Traveling Horse Problem (THP)

Assignment #3
CSc 4810/6810 Artificial Intelligence
Due 3/29/2005, Tuesday
Type in solutions, AND PRINT A HARD COPY!
1. (undergraduate students, 100 points).
1.1 Define 5 fuzzy sets (Very Low, Low, Middle, High and Very High) for a
variable called speed in [0, 100] (miles/hour), please show mathematical
definitions of 5 membership functions.
1.2 Low∩Middle = ?
1.3 Low  High=?
1.4 Low =?
2. (graduate students, 100 points).
2.1 Discuss the difference between probability and possibility, and show an
2.2 Please design a method that can define 5 fuzzy sets (Very Low, Low, Middle,
High and Very High) for a variable called Price in [0, 200] ($), please show
mathematical definitions of 5 membership functions. Please consider asking
10 experts to collect initial data and then define fuzzy sets.
2.3 High∩Middle = ?
2.4 Very Low  High=?
2.5 VeryHigh =?