Word Chapter 1 Glossary

Word Chapter 1 Crossword Term List
Use this term list for completing the Word Chapter 1 Crossword Assignment.
Active tab - The tab currently displayed
Bold - Characters that display somewhat thicker
Document properties - The details about a file
Document window - Where you view a portion of a document on the
Dragging - The process of holding down the mouse button while moving
the mouse, then releasing the button
File - What a saved document is called
File name - A name assigned to a document when it is saved
Folder - A specific location on a disk
Font - Defines appearance and shapes of letters
Font size - Specifies size of characters
Formatting – changing the appearance of your characters or paragraphs
Gallery - Set of choices, often graphical, arranged in a grid or in a list
Home tab - The primary tab that contains the more frequently used
Insertion point - Blinking vertical bar
Key tip badge - A keyboard code icon
Keywords - Words or phrases that further describe a document
Menu - Contains a list of commands
Microsoft office word - Full featured word processing program
Mini toolbar - Appears automatically based on tasks you perform,
contains commands related to changing the appearance of text
Mouse pointer - Becomes different shapes depending on the task you are
Normal style - The default style in Word
Office button - A central location for managing and sharing
Paragraph formatting - Process of changing the appearance of a
Point - 1/72 of one inch in height
Printout - A hard copy of your worksheet
Resizing - Includes both enlarging and reducing the size of a graphic
Ribbon - The control center in Word
Scrollbars - Used to display different parts of a Word document
Scroll box - Reflects location of the portion of the document that is
Shortcut menu - A list of commands which appears when you right-click
an object
Sizing handles - Small squares at each corner and middle location of a
selection rectangle
Status bar - Displays at the bottom of the document window
Style set - A group of frequently used styles formatted to look pleasing
when used together
Submenu - List of additional commands
Task pane - A window that contains additional command
Theme - A set of unified formats for fonts, colors, and graphics
Winzip - Program compresses larger files into a smaller file