Mr. Farrell/Mr. Nickelo Physics Lab 1/Chemistry Lab 3 Science 10 Communication Plan Cobequid Educational Centre 2011 Program Overview: The goal of Integrated Science 10 is to assist students in reaching the curriculum outcomes as prescribed by the Public School Program for the province of Nova Scotia. ( The integrated Science 10 curriculum exposes students to the importance of science and the impact science has on society, technology, and the environment through four themes: 1. Sustainability of Ecosystems - We will learn about factors affecting sustainability, biodiversity, social issues, and problem-solving abilities through human invention and technology. 2. Chemical Reactions - Continuing the use of the Periodic Table of the Elements, we will acquire the skill of naming ionic compounds, classifying acids, bases, salts and studying chemical reactions and factors that affect rates of reactions. 3. Weather Dynamics – We will look at weather concepts and the transfer of heat energy in the hydrosphere and atmosphere, air and water currents, seasonality, and develop skills in the ability to collect weather data and forecast regional weather. 4. Physics of Motion - As an introduction to further high school physics courses, we will learn the basic concepts of linear motion, speed, acceleration, velocity, and experimental design. Expectations of Students for Learning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be prepared for class every day with your homework complete. Be ON TIME for class each day and show enthusiasm for the subject. Be respectful at all times. Listen to other students’ questions in class. Strive to do your very best, asking for help when it is needed. Be responsible for all your actions, your education, and your attendance. Assessment: Students will be assessed using a variety of methods in order to accommodate a variety of learning styles. 70% Tests, Quizzes, Assignments, Labs, Projects, and Presentations 30% Final Exam Mr. Farrell/Mr. Nickelo Physics Lab 1/Chemistry Lab 3 Missed Test/Assignment Policy: All tests must be written. If a student knows that he or she will be absent for a scheduled test, an alternate test time must be requested by the student. Should a student miss a test due to illness, an alternate test time will be arranged by the teacher. This will usually be the first day back to class after the illness. Furthermore, students will only have missed tests graded and recorded when an acceptable excuse for the absence has been received by the office. This excuse must be provided within 5 days of the student’s return to school. These provisions remain the same for any course related assignments or labs. Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the teacher to have missed work made up within 8 days of the absence. As a consequence, a zero will be given when the absence(s) remains unexcused or the excuse has not been received in a timely fashion. Missed Classes and Attendance: Attendance is a necessary component in order to be successful at CEC. Attendance is mandatory. It is recommended that each student find at least one person in the class and exchange phone numbers. There will therefore, be no excuse for not knowing what was missed while absent from the class. The responsibility of attendance is being placed on the student. Please refer to your CEC student handbook for more information on attendance. Extra Help: Extra help is available most days both before and after school. It is necessary to be responsible and request help when you need it. Communication: Parent/Teacher interviews occur November 17th and 18th. 5 week progress reports are issued October 13th 10 week progress reports are issued November 15th The CEC student handbook holds important dates and information. Communication via telephone calls/ emails will occur as warranted. Parents can also contact the office 896-5700 for a return call or appointment or by note via the student. Teachers: Mr. Kevin Farrell ( Mr. Garett Nickelo (