Constructing Performance Measurement Indicators in the Government’ Information Unit in Taiwan: using Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Yi-Hui Liang Department of Information Management, I-SHOU University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. ( Abstract - The purpose of the study is to establish balanced scorecard (BSC) in performance measurement of Government’ MIS Department. We take a broader definition of Government’ MIS Department as “an assembly which brings forth some specific functional activities to fulfill the task of MIS.” BSC used as a measurement tool to assess study subjects, according to its strategy and goal formed by its assignment property, can be divided into four dimensions: internal process, customer, business value, and future readiness, which can provide us with a timely, efficient, flexible, simple, accurate, and highly overall reliable measurement tool. In order to extract the knowledge and experience from related experts to pick out important evaluation criteria and opinion, this study combines fuzzy theory and the analyical hierachy process (AHP) to calculate the weights. After completing weighted calculation of every dimension and indicator, the BSC model is thus established. The findings of this study show that the indicator weightings between and among all the levels are not the same, rather there exists certain amount of differences. The degrees of attention drawing in order of importance among all dimensions are internal process, customer, business value, and future readiness. After comprehensively analyzing indictors of performance measurement included in every level, the highly valued top three indictors are, when conducting dimension performance measurement in Government’ MIS Department, “Control cost,” “Satisfy end user demand,” “Operate and maintain information technologies efficiently”. From these studies we will be able to develop the indicators and the calculated weights of the four dimensions and the indicators mentioned above. This model can be utilized by the information units of the governments for constructing the strategies and blueprints for self evaluation. Further, these can also provide important information for effective resource investment in Government’ MIS Department. Keywords - Government, measurement, Balanced scorecard MIS, Performance I. INTRODUCTION Performance appraisal system is the most effective tool used for government reengineering. Performance appraisal aims to help people achieve their strategies, missions, visions and goals. Wu (2000)[1] supposed that Good performance appraisal systems can enable government departments to allocate reasonable resources, prioritize resource investment, further improve departmental effectiveness and efficiency, and organizational members adopt identical methods to pursue their goals, encourage their morale, and cause them to focus on organizational vision. Traditional government departments usually developed their information systems according to their individual requirements, and hence did not communicate with each other, leading people to develop bad impressions and stereotypes regarding government performance owing to inefficient government operations. Balanced Scorecard (BSC), which was developed by Kaplan & Norton in 1992, is a useful and popular method of identifying business performance using lagging and leading indicators based on the foundation of visions and strategies. Balanced Scorecard implies that organizational performance is evaluated not only utilizing financial indicators, but also simultaneously non-financial indicators. Balanced Scorecard built a framework to transform organizational vision and strategies into a series of consistent performance indicators, and thus execute and control organizational administration, allow organizational members to more concretely learn the vision and strategies of organization, and also l and also help managers track the outcomes of implemented strategies. Since Executive Yuan, Republic of China implemented performance reward and performance management plan in 2003, this plan followed the BSC spirit. However, Executive Yuan then consider the business properties, organizational culture, and management and check, so as to authorize each government department to set up its own performance evaluation process and evaluation indicators(DirectorateGeneral of Personal Administration,2005)[3]。Until now, Executive Yuan does not force government departments to set up their own performance evaluation process and evaluation indicators(Chu and Cheng,2007)[4]。 