TAFE Part B: Course Detail: Blank Template

TAFE Part B: Course Detail: Intro to Advertising Media
Teaching Period
RMIT Course Code
RMIT Course Title
Introduction to Advertising Media
RMIT Course Id
650T – TAFE Business
AUSCY – City Campus
Program Code
Program Title
Cert IV of Business – Advertising
Name And Contact Details Of All
Other Relevant Staff
Mark Mossuto Ph (03) 9925 1316
Nominal Hours
Pre-Requisites And Co-Requisites
No previous study required. This learning unit must be completed
before attempting MKTG7123L “Advertising Media Planning”
and MKTG7154L “Advertising Media Research”
Course Description
This unit covers the evaluation of advertising media in order to
match media options to the target audience for the purpose of
achieving specific promotional objectives.
National/Module Code
National/Module Title
Evaluate and Recommend ‘Above the Line’ Media Options
Performance Criteria:
1. Evaluate the use of Broadcast
media for advertising.
The advantages and disadvantages of television advertising are
identified for a product or service.
email: mark.mossuto@rmit.edu.au
The advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising are
identified for a product or service
The advantages and disadvantages for advertising a product or
service using other broadcast media are identified.
The characteristics of broadcast media that match the
requirements of the advertising brief for the product or service are
RMIT University
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Author: Yvonne Alexander-Smith
Save Date: 08/03/2016
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2. Evaluate the use of Print media for Different types of press are identified for advertising a product or
service and the advantages and disadvantages of each are
The advantages and disadvantages of billboard and poster
advertising for a product or service are identified.
The characteristics of print media that match the requirements of
the advertising brief for the product or service are determined
3. Evaluate the use of Cinema or
Video as advertising media.
The advantages and disadvantages of cinema advertising for a
product or service are identified.
The characteristics of cinema advertising that match the
requirements of the advertising brief for the product or service are
The advantages and disadvantages of video advertising for a
product or service are identified.
The characteristics of video advertising that match the
requirements of the advertising brief for the product or service are
4. Evaluate the use of Sponsorship as
an advertising medium.
The advantages and disadvantages of using sponsorship for
advertising a product or service are identified.
The characteristics of advertising sponsorships that match the
requirements of the advertising brief for the product or service are
5. Evaluate the use of the Internet as
an advertising medium.
The advantages and disadvantages of Internet advertising for a
product or service are identified.
The characteristics of Internet advertising that match the
requirements of the advertising brief for the product or service are
6. Recommend ‘above the lime’
media for a target audience.
‘Above the line’ media are compared to assess their ability to
address target audience preferences.
A primary advertising medium is recommended that meets target
audience preferences.
If supplementary media are required their characteristics
complement those of the primary medium
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Author: Yvonne Alexander-Smith
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Learning Activities
Multi Group Presentations (MGPs) are used throughout the course and students
are expected to participate in class discussions and exercises. The use of ‘real
world’ examples will assist students throughout the course.
Learner activity: Students will take an active role during the ‘MGP’.
 Groups will reflect and discuss key concepts.
 Individuals/groups will apply concepts to current
 Students will summarise key points.
 Individuals will participate in case studies and
problem solving scenarios
 Groups will respond to generic question sessions.
The use of “real world” examples will facilitate the understanding of the
theoretical concepts and students will be encouraged to use lateral thinking
Competency Based Assessment
Students will be provided with more than one opportunity to demonstrate
competence. Competency based assessment is detailed below in “Assessment
methods” and “Assessment Tasks”.
Teaching Schedule:
Weekly Schedule
Week beginning
Multi-Group Theory Sessions
Single Group Classroom Sessions
Definition of Advertising.
Subject Introduction
Week 1 – 12 Feb
Discuss the terms Media, Medium and Vehicle,
understand their context in relation to advertising.
