Study Sheet for Muscular System

Study Sheet for Muscular System
Differences between three distinct types of muscle tissue
What muscle tissue enables humans to do (3 things)
Histology of Skeletal muscle tissue/parts of a muscle (drawing Figure )
Label a Sarcomere (Drawing Figure )
Label the muscles from the anterior and posterior view of the human.
Cross-bridges, where they come from and what they do
What makes up each band and zone (actin/myosin)
Know how a muscle contracts according to the sliding filament theory (both in terms
of anatomically and physiologically)
Know what a neuromuscular junction is and it's parts
Know how a muscle receives an impulse and what enzymes do what (Ach and
acetylcholinesterase, and calcium)
Know what the breakdown of the sources of energy for muscles (be able to describe
when and how those energy sources are used)
Know what is meant by the oxygen debt mechanism
Know how lactic acid is produced and what happens when too much is produced
What are the 2 types of ion channels, where are they located, and how do they
Know about the all-or-none-law (this includes threshold, subthreshold, and
Be able to describe how an impulse is propagated from receptors to muscles
How is there a difference between contraction of the whole muscle versus
contraction of isolated muscle fibers
Know the difference between isotonic (concentric & eccentric) and isometric
What is Active & Passive Tension
What is a stretched and crumpled muscle
Be able to describe the different locations and characteristics of slow and fast twitch
muscle fibers
Why is there heat production during exercise?
What effect does aging have on a skeletal muscle?
Know muscular dystrophy
Know the difference between origin and insertion
Know how a muscle produces action (pulling or pushing) and why.
Know what the body or belly of a muscle is
Be able to identify the prime movers and the antagonists
Know the 5 things that might be described in the naming of the muscle (be able to
describe a muscle based on its name)
Be able to label, give origin, give insertion, and give function of all the muscles
learned in class (You’ll be tested on about 25): trapezius, sternocleidomastoid,
orbicularis oris, orbicularis occuli, platysma, temporalis, masseter, pterygoids,
sternohyoid, longissimus capitis, semispinalis cervicis, external intercostals, anterior
scalenus, rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis,
deltoid, latissimus dorsi, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, flexor carpi radialis, gluteus
maximus, pectoralis major, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachioradialis, palmaris
Name muscles involved in breathing, mastication (chewing)
Identify muscles of the rotator cuff and what movement
What are the 3 leg compartments and what is each responsible for.