The analyical hierachy process (AHP) [2], which is the multi-criteria technique, is considered appropriate for solving complex decision problems [3]. The AHP is based on theory, and offers information on the relative weight of the BSC performance indicator [4] [5]. Otherwise, Zadeh (1965) [6] developed fuzzy theory to handle uncertain problems involving fuzziness and vagueness. Lee et al. (2008) [7] posited that traditional BSC failed to consolidate diverse performance indicators. Lee et al. (2008) [7] also suggested the fuzzy AHP method as as an answer for this problem. BSC can help managers of government organizations holistically evaluate information technology (IT) investments, as well as the performance of information system (IS) departments. This study builds a Framework for evaluating government MIS departments based on BSC. The study summarizes how to combine the BSC and fuzzy AHP to serve as a decision tool for government organization. The tool can be used not only to assess the contribution of a specific government MIS department, but also analyze the performance and direct the activities of government MIS departments. 3. Promote regularly IS applications mix. 4. Increase regularly IS hardware and software. 5. Implement cost-effective and new technological researches which are suitable for organizations. D3 D4 D5 C. Fuzzy AHP II. METHODOLOGY Step 1: Construct hierarchical framework of the BSC performance evaluation criteria A. Research Structure This study builds a Framework for evaluating government MIS departments based on BSC and fuzzy AHP. B. Select research variables This study adopted the dimensions and indicators which developed by Martinsons et al. (1999) [7], Liang, Hsieh, and Wang (2008)[9], and related government MIS experts to develop my proposed the dimensions and indicators. The research variables are showed as Table 1. TABLE I Research Variables Dimension Customer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business value 1. 2. 3. 4. Inner process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Future readiness Indicator Build and maintain the good image and reputation with end users. Have the opportunity to develop IT. Maintain a good relation with user communities. Satisfy end user requirement Perceived the preferred IS products and services provider by end users. Manage the good image and reputation. Make sure IS projects to offer business value. Control cost. Be onerous to offer the suitable IS products and services to the third party. Expect and affect the demands from end users and managers. Plan and develop IT efficiently. Operate and maintain IT applications efficiently. Obtain and test new hardware and software. Offer to satisfy the end user trainings with effective cost. Manage the IS problems effectively. 1. Expect and prepare the IS problems. 2. Train and develop regularly to improve IS skills. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 D1 D2 From the four BSC perspectives, the hierarchical framework of the BSC performance evaluation criteria is constructed. Step 2: Using AHP method to calculate the weight If get the weightmatrix W in pairwise comparison matrix A, standardize geometrical mean of row vectors, multiply element in every row, get geometrical mean and normalize it. Step 3: Construct Positive Reciprocal Matrix Every evaluation member use fuzzy AHP evaluation scale to express relative weight between each dimensions and criteria, and construct fuzzy Positive Reciprocal Matrix. Step 4: Consistency Check The check methods are as follows: 4.1 Consistency Index (C.I.) According to Consistency Index (C.I.), C.I=0 indicate that evaluation has perfect consistency; C.I>0 indicate that evaluation has consistency; C.I. <0.1 indicate that evaluation has evaluation has tolerant bias. 4.2 Consistency Rate (C.R.) Saaty (1980) [2] supposed that Consistency Rate (C.R.) to evaluate the consistency of pairwise comparisons in a matrix among criterions. Under the condition of different rank of matrix, it produce different random index (R.I.). Under the condition of the same rank of matrix, the ratio of C.I. to R.I. is called C.R.. When C.R≤0.1, the consistency level is acceptable. Step5: Calculate fuzzy weight value Utilize the Lambda-Max method which Csutora and Buckley (2001) [17] proposed, calculate the fuzzy weight of evaluation criterions. The steps of calculation are as follows: 5.1 When α=1, use α-cut to get median Positive Reciprocal Matrix. Then, calculate the weight use AHP method to get the weight matrix. 5.2 When α=0, use α-cut to get minimum positive reciprocal matrix and maximum positive reciprocal matrix. Then, calculate the weight use AHP method to obtain the weight matrix. 5.3 In order to make sure that calculated weight value is fuzzy number, therefore, adjusted the coefficient. 5.4 After obtained adjusted coefficient, calculate minimum positive reciprocal weight matrix and maximum positive reciprocal weight matrix of every measurement dimension. 5.5 Combing adjusted minimum, maximum and median values to get the fuzzy weight in kth evaluation member and kth measurement dimension. 