QUANTITIES AND UNITS (SI – Système International) Peter GLAVIČ, University of Maribor Literature Le Système international d'unités, 7e édition, 1998, Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM), Sevrès Council directive 80/181/EEC + 85/1, 89/617, 99/103/EC International standard ISO 31, Quantities and units (1992, '98): 31-0 General principles 31-1 Space and time 31-2 Periodic and related phenomena 31-3 Mechanics 31-4 Heat 31-5 Electricity and magnetism 31-6 Light and related electromagnetic radiations 31-7 Acoustics 31-8 Physical chemisty in molecular physics 31-9 Atomic and nuclear physics 31-10 Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations 31-11 Mathematical signs and symbols 31-12 Characteristic numbers 31-13 Solid state physics ISO 1000 SI units and their multiples ISO 2955 SI units with limited character sets (1983) ISO 10628 Flow diagrams for process plants (1997) IUPAC, Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 1993 CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology) Values of Fundamental Constants 1998, Revs. Mod. Phys. 72 (2000) 351 National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST (1995): Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) http//www.physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP300, http//ts.nist.gov/ts General principles QUANTITY Name: Symbol mass m UNIT Name Symbol kilogram meter kg m length l italics, Times New Roman PHYSICAL QUANTITY 5 kg, 3m DIMENSION dim Q = ABC… velocity: LT1 force: LMT2 roman (upright), Arial Numerical value x Unit A, B, C, … dimensions of base qt. , , , … dimensional exponents L dim of length, T dim of time M dim of mass EQUATIONS E = mc2 between quantities: v = l/t, between units: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 between numerical values: vkm/h = 3,6lm/ts between physical quantities: 36 km/h = 10 m/s Some recommendations for printing symbols QUANTITIES ab, a b, UNITS N · m, N m, m s , a×b a b a b1 a/b m/s, a · b, m · s1, not ms1 ( = millisecond!) m · s1; m · kg/(s3 · A), m · kg · s3 · A1 MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES Do not use multiple prefixes: 10 MV/m is better than 10 kV/mm, 0,13 mol/kg is better than 0,13 mmol/g SUB/SUPERSCRIPTS are roman and Ariel if descriptive: Ek, Vm, vapH, rHm, fH fusH, HCl(g), nB and italic and Times New Roman if representing quantities: Cp, CV, qm, Kc Do not attach informations to units: Vmax = 300 V, not V = 300 Vmax (V - potential difference) fS (HgCl2, cr, 25 oC) = 154,3 J/(K · mol) FRACTION, PERCENTAGE Use space between the number and symbol % or C: xB = 0,0025 = 0,25 %, not xB = 0,25% or xB = 0,25 percent % represents a number, do not attach information to it: mass fraction is 10 % or wB = 10 % or wB = 3 g/kg Do not use: percentage by weight, or % (m/m) or % (mol/mol) Write 0,5 L/L (not 0,5 ppm), 1 nm/m (not 1 ppb), 2 ng/kg (not 2 ppt) Tabulating numerical values of physical quantities or Labelling the axes of graphs Use t/oC, not t (oC) or Temperature (oC), E/(V/m), not E (V/m) or El. field strength (V/m) Examples: T/K p/MPa ln (p/MPa) 216,55 0,5180 -0,6578 273,15 3,4853 1,2486 304,19 7,3815 1,9990 2,4 ln p /Mpa 1,6 0,8 0 -0,8 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 T/ K Equivalent forms in place of 103 K/T: kK/T, 103 (T/K)1 Terms used in names for physical quantities Coefficient: quotient of two quantities of different dimensions: coefficient of heat transfer, q/T, (W/m2 )/K Factor: quotient of two quantities of the same dimension: friction factor, = F/Fn, 1 (multiplier of dimension one) Ratio: quotient of dimension one of two quantities: Heat capacity ratio, = Cp/CV, 1 Fraction: