Name Chapter 24 questions 1. The depression on the medial side 1. of the kidney Active transport 2. Outer covering of the kidney 2. Afferent arteriole 3. Outer anatomical margin of the 3. kidney Atrial natuiretic peptide 4. Cortical tissue between the renal 4. Bladder 5. Blood pressure 6. Colloidal pyramids 5. Vessel supplying blood to the kidneys 6. Vessel found between the renal pyramids osmotic pressire 7. Vessel supplying the glomerulus’s 7. Coutercurrent exchanger 8. The efferent arteriole supplies 8. Diuretic 9. Functional unit of the kidney 9. Facilitated 10. 10. Filtration which vessels Branching epithelial cells of the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule 11. Nerve supply for the kidney 11. Foot processes 12. The filtration slits are found 12. Glomerulus in which structure 13. First of the nephron’s tubules 13. Hemoglobin 14. Area that forms the 14. Hydrostatic ultrafiltrate 15. osmotic pressure The horizontal vessels of the 15. Interlobar 16. Nephron 17. Net peritubular capillaries 16. The macula densa is located next to which large structure 17. Amount f blood passing through the kidney each minute firltration rate 85 18. First of the processes 18. None of thee 19. Obligatory 20. Peritubular involved in the formation of urine 19. Last of the processes involved in the formation of urine 20. HP – (OP + HP) capillaries 21. Three mechanisms that hold 21. Podocytes 22. Potassium 23. Proximal glomerular filtration rate constant 22. Hormone realeased by the JG cells 23. By which mechanisms is sodium reabsorbed 24. convoluted Water reabsorbed by the kidney 24. Renal artery 25. Renal capsule 26. Renal under the influence of ADH is which type of reabsorption 25. Water reabsorbed by the kidney under the influence of NA-Cal movement is which type of reabsorption 26. When Na moves from the PCT to the peritubular capillary which ion clearance is it exchanged for 27. Where are all major nutrients 27. Renal columns 28. Renal absorbed 28. What is ANP corpuscle 29. What is he stimulus the for 29. Renal cortex 30. Renal hilus Where does this pigment come 31. Renal plexus Storage structure for urine 32. Renin the release of ANP 30. The yellow color in urine is due to 31. from 32. 86 33. Mechanism that maintains 33. Secretion 34. trigone 35. Tubular osmotic gradient in loop 34. A substance that increase urinary ouput 35. The three openings in the bladder constitue this osmotic pressure 87 36. Urochrome 37. Vasa recta