Cambridge Biology 2015-2016 Mr. Robert McDowell, Instructor Newark High School, Room # E-203 Course Description and Syllabus Teacher Contact My phone number at Newark High School is (302) 631-4700, ext 14436. I also have district e-mail, which is E-mail is the best way to reach me. I have a web page, and the address is: MCDOWELLSCIENCE.WIKISPACES.COM I will post class notes, articles to be read, and various class and lab expectations. Course Objective The objective of this course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of Biology, so they can make educated decisions in the future. The curriculum is designed to engage students, and get them to see how much science is related to everything they do. The class has been developed to cover all standards set forth by the Cambridge program of study. This course is associated with Cambridge University. At the end of the course (sometime in late spring) students may take the IGCSE (International General Certification of Secondary Education) exam. Students taking and passing the IGCSE Exam will receive certification in Biology. In addition to the IGCSE standards, we will also cover a few standards that the State of Delaware requires, but IGCSE does not. For example, IGCSE does not require Evolution, but Delaware does. This course outline was prepared so that students and parents have some insight on the course, expectations, grading, and class procedures. It is required that students keep this outline as part of their notebook, and refer to it throughout the year. It is expected that students will study on their own time outside of class. A Note on Attendance: Attendance is critical to success in this class. The class will move forward every day, and if a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get the notes, assignments, etc. The instructor is NOT RESPONSIBLE for students missed class time. The CODE of CONDUCT will be followed regarding length of time to make up assignments. Topics to be Covered (Topics may not be covered in this order) 1. Cell Structure and Organization 2. Diffusion and Osmosis 3. Enzymes 4. Plant Nutrition 5. Animal Nutrition 6. Transport in Flowering Plants 7. Transport in Humans 8. Respiration 9. Excretion 10. Homeostasis 11. Coordination and Response 12. Support, Movement and Locomotion 13. The Use and Abuse of Drugs 14. Microorganisms and Biotechnology 15. Relationships of Organisms with One Another and with the Environment 16. Development of Organisms and Continuity of Life 17. Inheritance 18. Evolution Assignments Students will be responsible for reading each chapter carefully and taking notes on the chapter. The primary assignment is to keep up with the reading and prepare for topics to be covered in the class lectures and discussions. Some chapter questions will be assigned as homework. Additional articles will be assigned, sometimes requiring a written summary or an answer to a given question. Homework will be assigned as needed, and will reinforce the lessons. All work will be geared toward the expectation that all students will take the Cambridge Biology exam. Periodically there will be a research topic involving a poster presentation and an oral presentation to the class. The presentation will involve some aspect of Biology. Small groups will also present articles, topics, and lab results to the class. Exams will constitute a large portion of the students’ grade, and they will be modeled after the AP test that students are expected to take in May. Tests will have multiple-choice portions, as well as free response essay questions. Students will also keep a portfolio of pertinent biology-related news articles, and turn it in each marking period. The portfolio will count as approximately one quiz grade. I will hand out a rubric for the portfolio during the first week of school. Assignments turned in after the first 10 minutes of class will be considered LATE and NOT accepted for a grade. Grading System Students will be graded using a weighted grading system. The following distribution will be used to calculate grades: Exams/Major Assessments: 40% Quizzes: 20% Homework 10% Classwork: 30% A point grade will be given for each assignment. Assignments that take more time or are more complex will be given a higher point value. Students will always know the point value of an assignment before beginning. There will also be a Mid-Tem and Final Examination. These tests will each constitute 10% of the student’s FINAL CLASS GRADE. The Mid-Term will cover the first two marking periods, and the Final Exam will cover the entire year. Tests will be returned to students for their review and then collected. Absolutely no extra credit assignments will be offered to students taking Cambridge Biology. The District Grading Policy will be used as follows: 98-100% =A+ 90-97% =A 87-89% =B+ 80-86% =B 77-79% =C+ 70-76% =C 67-69% =D+ 60-66% =D 59% or lower = F Academic Honesty It is expected in my class that students will adhere to the highest levels of academic honesty. The CODE of CONDUCT will be followed regarding academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: 1) Plagiarism, or the copying of another persons work with out due