World History Standard 10.4 Unit Homework Spring 2012 World History Standard 10.4 Students analyze the patterns of global change in the era of imperialism in Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines. Learning Expectations During this standard you will learn about: The link between industrial economies and imperialism The locations of European colonialism The motives for European empire building The impact of imperialism and colonial rule in Africa, Asia, and the Americas Ethnocentrism The pre-colonial life of three Nigerian ethnic groups The challenges faced by African countries after independence Apartheid in South Africa * Note: You are expected to learn these areas of study and be prepared to answer the essential question at the end of the unit. Essential Question What are the lasting effects of imperialism? March/April Monday 26 Tuesday 27 *Intro 10.4/ Imperial Lecture Wednesday 28 Imperial Motives Book *Ch.9 Section 1 and 2 Due Thursday 29 * Partition of Africa Lecture *World Map Due * Ch. 9 Section 3 and 4 Due 2 * Connection 3/26 – 3/30 Due * Effects of Colonialis * Ch. 10 Section 1 and 2 9 No School 3 *Understanding Apartheid /Road to Apartheid * Ch. 10 Section 3 and 4 Due 4 *Imperialism of India and China 5 * Test and Notebook Due Poster/Pamphlet Due 10 No School 11 No School 12 No School Friday 30 * Comparing Nigerian Tribes * Quiz ON 9.1 – 9.3 * Ch. 9 Section 5 Due 6 No School 13 No School General Information - The information below is a guide to help you stay on track of your reading and your notebook. Each assignment will be checked to make sure it is completed on the due date and will be graded when the notebook is due. The notebook is due the day of the test. Carefully follow the instructions for each question. WORK AHEAD! DON'T WAIT TO DO AN ASSIGNMENT THE NIGHT BEFORE IT IS DUE! NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED; NOTEBOOKS ARE DUE THE DAY OF THE TEST. Chapter 9 Section 1 and Section 2 - Due Wednesday, March 28 Read pages: 284- 297. On page 60 of your notebook, list all the vocabulary words, terms, or phrases you do not understand. List the definition for each in your own words. On page 62 of your notebook, answer the following questions on page 289 in the textbook, #3 and on page 296 in your textbook, #2, #4, and #6. Chapter 9 Section 3 and 4- Due Thursday, March 29 Read pages: 298- 308. On page 60 of your notebook, list all vocabulary words, terms, or phrases you do not understand. List the definition for each in your own words. On page 66 of your notebook, answer the following questions on page 302 in the textbook, #2, #3, #4,and #5 and on page 307 in your textbook, #2, #3, #4, and #5. Chapter 9 Section 5- Due Friday, March 30 Read pages: 309- 313. On page 60 of your notebook, list all vocabulary words, terms, or phrases you do not understand. List the definition for each in your own words. On page 72 of your notebook, answer the following questions on page 313 in your textbook, #2, #3, #4, and #5. Chapter 10 Section 1 and 2- Due Monday, April 2 Read pages: 318- 331. On page 60 of your notebook, list all vocabulary words, terms, or phrases you do not understand. List the definition for each in your own words. On page 74 of your notebook, answer the following questions on page 326 in the textbook, #2, #3, #4, and #5 and on page 331 in the textbook, #3, #4, and #5. Chapter 10 Section 3 and Section 4- Due Tuesday, April 3 Read pages: 332- 336. On page 60 of your notebook, list all vocabulary words, terms, or phrases you do not understand. List the definition for each in your own words. On page 76 of your notebook, answer the following questions on page 336 in the textbook, #2, #5 and #6 and the following questions on page 343 in your textbook, #2, #3, #4, and #5. Notebooks due on Thursday, April 5- Don’t forget to evaluate yourself before you turn in your notebook. UNIT TEST – Thursday, April 5 Poster/Pamphlet- Due Thursday, April 5 You are to design a poster or pamphlet to encourage one of the following: -Investment in overseas exploration -Service in the armed forces in an overseas colony -Settlement in an overseas possession Pamphlets and Posters will be on Africa in the 19th century and should focus on the benefits that will accrue to the investor back home in Great Britain, France, or Belgium or the settler from one of those countries who chooses to go abroad. Some incentives to describe are: -Markets for industrial goods -Increase in natural resources available to industry -New space to accommodate population growth -Missionary service for the church -Opportunity to acquire land and grow rich