any additional points over 8 will be added the week following the teams 6th match played. 6. Vacations: If you know you will not have enough players on a certain week, plan to play the match ahead. Any match in the schedule can be played ahead of time. The League Office must be notified. 22 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE BONUS POINTS Each Match: 2 teams compete for 19 points - 6 from “01” and 6 from “cricket”, 3 Extra points for numbers 1,2,3 below. Each team can also get 2 bonus point each for number 4 below. The match will total 15 to 19 points. 1. 1 Extra Point for the Team with the Highest Team “01” out total. When an X is written for a win, write the “out” score where achievements are written. Example: out 90 Add all out scores for each team, Highest team total out points gets the point. Tie - Team with the single highest “01 out, still tied; 1st ’01 won gets the point Write an X at the bottom of the scoresheet for the winning team 2. 1 Extra Point for the Team that has the LOWEST Total Points Remaining in the 301 games. If the two teams total points remaining are tied, than the team that won the first 301 game shall receive the bonus point. Write an X at the bottom of the scoresheet for the winning team 3. 1 Extra point for the Team with the “01” game WON by a player with the PPD the most over the players average. Example: John’s PPDA is 12. He won the game 301-0-15 = 20 PPDA which means 8 points above his 12 PPDA. If this game is the highest over a players PPDA in the match – this team will get a bonus point. For ties: Use up to 3 decimal places. If still tied, the player who won the ’01 game 1st receives the point. On the scoresheet draw an arrow between the name & number of player Write an X at the bottom of the scoresheet for the winning team NOTE: No bonus unless a player goes over their average 4. STARTS WEEK 1: In an effort to get good easy to read accurate information there will be, 2 bonus points for each team that as per rules: a. Use Black or Blue ink. b. Has paid $30 Team dues for the week c. Has paid $5 player membership fees, with completed membership applications d. Submitted a properly completed scoresheet, see page 16 sample e. Submitted a proper Dues/Line-up envelope, see page 14 sample f. Has not heckled, harassed or used profanity - directed at a League Official, the opposing team, has not punched or kicked the wall g. A Bye or Forfeit will also get the point if they qualify: 1. Has called the League office about a reschedule 2. Forfeit – Must pay and fill out the paperwork for a forfeit. This Bonus Point will not be in the Playoffs or State Championship. 23 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE PROTESTS Only the Team Captain can speak for the Team. 1. Try to resolve the situation using the Current Rules and let common sense and fairness guide you. Once the team captains agree – neither can change their mind 2. If the dispute needs rule clarification or a League Official, contact League Management. See page 1 3. If the situation cannot be resolved ‘Match played under protest’ must be written on the scoresheet under the team name and a separate written protest explaining the details must be filed by turning in with the scoresheet or by fax, e-mail or US Mail within 3 days. 4. To protest a players PPDA – Write the details (who, when, where) on a paper. Submit to the League Office or staff by fax, e-mail or US Mail within 3 days. 24 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE PLAYING AREA & EQUIPMENT The team captain should communicate with the management of the bar about supplying a dart playing area – at least 5’ x 9’, and the equipment listed below. Team captains should seek support for teams – some hosts put out food or provide shirts or pay the team fees or player membership, or buy the players a drink. It is the home teams responsibility to make sure the management knows what is needed and to make sure conditions are optimum. 1. Backboard – Can sometimes be supplied by liquor or beer venders. 2. Dartboard: At least 24" from center to sidewall. At least 72" center to center - if multiple dartboards. Mount dartboard on a backboard 5'8" center of Bull to floor. Preferably a Windmau III Diamond Wire Dartboard. Install a new Dart Board as needed. Rotate Regularly The League will certify the dartboard height and toe line at all RIDL bars. Dartboard light: Over dartboard, preferable on wall - minimal shadows, fluorescent is suggested. Toe line: 7' 9-1/4" from dartboard face to the front of the line. Cricket scoreboard: The player should be able to see the dartboard with the scoreboard preferable to the right side of the dartboard with 10 inches between the scoreboard and the dartboard and 50 inchs from the floor to bottom of scoreboard when possible. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Suggestions: Use Expo BLUE Markers. Erase with a soft cloth Clean the white board with Expo cleaner/restorer weekly. House Darts: Max.weight, 40 grams – Max. length, 10 inches - must be hand thrown. 8. Dart players should not have to compete with the entrance/exit, jukebox, band, bathroom or people. The Dartboard and dart area should be setup and reserved for the league players 30 minutes prior to the match start time. 9. You must let the League office know about any unique house rules - like no hats or no tank tops - at the very start of the season - so we can let the players know. 25 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE 26 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE Sample Schedule THE 27 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE PLAYOFFS (Good time for a new Dartboard and food to be put out.) If 6 or more teams are in a division: the top 4 and a wildcard go to the playoffs. If less than 6 teams: top 2 plus wildcard go to the playoffs. The wild card will be drawn by numbered cards from the teams that do not make the top 4. For a Team to qualify for Playoffs: 1. All Monies due by the players or the Team, must be paid by the last night of scheduled season play. 2. 3. 4. 