Structure of Industry
Types of Advertising
Discuss assignments for Semester 1, 2006
Why do we have different media sources? Discuss
The Media Function,
Week 2 – 19 Feb
Discuss concept of ‘Targeting the Right Person, at the
Right time, in the Right Environment’
What is Media Planning and Buying
Agency Relationships
Week 3 – 26th Feb
Hand out Assign 1 and 2
Discuss the pros and cons of television,
Scheduling of spots both Local and National.
Major Assignment Briefing
Hand out Major Assignment
Week 4 – 5th Mar
Television (continued)
Discuss TV rating, scheduling of spots, TARP’s, HUT and
PUT. Surveys OZTAM
Week 5 – 12th Mar
Discuss the pros and cons of Radio,
radio time parts and costs, surveys AC Nielsen
Week 6 – 19th Mar
Discuss the pros and cons of Newspapers,
Newspaper assignment briefing
Purchasing advertising space,
readership, circulation, calculating CPM
Newspaper evaluation,
effective communication to a target audience
In class exercise
Week 7 – 26 Mar
Assignment 1 due back.
Discuss the pros and cons of Magazines,
Week 8 – 2nd April
Purchasing advertising space,
readership, circulation, calculating CPM
Hand out Assign 3
Mid Semester Break (Student Vacation) – 5 to 11 April
Discuss the pros and cons of Magazines,
Week 8 – 12 April
Purchasing advertising space,
readership, circulation, calculating CPM
Hand out Assign 3
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Author: Yvonne Alexander-Smith
Save Date: 08/03/2016
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Week 9 – 16th April
Magazines (continued)
Magazine evaluation, in class exercise
effective communication to a target audience
Week 10 – 23rd April
Cinema – Outdoor Advertising
Media Budgets, different methods of budgeting available
to the client
Outdoor advertising (continued)
Media Budgets, different methods of budgeting available
to the client
Week 11 – 30th April
Assignment 3 due back
In class discussion
Week 12 – 8th May
Direct Mail
Media Comparison,
Broadcast, Press, Outdoor, Transit, Cinema
Detailing the task for a media plan
Direct Mail (continued)
Week 13 – 14th May
TV and Radio survey software
Assignment 2 due back
Collecting and collating the data for a media plan
Week 14 – 21st May
In-Store POS, Direct Marketing
Week 15 – 28 May
Sales Promotion, Media Research
Week 16 – 4th June
Media research
Week 17 – 11 June
Student Feedback
Major Assignment Presentation to Class
Week 18 – 18 June
Course Review
Course review
TV and Radio survey software
Formulating the media plan
Write the media plan and rationale
Major assignment due back
Media Planning – A Practical Approach
Jim Surmanek – McGraw-Hill
Prescribed Text
Ad News, or B&T Weekly
(Student discount subscriptions available)
For reference:
Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure 16th Edition
J Thomas Russell & W Ronald Lane. Prentice Hall
Assessment Tasks
Marks awarded:
Practical Assign 1
Written assessment, individual
Practical Assign 2
Practical Assign 3
In class exercise 1
In class exercise 2
Major Assignment
Written assessment, groups of 2
Written assessment, individual
Written assessment, groups of 2
Written assessment, groups of 2
Written assessment, with presentation to
class - groups of 2
Assessment Matrix
Evaluate and recommend
‘Above the Line’ Media options
Other Information
RMIT University
Assign 1
Assign 2
Assign 3
In class
exercise 1
In class
exercise 2
Assignments will be given to allow students to apply their learning to
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Author: Yvonne Alexander-Smith
Save Date: 08/03/2016
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practical ‘real-world’ solutions to common advertising media problems.
A final assignment will be given to allow students to put forward
recommendations at to providing a solution to media selection for and
the rationalisation as to the media selected, that utilises the principles
identified during class work. This will be judged against the guidelines
discussed throughout the course. Assignment details will be delivered
during class lectures/tutorials.
In addition to class and workshop activity, students must be prepared to
allocate up to an additional three hours per week for homework and
RMIT University
Document: 106759191
Author: Yvonne Alexander-Smith
Save Date: 08/03/2016
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