EESC – 1010 GEOLOGY: The Science of Our World Fall 2014 Codes: UTAL and UTBL Class Number: 69189 and 69190 Days: SUN: Lab from 12:45PM to 2:35PM/Lec from 2:45PM to 4:45PM Room: Lecture room 3127N/ Lab room 4152/4153N Instructors: Liu and Huska (labs)/Guillermo Rocha (lecture) I DO NOT USE BLACKBOARD For more information about the Core Geology class go to the web site below: BOOK IS RECCOMENDED FOR THE LECTURE: Murck’s Visualizing Geology 3rd edition LAB MANUAL NEEDED FOR THE LAB: Geology: The Science of Our World Laboratory Manual (Brooklyn College Core Curriculum 3.32) - ISBN 9780470485750. YOU MUST have the lab manual for the first day of classes 9/7/2014. COMMUNICATION/OFFICE HOURS: Office hours: SUN 1 hr. before class and after class. I also will be available by appointment during the week. I could also be reached at (718) (951-5000 ext. 2887). My e-mail is I will not receive any communications outside of the two listed. The best way to reach me is by email. I return emails promptly. Do not call the Geology Department with messages for me. The department does not accept messages. Do not call me and ask me what the assignments are, the assignments are announced in class. Pair up with another student and exchange phone numbers and/or email addresses and work with them to exchange needed information. Do not ask me, if you miss a class, if you missed anything important, as it is all IMPORTANT! EXAMS: You will have an online quiz after every topic. I will strongly advice you to complete these quizzes and study them since they will be the basis for the Midterm and Final exams. The Midterm and Final exams consists of multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blank and short essay questions. All materials are subject to inclusion in the exam. This includes the book, the lab, lectures, and readings (if assigned). EXTRA CREDIT: There is absolutely NO EXTRA CREDIT, the grades you get through out the assignments are added and computed to give you a final grade. If you do not have a passing grade in the class you do not have the basic knowledge of the subject necessary to pass the course. ALL the assignments count and will be added to your grade. SEMESTER GRADE: You semester grade will be based on the addition of all your grades following the percentage criteria: attendance 4%, quizzes 4%, term paper 5%, lab grade 30%, midterm exam 29% and final exam 28%. A term paper is required, the topic will be in: “How is Geology Relevant to Me” (A link between you and Geology). The paper must be at least 3 pages long and no more than 5 pages, double space, and citing academic sources (web sources are fine, absolutely NO PLAGIARISM). Letter Grades are based on the following: 97 – 100 A+, 93 - 96.99 A, 90 to 92.99 A-, 87 to 89.99 B+, 83 to 86.99 B, 80 to 82.99 B-, 77 to 79.99 C+, 73 to 76.99 C, 70 to 72.99 C-, 67 to 69.99 D+, 60 to 66.99 D and 0 to 59.99 F. I DO NOT “GIVE” grades, the grades are given by YOU (I just tally them up), if you put some effort in the class you will get a decent grade (even an A), if you do not put any work at all your grade will also be a reflection of your lack of endeavor. CELL PHONE AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY: Cell Phones should be turned off or set to vibrate mode in class. Texting is not allowed in class. If you text during class I will ask you to leave the class at that time. If you text while taking an exam I will assign you the score of zero (0) on the exam. Electronic devices of any kind are not allowed to be used in an exam. Electronic dictionaries are not allowed in an exam. If you don’t understand a term in a question or don’t understand the question you are allowed to speak with me and I will attempt to help you to understand the question. Do not ask another student for information during an exam. If you speak during an exam I will assign you a score of zero (0) on the exam. ATTENDANCE: Attendance is mandatory according to academic policy. If you miss more than 3 course meetings you may be dropped from the class. If you are late to class, keep disruption to a minimum. I will monitor and track absences and late students and this may lower your semester grade. FIELD TRIP: There will be a MANDATORY field trip to Central Park, This field trip will be held between the lecture and lab time. EVERYONE MUST attend; there is a quiz in the lab that is solely based on this field trip. TOPICS TO BE LEARNED: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Earth as a planet Earth materials How old is old? The rock record and deep geologic time Plate tectonics Earthquakes and Earth’s interior Volcanoes and igneous rocks Weathering and erosion From sediment to sedimentary rock Metamorphism: New rocks from old Water on and under the ground The oceans and the atmosphere Deserts, glaciers, and climate change 2