credit. -copying someone’s homework or class work -copying someone’s writing assignment -copying work from the internet, and claiming it as your own. -improper citation of references, to claim work as your own 2) Cheating on tests or quizzes -looking at another students paper for answers -having answers written on anything (including desks) before a test or quiz. -trading test forms with other students prior to taking a test. Textbook The Cambridge Biology textbook is “Biology for IGCSE”. The books are to be returned in GOOD CONDITION at the end of the year. The penalty for losing a textbook, or for damaging a textbook is $50. Students will be expected to bring their textbook to class. Students not having their textbook on days when it is required will forfeit their class participation grade for that day. Materials Each student will need a medium sized three-ring binder. The notebook, and a writing instrument, should be brought to class every day, unless specifically instructed. Students will be expected to maintain a neat notebook, and keep all handouts and returned work. Parents should periodically refer to the student’s notebook in order to check student’s progress. Make-Up Work Students are expected to make up all missed work due to excused absences. This is the student’s responsibility. Work missed during an unexcused absence cannot be made up, and will receive a grade of zero. I will not approach students about missing work; it is the student’s responsibility to seek missing work, and to return it in a timely manner. I will follow District policy regarding the time a student has to make up missed work. Work (INCLUDING MISSED EXAMS) that has been kept past the time limit will not be accepted. Students will be able to make up work AFTER SCHOOL. Assignments cannot be made up during my plan period, lunch, or during another scheduled class. Unexcused late work will not be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that work is turned in on time. Class Rules Students will be expected to follow all Newark High School rules and regulations as well as the following rules for my classroom. 1) Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work before the late bell. The hallway in front of my classroom does not constitute “classroom”. Students not in their assigned seat by the late bell will be marked late. 2) Absolutely no food or beverages will be allowed, unless specifically mentioned by the teacher. This includes chewing gum, candy, soda, or “fruit drinks”. On certain occasions, I will hand out candy as a reward. On those occasions only will I permit food to be eaten in my classroom. Water will be allowed, as directed by the teacher. 3) No students will be allowed to use any electronic devices, including calculators or cell phones, unless specifically mentioned. 4) Students are expected to act with courtesy and respect, both to the teacher, and fellow students. No foul or derogatory language will be tolerated. Excessive talking will not be tolerated. 5) Students will have assigned seats, and are expected to remain in them for the entire class period unless necessary for class participation. 6) Questions and comments will be preceded by a raised hand, and no shouting out will be tolerated. 7) Any work for another class being done in Biology class will be taken, kept, and filed in the student’s information folder. 8) Text books for other classes being used in Biology class will be taken, and returned to the appropriate teacher, with a note explaining why. 9) Homework is to be turned in at the beginning of a class period, unless otherwise indicated by me. Homework turned in after class has started will not be accepted. A WORD ABOUT CELL PHONES: They should be TURNED OFF and placed on the TOP of the desk at ALL TIMES. ANY use of a cell phone in my classroom will be regarded as ACADEMIC DISHONESTY, and the phone WILL BE TAKEN. Cambridge Biology 2015-2016 Mr. Robert McDowell Student Contract After reading the Course Description for Cambridge Biology 2015-2016, sign and return the following form to Mr. McDowell. It will be kept as a record of your understanding of the course requirements. I have read the Course Description for Cambridge Biology 2015-2016, and understand all of the provisions and expectations. I am willing to adhere to and abide by all provisions contained in the description. I understand that I will have to study the class material outside of class. Students Signature: Print Students Name: Date: . Parent/Guardian Contract After reading the Course Description for Cambridge Biology 2015-2016, sign and return the following form to Mr. McDowell. It will be kept as a record of your understanding of the course requirements. I have read the Course Description for Cambridge Biology 2015-2016, and understand all of the provisions and expectations. My child will adhere to and abide by all provisions contained in the course description. I understand that my child will have to study the class material outside of class. Parent/Guardian Signature: Print Parent/Guardian Name: Date: . Parent/Guardian Phone#: E-mail: . . This form must be returned to Mr. McDowell, and will remain in the student’s file.