Club Meeting October 20, 2010 Members in attendance: 27 Meeting

Club Meeting
October 20, 2010
Members in attendance: 27
Meeting began: 8:35pm
We will be having club pictures next week
o Business casual please
Please pay your dues: $15
o Matt G. is still accepting them…angrily
o Must be a due paying member to hold a leadership position
o Speak to current position holder ahead of time
o Election Information Session
 November 10th
 Describe positions available
 Nominations
o CEO Elections
 November 17th
o Prepare a short speech that includes your qualifications and your vision for the
Hot Spot
o Contract was signed by Aramark
o Funding sources
o Ideas for late night programs
o Going to need some volunteers to work some shifts during 7am-2pm
CEO Floor
o Had a meeting this past Monday
o Discussed target market but didn’t get too far
o Went apple picking this past weekend
o They are having a scary movie night this week
o The floor will be getting Polo’s
 $15 for non floor members
o Danielle needs help this weekend
 So sign up for plenty of shifts
o Sig Phi Epsilon is helping us
o Wear pink for a drink
 November 4h
 Club 99
o Registration for the 5k is $20
o The shirts are black with pink letters= Awesome
o This Friday is campus wide wear pink day
 “Like Mean Girls” (Thank you Emily)
National Conference
o Approved $980 reimbursements
o Booked and ready to go
Club Meeting
October 20, 2010
Members in attendance: 27
o Potentially speaking on 5 panels
o Applied for 5 awards
 Best overall chapter
 Best chapter business plan
 Best fundraising idea/event
 Best in person networking event
 Campus e-diffusion
o What do you want us to bring back?
 What other clubs do to get money
 What types of businesses have other clubs started and what kind of
success did they experience
 Bring contacts back for potential speakers
 Speakers that have started businesses in their life and/or on a
 Someone who can talk about business opportunities for an area like
 Networking opportunities with other chapters
 Summary of panels that people sat on
 Discuss favorite sessions of conference attendees
o Interested in leading a panel or moderating? – contact Jake
o Rock N Skate
 Ogdensburg ice arena
 In the process of getting in contact with their arena contact
 They have two weekends selected
 If not, they are considering the Pine Street Arena as a venture
o Elevator Pitch
 Speakers
 Forum and multi-purpose rooms are booked for elevator pitch
o Bubble tea
 In Cheel Arena
o Last night’s meeting
 Bonesaws
 Dorm storm before the SLU hockey game
 Set up a table at a game
 Possibly partnering with the Bonesaw Brigade
 Combining the Bonesaw idea with other ideas
o Bonesaw with specialty shirts
 Contact Bonesaw contact asap
o Your idea?
 Being a potential supplier to the bookstore
 We want to keep that relationship in tact
 Creating a business that ties in a charity?
Club Meeting
October 20, 2010
Members in attendance: 27
May discourage people from donating
Sell something that we know people will buy and then tie in a
o Vera Bradley accessories
o Next meeting?
Storage Facility idea
o Is this something that we want to pursue as a club?
 We should focus our attention on the coffee kiosk
 We should use the spring to determine demand
 Once Clarkson gets settled with their space allocation (Cheel, Student
Center, Old Snell) we can look for possible locations on campus
o Is this feasible on some level?
 Since we have no cash coming in do we think that we can do it in the
future once we have more cash?
o Sign-ups?
Meeting adjourned: 9:32pm