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In every human organization where people of different background
and interest have to interact in the collective effort toward achieving a
common goal, conflict is bound to ensue. This is because in addition to the
common goal, every member of the organization undoubtedly bring to the
work place his own personal interest (ambition) which he earnestly desire to
achieve/accomplish along side the organizational goal. This individual goal
may not necessarily be compatible with that of other member where there is
clash of interest conflict will definitely ensue for example, the interest of the
employer does not in most cares confirm with the interest of the worker,
while employer back to maximize profit margin and minimize cost worker
are busy seeking to maximize there own share of organizational cake
through wage increase which invariably will lead to additional cost and
decline in the profit margin of the employer. There it is obvious that conflict
is inherent in every organization irrespective of size, mission or age.
In any human arrangement be it formal or informal dispute is a
phenomenon that can not be ruled out. It is inherent in every human group of
at least two conflict take place between individual and organization, conflict
is said to occur when two or more people perceive that they have.
Incompatibility of goal
Interdependent of activity
Conflict therefore, emerges whenever two or more person seek to
posses the raw object occupy the same space or the same exclusive position,
may incompatible goal.
impact of conflict is borne by the worker
management/employer on the state and society (public). Industrial conflict is
manifest ought sterilize, lockout, sabotage etc and all this action have effect
on the above in industrial relation during the period of conflict (strike) the
worker at the risk of losing substantial income, because of deliberate action
not to work and the implication the worker is loss of regular or steady
income. This is because of Nigeria employer often involve the no-work-nopay law (TRADE DISPUTES DECREE 1976 SECTION 32) many union
leader and active union members may be victimize and lay Industrial
conflict to rupture good relationship between manager and trade union
(leader because it could lead to vengeful against union leader.
The effect of strike on the employer and management is the loss of
productivity, loss of output, inability to meet customer demand, inability to
supply customer order on schedule, loss of profit and idle equipment other
losses include the loss of contract year as client may avoid a company likely
to face a strike action. The long term lost of the strike to the employer is the
loss of employee who may probably not return after the strike associated
with there are recruitment cost to replace them (I in barman 1979) conflict
(strike) could disrupts the achievement of the maximization of economic
growth and development for the nation as a result of the loss of output in the
industry. Work stoppage or general strike may lead to food scarcity in the
state this arise as worker deliberate avoid the industry another effect is the
loss of revenue to government due to the presence of strike, which hinder
production, stop revenue from in to management.
Conflict as a phenomenon is not necessarily days functional, it is not
an abortion, it is part of what organization needs for its growth and
development, infect any organization without conflict is as good as a dead.
Conflict can only be dysfunctional or harmful where us machinery is put in
place to regulate and harness it for growth or the organization. Conflict is a
double edge sword as it has overhearing.
Negative implication so does it the positive. Conflict in some form is Stable
and this fat has to be recognized in any sound organization. It is in this sense
that we concluded that industrial conflict is ubiquitous (Fajana 1995),
endemic and inheritable (HYMAN 1975).
Organization are established to achieve set of defined goal when a
body like Ojo 'Local Government was set up by this law, the authority which
establish also assigned to it
certain function disputes is an in bait
machinery that arise as a result of incompatible or conflict interest in the
organization. Series of industrial conflict and strikes have been recorded in
the Local Government set up.
The trade dispute action which was promulgated to bridge the gap
between there divergent interest has been a source of confirms wonder and
curiosity. Strikes which are supposedly abhorred by this trade disputes
action have taken the center style despite their unpalatability and distaste
fully in Ojo Local Government.
In recognition of the serious industrial conflict (strike) witnessed by
Ojo Local Government during me period under reviewed, the study will
attempt to.
The causes of industrial conflict in Ojo Local Government with a
view to identifying the factor that is most or more wooly to result in
the declaration of trade dispute.
Suggestion or recommendation for minimizing the level of industrial
conflict in the organization and country as a whole.
To analyze the lately effect of industrial conflict in Ojo Local
Government and the negative effect of the industrial conflict.
Ojo Local Government presently faced with a lot of industrial conflict
manifested in strike which disrupt world, causes enmity between workers
(union organization) and employer (government agent other manifest effect
are not adequately induced, encouraged and this could make the organization
into problem. It is therefore hoped that study would be able to attain the
following significance.
Make significance recommendation that will help to reduce the level
of industrial conflict (strike) in the organization.
To expose the real impact of industrial conflicts in organization as it
hinder the best of individual worker to achieve organizational objectives.
Induce the leadership of the organization in setting constructive
programmes to all aviate redundancy, conflict, work to rule e.t.c.
This research work will adopt both primary and secondary sources of data.
Collection for this study the primary source includes, personal experiences
as a participant in the organization, observation and administrating of
questionnaires and face to face interview with workers or management
Secondary sources will include official record files, journal,
magazines, textbooks, document and other relevant texts.
Also, the out come of discussion and view of my colleague on the research
topic will be included.
For this study a sample size of fifty respondent drawn from the total
employees, up of junior and senior staff will constitute the sample
population to ensure reliability and good representation, the stratified
be administered in all the department in
organization the sampling technique is adopted to the largeness of the entire
workforce in the organization, which make it impossible to administered
questionnaire to all the staff in the organization.
The terms and concept in this research are hereby defined in relation
to the context the work; however this definition may differ from me
conventional definition concerned.
INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT: - As defined by some authors as the
disagreement that to exist between the employers and employee. It can also
exist between two or re workers, it becomes and industrial conflict when it
exist within the industry. Trade dispute act (1976) define dispute or
industrial as any dispute between employers and rockers or between workers
and which is connected with employment or non-[employment or the terms
of employment industrial conflict through are all very | destructive however,
not all are overtly expressed as in strikes and lock-out aimed at compelling
the other party to yield to the demand of the others.
STRIKE: - As enumerated by otobo (1983) strike are only one form
of industrial conflict. Conflict with employer, public or private, may take the
form of peaceful bargaining and grievance handling boycotts of political
actions or restriction of output, sabotage, absenteeism or of personnel
turnover. Other are wild cat strike, sit-down strike, work-to-rule, Go-slow
and lock out by either the employee or employers.
WILD-CAT-STRIKE: - This is strikes that occur in organization
where union do not exit the salient point there in that there is no organized
trade union perse.
A SIT-DOWN STRIKE: - Here worker may come to work but
refuse to carry their different schedules of duty while sitting tight on their
WORK-TO-RULE:- This is a method of protest where by worker
come to the lace and insists on working to the rules contained in the
development regulation.
GO-SLOW:- Here the worker intentionally employ some delay taxies
Of work which normally takes ten minutes for example would be done in
LOCK-OUT:- This is the closing of a place of employment or the
suspension of work or the refusal by an employer to continue to employ any
numbers of m employed by him in consequence of a dispute done with a few
to compelling son employed by him to accept term of employment and
physical condition of work.
Hardly, could any research exercise be conducted in a perfect
atmosphere without a limitation vacuum this research work shall cover the
public and private sector of the [economy. Other limitation is transportation
and financial constraint as well as logistic problem.