September 13, 2007 - Staff Development

Staff Development Committee Meeting
September 13, 2007; 3:30 – 5:00; TEC (Room 800)
In attendance: Janna Anderson, Behnoosh Armani, Celia Assef, Wendy Bailey,
Sandro Corsi, Brandon Floerke, Chris Kiger, Carol Mattson, Sheilah
Stokes, Olivia Veloz
Absent: Cathy Callopy- O’Donnell (on sabbatical), Adela Lopez,
Barbara Moore/Craig Stephens, Rena Negrete
A. Approval of the minutes of May 10th, 2007
Unable to approve May 10th minutes due to lack of quorum.
B. Additions to Agenda
Sandro Corsi reported problems managing student rosters online because student
ID’s were not transferred to the new CMS, only students’ first and last names.
Carol Mattson will request that student ID’s be transferred at meeting tomorrow.
C. Reports & Announcements:
Introduction of new members/attendees
- Wendy Bailey, Administrative Assistant in Academic Services/Staff
Development, will be taking meeting minutes and will make a
request to CSEA and Classified Senate to become a committee
- Adela Lopez (not present) was confirmed through Faculty Senate as
a committee member.
- Barbara Moore will alternate with Craig Stephens as SCE
representative to committee.
- Olivia Veloz will attend committee meetings but is not a voting
TEC hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 9am – 11am; 12pm - 4pm; 5pm - 8pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 12pm – 4pm; 5pm – 8pm
Friday: 8am – 12pm; 1pm-4pm
Carol suggested hiring a student hourly for 10 hours per week at
$10/hr to cover lunch periods and other gaps in TEC schedule.
Discussed desired skills in candidates (computer/technical skills,
responsible, people skills) but tabled vote due to lack of quorum.
Meeting times/last meeting date
- Will meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, with the last
meeting on November 29th to avoid conflicts with finals week.
Budget and reassign time
- Brandon Floerke is on 50% reassigned time, which is one time
funding for the fiscal year. Staff development pays for “back fill”,
adjunct faculty to fill his classes.
Flex Week and New Hires Orientation
- Reported successful Flex Week, New Faculty Orientation, and
Adjunct Faculty Meeting. Because of the number of flex week
presentations, attendance was low for some activities. May consider
having some presentations scheduled for “Lunch Hour Luminaries”
instead of flex week.
Strengthening Student Success II
- The district paid for registration ($375/person) for 4 people, with
Staff Development paying for travel and lodging expenses (approx.
$775/person). In the future, coordinator will recommend that the
district pay total expenses for fewer people, and Staff Development
would decide whether to pay total expenses for more attendees.
Because this is a popular conference, decisions were made quickly
in order to reserve space.
Distance Education Mentor Group
- There are 4 mentors who have completed the “Blackboard Product
Specialist Training: Parts I, II & III” online.
- Have been unable to schedule a meeting due to schedule conflicts.
Coordinator will propose that a meeting be held before or following
- Coordinator will invite the 4 trained mentors (Rosa Arceo, Lina
Callahan, Callista Lee & Laura Mellela) to present 2 hour
workshops for online instructors in preparation for migration to
CE 6.0.
- Discussed using Professional Expert funds for CE6 workshops as
as new PE job classifications and rates of pay.
- Committee approved spending up to $1,000 in Professional Expert
money to pay DE Mentors for presenting 2 hour workshops at $35
hour. Carol Mattson noted that Professional Experts are not to be
paid for prep time per district guidelines.
MyGateway Training
- The new portal name is “MyGateway” (formerly called “Luminis”)
- Training is underway and the portal is up and running. Brandon will
be leading some of the workshops in the future.
Lunch Hour Luminaries
- Lunch Hour Luminaries email was well received but need more
presenters. Coordinator will send an email again towards the end of
Fall asking for Spring presenters.
Academic Services
- No report
Special Projects Manger (Distance Learning)
- No report
D. Old Business:
Demo Station Video Project: Jan Chadwick and Kathi Johnson
- Project is almost complete. Cost was $10,500 in Professional Expert
money from state budget. Coordinator will invite Jan and Kathi to
the next committee meeting to give a presentation about the project.
- Video will not be on the desktop as initially expected, but should be
able to be put on the portal. Coordinator will discuss this further
with Jan and Kathi.
- Cathy Callopy-O’Donnell had started work on a poster that would
advertise where the TEC is located and what is available.
Coordinator will work on revising the content and moving forward
with the project.
Classified orientation info./packet
- Staff Development will be setting up a quarterly New Classified
Staff Orientation which will include a campus tour and a notebook
Similar to the one provided to new faculty.
- Coordinator will request existing packet from Nancy Deutsch at
Cypress College, and forward to Classified Senate to make
appropriate revisions for our campus.
Leadership Retreat
- Ken Collins requested input from Staff Development on whether
committee was adequately involved in the decision making process
to approve the Leadership Retreat expenditure and also requested
that the committee choose faculty representatives to attend if
- Minutes from the May 10th, 2007 meeting regarding the retreat were
discussed. It was agreed that choosing a location and a facilitator
was within the guidelines afforded Carol Mattson by the committee.
- Committee approved spending up to $20,000 for the Leadership
Retreat using state funds, with one opposing vote – Behnoosh
Armani preferred that Dr. Hodge’s funds pay for half of the amount.
- Date of retreat will be October 4th – 6th 2007. Invitations will be for
12 managers, 12 faculty, 6 classified and 6 students, as well as the
President and VP’s and a work staff –Carol, Brandon and Wendy.
- Classified Senate and Associated Students have both selected their
- Faculty invitees will include senate executives, faculty represented
at PAC, and the last 3 teachers of the year and last year’s nominees.
E. New Business
Janna Anderson: Basic Skills Initiative
- Basic Skills Initiative will fund a speaker presentation and Staff
Development will promote as part of Spring Flex Week.
- It was decided to invite the speaker to present at two sessions on
January 10th, 2007 and to promote the event as “Basic Skills Day”.
Sheilah Stokes: Great Teachers Seminar
- Tabled
HCTCU Training through Paul McKinley
- Paul McKinley of DSS invited Staff Development to take part in
the State Chancellor’s High Tech Center Training Unit (HCTCU)
which offers training relevant to a number of disciplines.
- Training is paid for by the State Chancellor’s office and
transportation is usually included. Paul McKinley will be the
contact for initial registration.
F. Next Meeting: September 27, 2007; 3:30pm – 5:00pm in TEC (Room 800)
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Bailey