Commercial Digital Book Players Compatible With BARD 1) Braille Plus Mobile Manager – produced by American Printing House for the Blind ( +%20Mobile%20Manager_1-07450-01P_10001_11051 ) Size = 3.35” x 5.09” x .97” Weight = 7.4 oz 2) Book Port Plus -- produced by American Printing House for the Blind ( Port%20Plus_1-07191-00P_10001_11051 ) Size= 2.2” x 4.4” x 0.6” weight : 3.9 oz 3) Icon – produced by Levelstar ( ) Size = 3.35” x 2.13” x .55” Weight = 1.7 oz 4) Victor Reader Stream – produced by HumanWare ( 1/victorreader_stream.html ) Size = 4.6” x 2.6” x .9” Weight = 6 oz 5 and 6) BookSense and BookSense XT – produced by GW Micro ( Size = 4.25” x 1.85” x 0.73” Weight = 4 oz (essentially the same player, but the XT has more functions & memory) 7) BookSense DS—produced by GW Micro Size= 4.5x9.7x1.6cm (similar to the other BookSense players, but has display, so people with reading disabilities can follow the print while hearing the audio?! It’s so new, it does not yet have pricing on GW Micro’s website! In addition, it’s not listed on the BARD website as an approved player, but GW Micro’s website says it will!) Weight= 65g 8) PlexTalk Pocket PTP– produced by Plextor ( Size = 4.4” x 2.2” x .6” Weight = 3.9 oz 9) Plextalk PTN2—produced by PlexTalk ( ) Size= 6.69” x 8.62” x 2.2” Weight=2.87 lbs 10) Milestone 212—produced by Bones, Inc ( ml ) No information on size on website, but pictures show it fitting in the palm of an adult’s hand 11) Milestone 312—produced by Bones, Inc ( ml ) Again, no information on size on website, but pictures make it appear small