ratio, smaller than one: mass fraction, wB = mB/AmA, 1 Level: logarithm of the ratio of a quantity and its reference quantity: LF = ln(F/F0) = 1, Np Constant: quantity with the same value under all circumst.: gravitational constant, G = 6,672 59 N · m2/kg2 Masic, specific: quantity divided by mass, X /m = x: massic enthalpy, h = H/m, J/kg Volumic, density: quantity divided by volume, X/V = x, : volumic energy, w = W/V, J/m3 Lineic, linear … density: quantity divided by lenth, X/l = …, l: lineic mass, l = m/l, kg/m Areic, surface … density: quantity divided by area, X/A = …, A: areic charge, = Q/A, C/m2 Molar, »chemical«?: quantity divided by amount, X/n = Xm: molar volume, Vm = V/n, L/mol Concentration: quantity divided by total volume, XB/V = YB: mass concentration, B = mB/V, kg/L; (amount-of-substance) concentration, cB = nB/V, mo/L Some quantities and their units PERIODIC AND RELATED PHENOMENA Yearly production qm t/a, not: t/yr or tpy MECHANICS Pressure mass flow rate volume flow rate p qm qV HEAT heat heat flow rate coefficient of heat transfer thermal transmittance surface coefficient of h. t. heat capacity massic heat capacity molar heat capacity Q K, (k) U h, () C c Cm Pa, bar kg/s m3/s, L/s J W W/(m2 K) in building technology only W/(m2 K) J/K J/(kg K) J/(mol K) PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL PHYSICS relative atomic mass Ar 1 relative molecular mass Mr 1 molar mass M kg/mol concentration cB mol/L t, not N or M The system can be arranged in a matrix form, similar to the periodic system of elements: Table 1. Ratios, fractions, concentracions, flow rates etc. Quantity Ratio Fraction Concentration Mass (A/B) Volume (A/B) Amount r(A/B) Number R(A/B) Mass ratio Volume ratio Amount ratio Number ratio wB B xB XB Mass fraction Volume fraction Amount fraction Number fraction B cB CB Volume concentration (Amount) concentration Number concen., molecular conc. B Mass concentration Table 2. Volumic, massic, molar (chemical?) X A, (S) A/V = a V m m/V = E E/V = w Volumic area m2/m3 Volume fraction 1 Volumic mass kg/m3 Volumic. energy J/m3 A/m = s V/m = v w E/m = e Massic, Specific Massic area m2/kg Massic volume m3/kg Mass fraction 1 Massic energy J/kg X/n A/n = Am V/n = Vm m/n = M E/n = Em Molar, Chemical? Molar area m2/mol Molar volume m3/mol Molar mass kg/mol Molar energy J/mol X/V Volumic, Density X/m Other possibilities for X: number N, work W, enthalpy H, charge Q, price C Table 3. Flow rate, areic flow rate, volumic flow rate X X/t … flow rate X/(At) Areic … flow rate, not flux X/(Vt) Volumic ... flow rate V V/t = qV (Q) m m/t = qm (q) n n/t = F? Q/J Q/t = Volume flow rate m3/s Mass flow rate kg/s Amount flow rate mol/s Heat flow rate W = J/s V/(At) = v m/(At) = G? n/(At) = J? /A = q Areic volume f. r., Average velocity m3/(m2s) = m/s Areic mass flow rate kg/(m2 s) Areic amount flow rate mol/(m2 s) Areic heat flow rate W/m2 V/(Vt) = ? m/(Vt) = ? Volumic volume flow rate m3/(m3/s) = s1 Volumic mass flow rate kg/(m3 s) n/(Vt) = v /V = ? Volumic amount flow rate mol/(m3 s) Volumic heat flow rate W/m3 Other possibilities for X: number N, energy E, charge Q Table 4. Different conversion rates? /X X … conversion rate mol/s V /V = r m /m = r' A /A = r'' Volumic conversion rate mol/(m3 s) Massic conversion rate mol/(kg s) Areic conversion rate mol/(m2 s) Names and symbols of quantities in Chemical Engineering have to be agreed upon and standardized in the future in order to: improve understanding with other engineering disciplines ease understanding within the ChE/CAPE community foster understanding between ChEs of different countries speed up and improve teaching of youngsters