DocumentDisplay Page1 of2 CheckpointContents FederalLibrary I f4aterials FederalEditoria PracticeAids ClientLetters SampleExplanatoryClientLetters 2439 N4edical expensedeductionfor specialeducationcosts Client Letters .il2439 Medical expense deduction for special education costs To the practitioner: The subjectis discussedin FederalTax Coordinatorfl K-2150UnitedStatesTax Reporterll 2134.10. DearClient: You haveaskedme whetheryou may deductthe specialeducationcostsyou are incurringon behalfof yourchildas medicalexpenses. Expensesthat you incur in orderto enableyour childto compensatefor or overcomedisabilitiesor to prepareyour childfor future normaleducationor normallivingare deductiblemedicalexpenses.Thus, any expensesfor therapythat helpsyour child'sadaptationare deductiblemedicalexpenses.In addition,the expenses of your child'sschooling at a "specialschool"for mentallyor physically disabled individualsare deductible(includingthe cost of an ordinaryeducation)if the resourcesof the school are the reasonfor your child'spresenceand the educationalservicesprovidedare renderedonly as an incidentto the medicalcare provided. The qualification curriculum. Thus,a school of a schoolas a specialschooldependson the school's qualifiesas a specialschoolonly if the primaryfocusof its currlculumis to enablestudentsto compensatefor or overcomedisabilities,and to preparethem for future normaleducationor normal living.For instance,schoolsthat providesspecialservicesfor childrenwith mentaland/or physical disabilities,suchas schoolsfor the teachingof brailleor lip readingare specialschoolsbecausethe primarypurposeof the schoolsis alleviating or treatinga physicalhandicap. Similarly, schoolswith specialprogramsfor treatingseverelearning.mental,psychological or emotionaldisordersor dyslexia are soeciaI schools. In contrast,a schoolthat doesnot providea specialprogram/but is beneficialbecauseof its small classsizeor becauseit providesaddedserviceswithin a normaiacademicsetting,is not a special school,sincethe primarypurposeof the schoolis academic.However,if an ordinaryschoolis willingto developa specialprogramthat meetsyour child'sneeds,the schoolwill qualifyas a specialschool, of whethera schoolis a specialschoolis madeon the basisof your child's sincethe determination not the curriculum of the schoolas a whole. curriculum, Of course,you cannotdeductany specialeducationexpensesto the extent the expensesare borneby the state or localitv.In addition,the medicalexpensedeductionis limitedto the amountthat exceeds 7.5o/oof your adjustedgrossincome. If you have any questionsregardingyour abilityto deductyour specialeducationcostsor any other expensesthat you incuron behalfof your child,pleasefeel free to give me a call. Very truly yours, ENDOFDOCUN4ENT O 2009 ThomsonReuters/RlA.All rights reserved. 2/1512009 PageI of 2 DocumentDisplay CheckpointContents FederalLibrarv FederalEditorialMaterials FederalTax Coordinator2d ChapterK Deductions:Taxes,Interest,Charitable,Medical,Others That Qualifyas MedicalExpenses-OtherThanTraveland Transportation K-2100Expenditures Exoenses. institutions-when K-2150Educational full tuitioncostis deductible. Federal Tax Coordinator 2d flK-2150. Educational institutions-when deductible. full tuition cost is lYedicalcare deductionsfor paymentsto educationalinstitutionsare subjectto the institutionrulesof a1 tl K-2143. In additionto meetingthose rules,for all of the costsof attendinga schoolto be deductible,the schoolmust be a specialschool( ll K-2153) for a mentallyor physicallyhandicapped individual( fl K-2151). Also,that person'sconditionmust be suchthat the resourcesof the institution for alleviatingsuch mentalor physicalhandicapare a principalreasonfor his presencethere ( 1l K2152). In sucha case,the costof attendingsucha specialschoolwill includethe costof mealsand lodging,if supplied,and the cost of ordinaryeducationfurnishedby the schoolif that educationis incidentalto the specialservicesfurnishedby the school(see tl K-2154), eventhoughordinary is not medicalcare.a2 education f/ *to observation: Thus,for the full tuition payableto an educationalinstitutionto be deductible,taxpayersmust meet a tougherstandardthan they need meet to deductthe full fee payableto other non- hospitalinstitutions. i/ sa-ple €lient letter: Sampleclientletterson the medicalexpensedeductionfor specialeducationcostsappearin ClientLettersfl 2439 . 