Chapter 7: Geographical Ecology, Climate, and Biomes

Chapter 5: Climate and Terrestrial Biodiversity
Reading Guide, 15th edition
Identify the following. Be as specific as possible, and include names, dates, and
relevant facts as appropriate. Be sure to explain the significance of the term. Use
your own words.
Case Study: Blowing in the Wind
Question 1: “There is no away because everything is connected.” Discuss
what is meant by this statement using the wind as an example. Can you
connect this statement to any other environmental phenomenon?
5.1 Weather and Climate
a) Climate vs Weather
b) Ocean Currents and their importance
Question 2: Without the greenhouse effect, “the earth would be a cold
and mostly lifeless planet.” Thus, the greenhouse effect is a good
phenomenon. So, why should we be worried about heating the Earth?
5.3 Desert Biomes
c) Adaptations of organisms to the desert biome
Question 3: My brother loves to ride his motorcycle in the deserts of
California. He feels that destruction of the deserts is okay because not many
organisms live there and it is hot and dry. Make an economic and environmental
case to my brother for preserving the deserts.
5.4 Grassland and Chaparral Biomes
d) Tropical Grasslands vs. Temperate Grasslands
e) Chaparral/Mediterranean
Question 4: List a limiting factor for the a) desert, b) arctic tundra, and c)
grasslands. Describe how this limiting factor affects organisms in that
5.5 Forest Biomes
f) Tropical Rain Forest: Large leaves
g) Taiga
Question 5: You are in love with the tropical rainforest of Brazil. You
decide to move down to Brazil, and you build a house in the middle of the
rainforest. You begin to plant crops for food (corn, wheat, tomotoes), but
soon realize your crops are not growing. Why not? Explain (Use pg 119
for help).
5.6 Mountain Biomes
h) Islands of Biodiversity
5.7 Human Impacts on Terrestrial Biomes
i) Unsustainability vs Sustainability
Question 6: Figure 5-27 to 5-29 show the numerous ways we are
destroying our biomes. What is the root of all of this destruction (don’t just
say people…go further)?
Question 7: Should emphasis remain on increasing food production
regardless of the method, or should agriculture be more concerned about
the impact of food production on the environment and work towards
sustainable agriculture?