Course Syllabus CPSC 2125 Introduction to Internet Programming CRN: 20798 Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 - 5:45 PM CCT 407 I. Course 1. Description Prerequisite: CPSC 1301 and CPSC 1301L with a grade of 'C' or better. This course is an introduction to Internet programming and Web application development. Subjects covered include basic Web page development and an introduction to dynamic Web page development using client-side scripting, server-side scripting, and database connectivity. 2. Objectives Students will learn the fundamental concepts of Internet. Students will learn how to create Web pages with XHTML. Students will have an understanding of the best Web design practices. Students will gain knowledge about configuring text. color, and page layout with CSS. Students will learn how to use media and interactivity on Web pages. Students will learn about Web site promotion. Students will learn about E-Commerce and the Web Students will learn how to do Web programming with JavaScript 3. Outcome The following are this course's outcomes: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the principles of Web page development. Strategies and actions used to produce the outcome: Study of XHTML. Study of table creation in Web pages. Study of the use of frames in Web pages. Study of the use of Cascading Styles. Study of the use of multimedia in Web pages. Study of the use of color and graphics in Web pages. Study of the Web development process. ABET criteria covered: A, B, C, D, F, G, I, J and K. Program objectives covered: 2, 3, 6 and 8. Assessment methods: exams, Web development assignments, and project implementation. Students will demonstrate knowledge of DHTML in creating dynamic Web pages. Strategies and actions used to produce the outcome: Study of the use of the browser event model. Study of the use of JavaScript in Web pages. ABET criteria covered: A, B, C, D, F, G, I, J and K. Program objectives covered: 2, 3, 6 and 8. Assessment methods: Web development assignments, and project implementation, documentation and presentation. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Web pages that interact with client-side based programs. Strategies and actions used to produce the outcome: Study of the use of forms in Web pages. ABET criteria covered: A, B, C, D, F, G, I, J and K. Program objectives covered: 2, 3, 6 and 8. Assessment methods: exams, Web development assignments, and project implementation. II. Instructor Name: Jay Knape Office: CCT 109 Phone: 706-507-8116 Email: Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday - 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Web Site: III. Material 1. Text Book Title: “Web Development & Design Foundations with XHTML" Author: Terry Felke-Morris Edition: 4th edition Publisher: Addison Wesley ISBN: 0-321-53019-5 2. Tutorials 1. Web Development Tutorials at Macon State University XHTML - JavaScript & DHTML - 2. W3 Schools XHTML - JavaScript - DHTML - IV. Resources 1. CougarView Supplemental course instructions and material, such as course outline, calendar, schedule, assignments, Midterm and Final exams, course notes, source code, resources, and grading, will be available through CougarView. You can access CougarView at: At this page, click on the "Login" icon within the CougarView portion of the page to activate the CougarView logon page. Your CougarView username and password are: Username: lastname_firstname Password: ddmmyy where "ddmmyy" is your birthdate: 2 digits for day, month, and year. If you try the above and CougarView will not let you in, please use the "Need Help with CougarView?" link below the username and password textboxes to request help. If you are still having problems gaining access after a few days in the class, please e-mail me. Once you've entered CougarView, you will see a list of courses you have access to which contains some combination of the phrases "CPSC 2125" and "Spring 2009." If you don't see this entry in the list, please e-mail me. 2. CSD Web site To make your Web pages and Web sites accessible outside of your own computer, you will need to place your Web pages on an actual Web server. All currently enrolled CSU students can request free Web server space on the CSU student Web server. Simply go to and click on the "Sign up for a free web space today!" link. Under normal circumstances, the account and space will be created in a matter of seconds. If you experience any difficulties during the account request process, please e-mail the CSU webmaster ( Signing up for free CSU Web space will give you a CSUWEB username and password. For this course, you will use that same CSUWEB username and password to upload your files to the server. More details about this process will be provided in CougarView and iTunes U. 3. iTunes U Columbus State University now is able to post video and audio podcast into CSU's own iTunes U account. Students can access CSU's Itunes at Enter your CougarNet login information and click "Login". Once iTunes open, you will find your classes that are using iTunes U and other public content. From iTunes, the podcast can be watched on your computer, burned to CD to listen in your car, or transferred to an ipod or other MP3 player. You do not have to have an ipod to use iTunes. 4. Software We will be using Notepad++ and FileZilla FTP client to complete most of the requirements for this course. You may use a similar text editor such as WordPad, TextPad, or any FTP client, if you wish. However, you may not use an editor such as Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, or similar Web page editors that automatically generate HTML code. V. Method of Instruction 1. Class Lectures On Tuesday and Thursday from an hour and fifteen minutes. 2. Quizzes At least four quizzes are scheduled. The quiz questions cover topics from textbook chapters. Questions on the quizzes may include the following: short essay questions, multiple choice answer selection, and filling in the blanks. All quizzes are due on the day given for the quiz and no later than 11:59 PM (23:59) (Eastern Time). Quizzes submitted or modified after the quiz due date will assessed a zero (0). 3. Exams The exams will allow you to prove your competence and understanding of the course material. Your knowledge will be evaluated with two exams: midterm and final exam. The exams will be problem solving, coding exams. There is no make up exams. 