47 RevRul70-285,1970-1CB 52 ; R e v R u l 5 8 - 2 8 0 . 1 9 5 8 - 1 C B 1 5 7 . 42 R e gI 1 . 2 1 3 - l ( e x l x v x a.) Forthe deductibility coststhat don'tmeetthe abovetests,seefl K-2155et seq. of education .T E N DO F D O C U I V I E N All rightsreserved. O 2009ThomsonReuters/RlA. 2/1512009 https://checkpoint.riag.comiapplservlet/com.tta.checkpoint.servlet.CPJSPServlet?usid:12f... DocumentDisplay Page1 of3 CheckpointContents FederalLibrary FederalEditorialMaterials FederalTax Coordinator2d ChapterK Deductions:Taxes/Interest,Charitable,Medical,Others That Qualifyas lvledical K-2100Expenditures Expenses-OtherThanTraveland Transpotation ExDenses. seriousenoughunderthe medicalexpensededuction special K-2151Whenis a condition schoolrules. Federal Tax Coordinator 2d tlK-2151. When is a condition serious enough under the medical expense deduction special school rules. In the following cases, the condition involved was serious enough to qualify under the rules for the deductibility, as a medical expense, of the costs of special schools, discussedat !l K-2150 ... a neurological disorder,consisting of impairmentin the areasof visualmemoryand visual in a severe learning with respectto reading.aa matching,and resulting disability suchas (a) thoseresultingfromthe divorceof a child'sparentsand the ... emotionalproblems, suicideof her father, manifestingthemselvesin a refusaito do schoolwork,tempertantrumsand abuseas a resultof vomiting,4s(b) a child'slow selfesteem,maladjustment and psychological ab and (c) an with his mother,resultingin a learningdysfunction, his detrimental relationship "adjustmentreactionof adolescence, severe,with depressivefeatures."47 problemsas a resultof habitualdrug use.48 ... severebehavioral ... dyslexiathat was sufficientlysevereto be a handicap.The dyslexiamust have beendiagnosed by a physicianor other qualifiedprofessional as a medicalconditionthat requiresspecial l education to be corrected.48 44 Rev Rul 78-340, L978-2CB t24 45 creisdorf,Lawrence,(7970) 54 Tc 1684 Pazos,Jose,(1987)TC Memo1987-131, P H T C N 4f l 8 7 1 3 1 , 5 3 C C HT C M 3 3 7 47 IRS Letter Ruling 8447014 4B Urbauer,Charles,(1992)TC Memo1992-170, RIATC Memo!192170 , 63 CCHlCM 2492 44.1 2115/2009 Document Display Page1 of2 CheckpointContents FederalLibrarv I N4aterials FederalEditoria FederalTax Coordinator2d ChapterK Deductions:Taxes,Interest,Charitable,Medical,Others K-2100Expenditures That Qualifyas MedicalExpenses-OtherThanTraveland Transportation Expenses. K-2152Whenare the specialschool'sresourcesthe principalreasonfor its use. Federal Tax Coordinator 2d flK-2152. When are the special school's resourcesthe principal reason for its use. In the followingcases,the patient'sconditionwas suchthat the resourcesof the institutionfor alleviatinghis mentalor physicalhandicapswere a principalreasonfor his presencethere, underthe rulesdiscussed at fl K-2150: ... a mentallyretardedboy enrolledin a specially curriculum designed to meetthe needsof handicapped childrenwhoseI.Q. scoresrangedbetween50 and 75. The programwas designed to educatestudentswho were not ableto profit from the educationthat was beingoffered throughordinaryclassroominstruction,but whoseintellectualabilityindicatedthe possibilityof a degreeof scholasticattainmentwith the help of speciallytrainedteachersand specialmethods 49 and materials. ... a childwho did not cooperate at all in schooland who was oftenphysically sick,apparently as resultsof her parentsdivorcingand her father committingsuicide.Shetransferredto a school to providetrainingto studentswith learningdisabilities,particularly that was established psychological ones.She attendedthe schoolat the recommendation of the psychiatristwho had beengiving her therapy.Althoughit was difficultfor her motherfrom a financialstandpoint,she enrolledthe child upon his recommendation in the expectationthat the childwould be helpedto overcomeher emotionaldifficultiesand resultantlearninghandicap.Whenprogresswas made in this regard,the child was withdrawnfrom the schooland beganattendingpublicschool.s0 problemsas a resuitof habitualdrug useenrolledin a with severebehavioral ... a 17-year-old ratoryschooldesignedto addressboth the educationaland emotionalneedsof its college-prepa students.The schoolfacilitatedstudents'emotionaldevelopmentthrougha holisticprogramthat includedcommunityinteraction,peersupportand weeklytherapysessions.The schoolalso used a multifamilytherapyprogramcalled"Parent/ChjldCommunication Groups"to treat students' emotionalneeds.1 49 Rev Rul 70-285, 1970-1 CB 52 . 