Name: ___ _______ Class: _Period: “The Monkey's Paw”

Name: ______________________________ Class: _________________Period: _________________________
“The Monkey’s Paw” - Group Quiz
How is characterization used to dictate the story line?
How does Mr. White develop throughout the plot? Provide examples from the text.
The Monkey’s Paw - Critical Thinking Questions
Define irony. How is the fulfillment of Mr. White’s first wish ironic?
How does the setting of the cold, wet, night and the warm, cozy fire set the mood of the story?
At what point could you predict that Herbert is killed in an accident? Use specific examples for support.
At what point could you predict that Mrs. White would ask her husband to wish her son alive again? Use
specific examples for support.
Do you think Herbert was really outside the door, or was it just coincidence? Explain your answer.
6. Writing: Sequel - Write a brief sequel to this tale in which someone else finds the paw. Use the following
questions construct your paragraph.
• How does the new person get the monkey’s paw?
• How will he or she learn about the history of the monkey’s paw?
• What does this person have, and what does he or she want?
• Will the person make a wish?
• What consequences will this person’s wishes bring?