STRATEGIC CORPORATE FINANCE Summer 2013 Professor Name: Mauricio Cervantes Status: Professor UNIVERSITY: Tecnológico de Monterrey (from México) email: STUDENTS: This course is for master students, economics or related fields TEACHING LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PREREQUISITES: Course of Corporate Finance Credits: 2 CREDITS General Objective of the Course Prepare master students or students in the last semesters of bachelor in making major strategic financial decisions within a corporation Methodology The course will be conducted using the case methodology, for which 7 cases were selected from the Harvard Business School covering major strategic financial decisions within a corporation. Previous to the session the students should read the case and make a specific analysis of each (see instructions of each case attached). As a theoretical framework for the correct interpretation and resolution of cases will be used as a text book of Corporate Finance Ross. Each session will discuss the scheduled cases and will review the basic theoretical concepts. The methodology involves mandatory: • Attending the course. • Performing previous readings and analysis indicated prior to the session. • Actively participate in class • Aprove mid-term and final exam. Program First Part Topics to cover: Value of money over time, project valuation, Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Capital Structure THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Discounted Cash Flow Valuation-(Cap 4, text) -Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules (Cap 5, text) Capital Investment Decision-Making (Cap 6, text) -Stock Valuation (Chapter 9, text) -Cost of Capital (Cap 13, text) -Valuation and Capital Budgeting-for the levered Firm (Cap 18, text) CASES -Airbus A3XX: Developing the World's Largest Commercial Jet -Hansson Private Label, Inc.: Evaluating an Investment in Expansion -Hearing-Harmonic Co. -Midland Energy Resources, Inc.: Cost of Capital Midterm Exam Second Part Topics covered: Investment Management, risk-return, CAPM, International Finance, Risk Coverage (hedging), Project Evaluation Options (real options) THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK -Return and Risk: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) (Cap 11, text) -Risk Analysis, Real Options, and Capital Budgeting (Ch 7, text) -Options and Corporate Finance (Cap 22) -Options and Corporate Finance: Extensions and Applications (Cap 23, text) -Derivative and Hedging Risk-(Cap 25, text) -International Corporate Finance (Cap 31, text) CASES -Beta Management Company Currency-Hedging Risk at AIFS -MW Petroleum Corporation Final Exam Textbook Corporate Finance, Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe, Mc Graw Hill, 9 edition Valuation Class participation 30% Open Book Final Exam 40% ============= Teacher Profile Mauricio Cervantes, Ph.D. Professor of Corporate Finance, International Finance and Business in China. PhD in Finance, MBA, Electronic Engineer. Consultant in the areas of International Finance, Portfolio Theory, Risk Coverage, Business in China. He is currently Executive Director of Asia Pacific Institute of Monterrey Tech, he was CEO of Global Traders and Mexico China Business, Director Graduate School of Management ITESM campus Guadalajara, visiting professor at Portland State University and University Esan in Peru. Among his publications include: "Performance shares in China: Comparative Predictive Model CAPM, three-factor model and reward beta", "Currency risk impact on the BMV" among others.