5. No more than one forfeit and none the last 2 weeks. The team must be in good standing with the League. For the team to qualify for the playoffs as a team, each player on the roster should play at least 8 weeks on the team. Each player must actually play in the playoffs to get a trophy. If there are special circumstances, they will be ruled on case by case. If two teams are tied, break the tie by going back into regular season play and let their records against each other decide the issue. If they played twice and the results is still a tie, then only consider how they did against each other the last time they played. PLAYOFF SCHEDULE - See Division Schedule - All at regular league time. Team 1 is seeded into the Championship match According to end of season team standings: Playoff 1: Team 2 is Home and plays Wild Card Team 3 is Home and plays Team 4 Playoff 2: The two winning teams of Playoff 1 play. The Team with highest season point total is Home. * The winning Team will call the league office with the score within 24 hours and bring the Match Envelope to the Championship Match * This match may be played any time before the Final Division Championship match. * League Office must be notified before match is played - if time or date is changed Playoff 3: LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH. Spectators welcome. Team 1 is Home and plays the winner of Playoff 2. Number scoresheets - P 1 / P2 /P 3 - where Week # block is located. (No bonus points) Fill out scoresheet P1 for first match - race to 9 - no bonus points. Keep track of starting score, points remaining and total darts, for PPDA. 15 minutes max between end of match on one scoresheet and start of match play on the next scoresheet. Cannot change line-up once play starts. Use second/third sheet as needed - fill it out entirely. Teams may add or subtract Team players or change the order for the P2 scoresheet. On the top of P2, write the total for each team. You cannot play on the P3 scoresheet unless you have played on the P1 or P2 scoresheet. Totals of each sheet must be total of match at that point. 28 RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE DIVISION AWARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. A. All awards must be scoreable and written on the scoresheet before the next game starts. First person to score an achievement gets it – there are no ties unless thrown on the same day. A team/player cannot collect awards if money is due or they quit. Any award not picked up at the Captains meeting will be forfeited, unless prior arrangements are made. ACHIEVMENT PINS: Will be given to the Team Captain the next week 01 GAME 1. Game of the Week - game won in the Division with the fewest Darts (TD) - 6 to 15 Ties> highest SS > first time. (pin each week) 2. Ton is 100 to 150 points (pin only once, 1st Time in League) 3. Ton Forty is 140 points (pin every time) 4. High Ton is 151 to 177 points (pin every time) 5. Ton Eighty is 180 points (pin every time) - (does not count as HighTon / Most Tons) 6. Hat Trick is 3 darts in the cork (pin every time) – cannot also count as a ton 7. Hat Trick 150 is 3 Double Bulls (pin every time) - cannot also count as a ton CRICKET GAME 1. Round of Nine is 3 triples, usable and scoreable. (pin every time) 2. White Horse is 3 different virgin triples. (pin every time) Virgin = no marks on scoreboard on the 3 numbers for either team 3. Hat Trick is 3 darts in the cork. (pin every time) - cannot also count as a ton 4. Hat Trick 150 is 3 Double Bulls. (pin every time) - cannot also count as a ton B. TROPHIES - PLAQUES: Awarded at Captains Meeting & must be picked up by the end of the meeting (All are ordered before the end of the season. If you want your name engraved on a plate – you MUST ask for it at the latest at the meeting and it will be ordered 1. Division Champion Players - Trophy each player. 2. Bar Team Photo Plaque for Division Champions 2. Ton Eighty / Round of Nine / White Horse - Plaque each time 3. Team High Ton - Plaque each Team 4. Most tons Male - in Division - Plaque 5. Most tons Female - in Division - Plaque 6. Most Hat Tricks Male- in Division - Plaque 7. Most Hat Tricks Female- in Division - Plaque 8. Most 140’s Male- in Division - Plaque 9. Most 140’s Female- in Division - Plaque C. Prize Fund Depends on the # of teams and # of weeks in the season 1. 2. Each Division – Payout depends on the # of teams per qualified for the State championship All Season cash Prizes awarded at State Championship 29 RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE RI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT 1. The number of teams eligible for the State Championship will be determined by the number of teams in a division. 2. To play at the State Championship you must have played on the team in the last season at least 8 weeks for the League to be able to verify your PPDA. The PPDA used will be the current PPDA for each player. You can only play on one Team 3. Tournament Etiquette a. Enter/Exit from the main entrance - All other doors are Emergency exits only b. No drinks/beverages to be brought into the building, no Tailgate Parties c. All drinks to be consumed from original container bought & served at bar d. No food brought in except when kitchen is closed. e. Please - profanity, physical outbursts, punching walls will not be tolerated, you may be asked to leave or sit out games or rounds or points could be lost. 4. Winning Team will receive: a. First place cash prize b. Team Jackets, for each player who actually plays on winning Team at the Tournament. c. Team Trophy – with Team photo attached. 5. 6. Cash Prizes will be determined by the number of teams Plaques and pins - 180 - Round of 9 - White Horse Pins for achievements including Game of the Match (GOW) each round Large stuffed animal for 1st 140 Single elimination tournament Race to 7 points - no bonus points Coin toss for corkshoot first game - winner is home odd games, loser is home even games Keep track of starting score - points remaining and total darts thrown for PPDA Stats MUST be written on scoresheet or PPDA CAN be raised At the end of the match – The winning Team Captain brings back the scoresheet and 2 completed Round Cards. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 30 THE RHODE ISLAND DART LEAGUE DUES LOG WEEK NUMBER PLAYER NAME M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Team Dues = $30 per week of scheduled play & for forfeits # of Players 6 5 4 Amount per week $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 List Captain first Under players name write telephone number and member number. In box under Week Number write amount paid. In box under M write amount paid for membership 31 11 12 13 14 15 16 17