INAUGURAL LECTURE 23rd JUNE Prof CLAUDIO.VIGNALI. PHD ‘FROM CLAUDIUS TO MACHIAVELLI TO GARIBALDI: RETELLING RETAILING’ From an early age I associated myself with change and powerful figureheads that were in Italian history. This was due to the fact that parental guidance gave me no option. My 3 Italian ‘change agents’, in their time would have been excellent Retailing Gurus. Claudius, Roman emperor between 41-54, seemed weak but by integrating Gallic nobles into the Senate and developing trade with Britannia [smacks of EU policy] created a way forward for consumers. Machiavelli is known for his cunning and justification of power [the fear principle in management]. However his academic works and research expand on the theory of uncorrupted actions with a vigorous moral approach which are the qualities that modern retailers need to demonstrate. Garibaldi, the Father of modern day Italy, had a love for fighting, unifying and motivating supporters, but was always let down by superiors. In reality Retailers can take various attributes from these ‘change agents’. The lecture will expand on the evolution of Retailing, the development of retailer power and the control of the retail mix - Garibaldian in perspective. The lecture will also examine the developments in technology and the theories of retail change - Claudian in its approach. Whilst analysing the wheel of retailing and its environment a Machiavellian attitude will be developed Finally the lecture will develop recent retailing principles to lead commerce into the 21st. century.