5.6 Utilize average method to integrate the fuzzy weight of evaluation members and measurement dimensions. III. RESULTS A. Survey Candidates 3. 4. Based on previous studies on applying the BSC approach to information systems, this study used the 21 indicators as performance evaluation indicators to construct the research model and develop the questionnaire items based the model. The 20 indicators are showed in Figure 1. Next, take the central engineering government department as the example, and calculate the weights of all dimensions and indicators of the model using Fuzzy AHP method. The questionnaire was distributed among Director and Vice Director of the direct department, 7 Director of first-class independent unit, 3 Section Manager of the direct department, and Director of Information Technology, and a total of 13 valid questionnaires were returned and censored 2 invalid questionnaires (refusing answer, incomplete answer, or don’t passing the consistency check). The result of this study is showed in Table 2. The results demonstrated that the importance weights of all dimensions were ordered as follows: internal process, customer, business value, and future readiness. Additionally, the top three importance weights of performance evaluation indicators were top three indictors are “Control cost,” “Satisfy end user demand,” “Operate and maintain information technologies efficiently”. B. Results of fuzzy AHP method Inner process 0.328 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Future readiness 0.156 1. 2. TABLE II Results Dimension Customer weight Indicator 0.277 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business value 0.239 1. 2. Build and maintain the good image and reputation with end users. Have the opportunity to develop IT. Maintain a good relation with user communities. Satisfy end user requirement Perceived the preferred IS products and services provider by end users. Manage the good image and reputation. Make sure IS weight 0.046 rank 3. 11 4. 0.037 15 5. 0.053 8 projects to offer business value. Control cost. Be onerous to offer the suitable IS products and services to the third party. Expect and affect the demands from end users and managers. Plan and develop IT efficiently. Operate and maintain IT applications efficiently. Obtain and test new hardware and software. Offer to satisfy the end user trainings with effective cost. Manage the IS problems effectively. Expect and prepare the IS problems. Train and develop regularly to improve IS skills. Promote regularly IS applications mix. Increase regularly IS hardware and software. Implement costeffective and new technological researches which are suitable for organizations. 0.100 1 0.040 13 0.055 7 0.060 5 0.064 3 0.032 16 0.062 4 0.055 6 0.029 18 0.030 17 0.029 19 0.028 20 0.040 14 0.098 2 0.043 12 V. CONCLUSION 0.050 10 0.050 9 Performance appraisal systems for profit organizations have traditionally measured performance financially. For non-profit organizations a different approach is used, since for profit is not a main objective for such organizations, and possibly is even a constraint. Financial performance represents a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from its primary mode of business to generate revenues. Notwithstanding, for government organizations and other non-profit organizations, financial performance primarily represents a measure of how efficiently a government organization can use its budget. Using financial performance to measure is not sufficient to measure the government organization performance. This study develops BSC framework and calculate the weights of the four perspectives and the indicators mentioned above. These performance evaluation indicators will then be utilized by the information units of governments for constructing the strategies and blueprints for self evaluation. Further, these can also provide other related departments for effective resource investment in information units of governments. Compared to Miller & Doyle (1987) [15] 和 Saunder & Jones (1992)[16], the proposed IS evaluation dimensions and indicators more focus non-profit organizations characteristics. REFERENCES [1] A. Wu, “The new direction for performance evaluation.” The Chinese BAS Monthly, vol. 530, pp. 43-52, 2000. [2] R. S. Kaplan, and D. P. Norton, “The Balanced ScorecardMeasures: That Drive Performance.” Harvard Business Review, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 72-79, January/February 1992. [3] Directorate-General of Personal Administration,Executive Yuan, performance reward and performance management plan, 2005. [4] H. L. Chu, and C. J. Cheng, “An Empirical Investigation of the Governmental Performance Management System: Using the Balanced Scorecard and the Analytic Hierarchy Process.” Journal of Management, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 689705, 2007. [5] D. L. 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