Level 1, Year 8, general grammar practice sheets

Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 2
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
vir in templum intravit et multos amicos ibi vidit.
The man went into the temple and saw many friends there.
1. Give a Latin example of:
(i) an adjective;
(ii) a conjunction.
2. templum. Give the case of this noun. Why is this case used?
3. intravit. Give the Latin subject of this verb.
4. vidit. Give the person, number, tense and the first person singular of the
present tense of this verb.
5. amicos. Give the gender of this noun.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 3
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentences and their English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
pueri non laborabant. magister subito intravit et 'laborate, pueri mali!'
The boys were not working. Suddenly the teacher came in and
shouted, 'Work, you wicked boys!'
1. Give a Latin example of
(i) a verb in the imperfect tense;
(ii) an adverb;
(iii) a conjunction;
(iv) an imperative.
2. pueri. Give the case of this noun in the first sentence. Why is this case
3. intravit. Give the person and number of this verb.
4. intravit. Give the Latin subject of this verb.
5. pueri mali. Give the case of these words in the second sentence.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 4
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
dominus ancillam equum ex agro ducere iussit.
The master ordered the maidservant to lead the horse out of the field.
1. Give a Latin example of an infinitive.
2. iussit. Give the person, tense, number and the first person singular of the
present tense of this verb.
3. iussit. Give the Latin subject of this verb.
4. ducere. Give the Latin object of this verb.
5. agro. Give the case of this noun. Why is this case used?
6. ancillam. Give the gender of this noun.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 5
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
servi dominum necaverunt et e templo cucurrerunt.
The slaves killed their master and ran out of the temple.
1. Give a Latin example of a conjunction.
2. necaverunt. Give the Latin subject and the Latin object of this verb.
3. templo. In what case is this noun? Why is this case used?
4. cucurrerunt. Give the person, number, tense and the first person singular
of the present tense of this verb.
5. dominum. Give the gender of this noun.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 6
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
vir aurum capere et celeriter effugere constituit.
The man decided to take the gold and escape quickly.
1. Give a Latin example of:
(i) an infinitive;
(ii) a conjunction;
(iii) an adverb.
2. constituit. Give the Latin subject of this verb.
3. aurum. Give the gender of this noun.
4. celeriter. Give an English word derived from this Latin word.
5. constituit. Give the person, number and tense of this verb.
6. capere. Give the Latin object of this verb.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 7
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
pueri mali verba magistrorum numquam audiebant.
The bad boys never used to listen to the words of their teachers.
1. Give a Latin example of:
(i) an adjective;
(ii) an adverb.
2. verba. Give the gender of this noun.
3. magistrorum. Give the case of this noun.
4. audiebant. Give the tense of this verb.
5. audiebant. Give the Latin subject of this verb.
6. verba. Give the case of this noun. Why is this case used?
7. audiebant. Give an English word derived from this Latin word.
8. pueri. Give the nominative singular of this noun.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 8
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
servi hastas paraverunt et ab oppido discesserunt.
The slaves prepared their spears and departed from the town.
1. Give a Latin example of a conjunction.
2. paraverunt. Give the Latin subject and the Latin object of this verb.
3. oppido. Give the gender of this noun.
4. oppido. Give the case of this noun. Why is this case used?
5. discesserunt. Give the person, number, tense and the first person singular
of the present tense of this verb.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 9
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentences and their English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
'verba mea bene audite, pueri!', clamavit magister. vir saevus erat.
'Listen to my words well, boys!,' shouted the teacher. He was a
savage man.
1. Give a Latin example of:
(i) an adverb;
(ii) an imperative.
2. verba. Give the gender of this noun.
3. clamavit. Give the Latin subject of this verb.
4. verba. Give the case of this noun. Why is this case used?
5. erat. Give the person, number, tense and the first person singular of the
present tense of this verb.
Grammar Questions for Level 1 - Sheet 10
Name................................................. Set............. Date......................................
Read and study the following Latin sentence and its English translation. Then
answer the questions which follow them. All the questions refer to the Latin
agricola servos aquam trans viam portare iussit.
The farmer ordered the slaves to carry the water across the road.
1. Give a Latin example of:
(i) an infinitive;
(ii) a feminine noun.
2. iussit. Give the Latin subject and the Latin object of this verb.
3. viam. In which case is this noun? Why is this case used?
4. iussit. Give the person, number, tense and the first person singular of the
present tense of this verb.