Simple models of neurons! ! Lecture 4! 1! Recap: Phase Plane Analysis! 2! FitzHugh-Nagumo Model! Membrane potential K activation variable Notes from Zillmer, INFN 3! FitzHugh Nagumo Model Demo! 4! Phase Plane Analysis - Summary ! Scholarpedia, FitzHugh Nagumo Model 5! Recap – HH model! 6! Reducing HH models(2)! Original Reduced 7! Reducing HH models(3)! Dynamical Systems Neuroscience, Izhikevich8! Reducing HH to a 2-D equation! g g For all three variables! First approximation: Replace m by its asymptoic value! Abbott and Kepler, Model Neurons: From HH to Hopfield 9! Reducing HH to a 2-D equation! g g 2-d model! We want the time-dependence of U in f in reduced model to approximate the timedependence of F in the full model by changing h and n! 10! Two-dimensional version of HH! 11! Two-dimensional version of HH! Limit cycle due to constant current injection (train of action potentials) ï30 0 ï40 V - nullcline 0 ï50 0 0 0 ï60 0 20 ï100 40 20 ï70 20 U 0 ï50 0 50 V 12! General HH Model Reduction Strategy! g g Start with one equation for V and one for recovery variable (lets call it R)! To match the models in phase space, the first equation has to be a cubic polynomial in V! [Wilson, Spikes, decisions, and actions, 1998]! 13! General HH Model Reduction Strategy! g Start with one equation for V and one for recovery variable (lets call it R)! ! g Null clines of this system of equations are:! 14! [Wilson, Spikes, decisions, and actions, 1999]! General HH Model Reduction Strategy! Direct ! reduction! Phase plane! reduction (eqn below)! ! g Fitting to nullclines we get:! 15! [Wilson, Spikes, decisions, and actions, 1999]! General HH Model Reduction Strategy! [Wilson, Spikes, decisions, and actions, 1999]! 16! What is the code here?! g Intracellular recording from a locust projection neuron to 1s odor puffs! 60 mV 17! One-Dimensional Reductions! g Perfect Integrate and Fire Model! $" (t # t ) V I(t) C i Whatʼs missing! In this model! compared to HH?! ! t ref dV (t) linear C = I(t) dt V ( t ) = VThr " Fire+reset threshold 18! One-dimensional Reductions! g Perfect Integrate and Fire Model! Spike emission $" (t # t ) V I(t) C ! i V VThr reset tref ! ! dV (t) linear C = I(t) dt V ( t ) = VThr " Fire+reset threshold 19! One dimensional reductions! g The successive times, ti, of spike occurrence:! t i +1 ! g ! g " I(t)dt = CV th ti Firing rate vs. input current of the perfect integrator:! I ! f = CVThr If you force a refractory period Tref following a spike, such that V = 0mV for Tref period following ! a spike, then:! I f = CVThr + t ref I 20! One-dimensional Reductions! g I(t) C Leaky Integrate and Fire Model! $" (t # t ) V R Spike emission i V VThr reset ! t ref ! ! dV (t) V (t) linear C + = I(t) dt R V ( t ) = VThr " Fire+reset threshold 21! Comparison of the two models! 10 Perfect Integrate & Fire Leaky Integrate & Fire Model Input 9 8 7 V(mV) 6 C = 1nF R = 10MOhm VSPK = 70mV VTHR = 15 mV I = 1 nA 5 4 3 What is the main ! difference?! 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (ms) 350 400 450 500 22! One-dimensional Reductions! g I(t) Adapting Leaky Integrate and Fire Model! $" (t # ti ) V C R ! t gadapt ref dV (t) V (t) C + + gadaptV (t) = I(t) dt R " adapt dgadapt (t) = #gadapt (t) dt linear adaptation V ( t ) = VThr " Fire+reset threshold gadapt (t) = gadapt (t) + Ginc 23! Comparison of the three models! 300 Perfect Integrate & Fire Leaky Integrate & Fire Input Adapting Integrate & Fire 250 200 C = 1nF R = 10MOhm VSPK = 70mV VTHR = 15 mV τG= 50 ms Ginc = 0.2 nS I = 1nA 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 24! Comparison of the three models! 250 Perfect I&F Leaky I&F Adapt I&F Firing rate (hertz) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Input Amplitude (nA) 3.5 4 4.5 5 25! Low pass filter! 26! One Dimensional Models! g A more principled approach (again based on 2-d phase plane dynamics!!!)! 3 a = 0.7 b = 0.8 x ’ = x ï x /3 ï y + I y ’ = p (x + a ï b y) I=0 p = 1/13 1 y Input current moves! V nullcline! and! therefore alters stability of the! equilibrium point! Slow Variable (W) 0.5 W-nullcline meets! left or right segments of! V-nullcline then the! equilibrium point is stable! 0 ï0.5 ï1 W-nullcline meets! Center segments of! V-nullcline then the! equilibrium point is unstable! ï1.5 FitzHugh-Nagumo Model ï2 ï2 ï1.5 ï1 ï0.5 0 x 0.5 Fast Variable (V) 1 1.5 2 27! One Dimensional Models! g A more principled approach (again based on 2-d phase plane dynamics!!!)! 3 a = 0.7 b = 0.8 x ’ = x ï x /3 ï y + I y ’ = p (x + a ï b y) I=0 p = 1/13 1 y Input current moves! V nullcline! and! therefore alters stability of the! equilibrium point! Slow Variable (W) 0.5 0 W-nullcline meets! left or right segments of! V-nullcline then the! equilibrium point is stable! Threshold behavior once the current alters! the stability of the fixed-point (causes spike)! ï0.5 ï1 W-nullcline meets! Center segments of! V-nullcline then the! equilibrium point is unstable! ï1.5 FitzHugh-Nagumo Model ï2 ï2 ï1.5 ï1 ï0.5 0 x 0.5 Fast Variable (V) 1 1.5 2 28! One Dimensional Models! g A more principled approach (again based on 2-d phase plane dynamics!!!)! If I want to construct a integrate and fire model only this region is important!!! 29! Sub-threshold dynamics Dynamical Systems Neuroscience, Izhikevich captured by this highlighted region Quadratic Integrate and Fire Model! g A more principled approach (again based on 2-d phase plane dynamics!!!)! Notice: in this highlighted region V-nullcline is a parbola U-nullcline is still a line 30! Sub-threshold dynamics Dynamical Systems Neuroscience, Izhikevich captured by this highlighted region Izhikevich Model! g A simple model that captures the subthreshold behavior in a small neighborhood of the left knee (confined to the shaded square) and the initial segment of the upstroke of an action potential is given by:! where a, b, c, d are dimensionless parameters ! 31! Izhikevich Model! 32! Izhikevich Model! 33! Firing rate models! g I(t) C The potential in a continuous firing rate unit has same dynamics as in a LIF neuron! f= g(V) V R dV (t) V (t) C + = I(t) dt R f = g(V ) Sigmoidal function 34!