4. Assignments At least ten assignments will be given that build upon the concepts covered in the textbook and have to be completed on your own time. Assignment deadlines are not flexible for any reason. Late assignments are not accepted for credit. Details concerning assignments will be available within CougarView. All programming assignments must be published on the designated CSU server by the assigned due date. All assignments are due on the day given in the assignment and no later than 11:59 PM (23:59) (Eastern Time). Assignments submitted or modified after the assignment due date will assessed a late penalty as described below. If circumstances prevent the timely posting of assignments, please notify me by e-mail within CougarView. Unless you make prior arrangements with me, any assignment submitted after its assigned due date will be considered late. Late assignments may be submitted up to three days beyond their assigned due date. However, late assignments submitted within the three days following their assigned due date are subject to a 10% reduction in points for each day they are submitted beyond the assigned due date. Assignments not submitted by the assigned due date or within the three days following the assigned due will be assessed a grade of zero (0). 5. Supplemental Course Instruction via Podcast Additional information that I find helpful and useful and do not want to take up class time to cover, I will post via a video podcast within CougarView and iTunesU for you to watch on your own. VI. Grading Final grade will be obtained from the following assessments: Final Exam - 30% Midterm Exam - 20% Assignments - 30% Quizzes - 10% Attendance - 10% Letter grade will be assigned as follows: A = 100 - 90 B = 89 - 80 C = 79 - 70 D = 69 - 60 F = 59> VII. Student Responsibilities As a student in this course, you are responsible to: Each student is responsible to manage his/her time and maintain the discipline required to meet the course requirements. Each student is responsible to cover all readings, chapter summaries, key terms and review questions from the textbook following the course schedule. Each student is responsible to develop and deliver in time all assignments. Each student is responsible to take the exams as they are scheduled in the course schedule. The students are responsible on regular basis to read any WebCT e-mail sent by the instructor and to check the class WebCT site about any class news and announcements. "I didn't know" is no an acceptable excuse for failing to meet the course requirements. Students who fail to meet their responsibilities do so at their own risk. While in the classroom, students should turn off cell phones or place them on vibrate. In addition, to be respectful of other students' time and money, if the classroom is equipped with computers, playing games and/or surfing the Web is not allowed since these activities can be distracting to other students. VIII. Instructor Responsibilities As your instructor in this course, I am responsible to: Prepare weekly lessons that demonstrate and help students understand the course material, Prepare exams that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of the course material, Actively solicit and participate in classroom discussions, Grade exams, assignments, and quizzes and post scores within one week of the end of the week in which they are submitted; and Read any e-mail sent by students and respond accordingly within 48 hours. IX. Attendance Policy Attending class regularly is important to your success in this course. If you miss two or more classes in a row, you may receive a WF. If you miss a class, be prepared to obtain all lecture notes, slides, assignments, and other information from other students. If an emergency prevents you from turning in an assignment or taking an exam as scheduled, please contact me to make alternative arrangements. X. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, activities such as cheating and plagiarism ( It is a basis for disciplinary action. Any work turned in for individual credit must be entirely the work of the student submitting the work. All work must be your own. You may share ideas but submitting identical assignments (for example) will be considered cheating. You may discuss the material in the course and help one another with debugging; however, any work you hand in for a grade must be your own. A simple way to avoid inadvertent plagiarism is to talk about the assignments, but don't read each other's work or write solutions together unless otherwise directed. For your own protection, keep scratch paper and old versions of assignments to establish ownership, until after the assignment has been graded and returned to you. If you have any questions about this, please see me immediately. For assignments, access to notes, the course textbooks, books and other publications is allowed. All work that is not your own, MUST be properly cited. This includes any material found on the Internet. Stealing or giving or receiving any code, diagrams, drawings, text or designs from another person (CSU or non-CSU, including the Internet) is not allowed. Having access to another person's work on the computer system or giving access to your work to another person is not allowed. It is your responsibility to keep your work confidential. No cheating in any form will be tolerated. Penalties for academic dishonesty may include: a zero grade on the assignment or exam/quiz a failing grade for the course suspension from the Computer Science program dismissal from the Computer Science program. All instances of cheating will be documented in writing with a copy placed in the Department's files. Students will be expected to discuss the academic misconduct with the faculty members and the chairperson. For more details see the Student Handbook: XI. ADA Accommodation Notice If you have a documented disability as described by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 933-112 Section 504) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and would like to request academic and/or physical accommodations please the Office of Disability Services in the Center for Academic Support and Student Retention, Tucker Hall 100 or at (706) 568-2330, as soon as possible. Course requirements will not be waived but reasonable accommodations may be provided as appropriate.