50 Greisdort Lawrence,(1970) 54 TC 1684 . 1 Urbauer,Charles,(1992)TC Memo1992-L7O,RIATC f4emofl92170, 63 CCHTCM2492 ENDOFDOCUMENT O 2009 ThomsonReuters/RlA.All rights reserved. 2/1512009 Document )ocument Display Page 1 of 5 CheckDoint Contents FederalLibrarv FederalEditorialMaterials FederalTax Coordinator2d ChapterK Deductions:Taxes,Interest,Charitable,Medical,Others That Qualifyas MedicalExpenses-OtherThanTraveland Transportation K-2100Expenditures Expenses. K-2153What is a specialschoolfor purposesof the medicalexpensededuction. Federal Tax Coordinator 2d flK-2153. What is a special school for purposes of the medical expense deduction. The distinguishing characteristic of a specialschool,for purposesof the rulesat 1l K-2150, is the substantivecontentof its curriculum.The curriculumof a specialschoolmay includesomeordinary education,but this must be incidentalto the primarypurposeof the school,whichis to enablestudents to compensatefor or overcomehandicaps,to preparethem for future normaleducationor normal living.2 2 Reg5 1.213-1(e)(1)(v)(a) ; RevRul7O-2a5,7970-LCB 52 ; Pfeifer,DonaldR., (1978)TC l4emo 1978-189, PHTCMfl78189, 37 CCHTCM816 , affd(1979,CAr0) 79-2 USTCfl9518 . The regsstatethat schoolsfor the teachingof brailleor lip readingare specialschoolsbecausethe r Similarlya schoolwith a primarypurposeof the schoolis alleviating or treatinga physicalhandicap. disorder4 or dyslexiaa 1 is specialprogramfor treatingseverelearningdisordersdue to a neurological a specialschool.And a schoolthat was specifically establishedto assiststudentsin overcomingvarious neurological and that only acceptsstudentswith thoseconditions is a specialschool.42 conditions However,overcomingthe learningdisabilitiesmust be a principalreasonfor attendingthe school.Any ordinaryeducationreceivedmust be incidentalto the specialeducationprovided.4 3 3 Reg5 1.213-1(e)(1XvXa) 4 Rev Rul 78-340, 1978-2 CB I24 4.7 IRS LetterRuling200521003; IRS Letter Ruling A4O|O24 4.2 IRS LetterRuling200704001 IRS LetterRuling200521003 DocumentDisplay Page2 of 5 The regsalsostate that schoolsthat train the mentallyretardedare specialschoolsbecausethe s Thus,a school primarypurposeof the schoolis alleviating or treatinga mentalor physicalhandicap. providinga curriculumdesignedto meet the needsof handicapped childrenwhoseI.Q. scoresranged between50 and 75, in orderto educatestudentswho are not ableto profit from the educationthat was beingofferedthroughordinaryclassroominstruction,but whoseintellectualability indicatethe possibilityof a degreeof scholasticattainment,with the help of speciallytralnedteachersand special methodsand materialsis a specialschoolbecausethe primarypurposeof the schoolis to alleviatea 6 mentalhandicap. 5 RegS 1.213-1(e)(1)(v)(a) ; RevRul7t-347, 797r-2CB rr4 6 RevRul70-285,f97O-I CB 52 . Similarly,a schoolwhosestatedand actualpurposeis to providean environmentwhereaverageand (usuallyemotionalor psychological) above-average studentswith speciallearningdisabilities can learn to adjustand functionnormallyin a competitiveclassroomsituationis a specialschoolwhere its resourcesfor alleviatingthe child'sdisabilityare the principalreasonfor the child'spresencein the schooland its educationalprogramis incidentalto its medicalfunction.7 Thus,a schoolwhichdoesn't providecollegecoursesor livingfacilities, but insteadprovides tutoringand specialized social,academic and independent_living skilldevelopment to studentswith medically-related learningdisabilities, is a cna.ial c.h^^l ' 1 7 Greisdorf,LawrenceD., (1970) 54 TC 1684 IRS LetterRuling200729019. Also,a psychiatrically orientedboardingschooldesignedto meet the needsof studentswho havefailed to make a satisfactoryadjustmentin their homes,schools,or socialrelationships was a specialschool. guidance The school's chiefemphasis wason mentalhygieneand psychological and it stressed the development of soundgroupliving,recognizing the needto dealwith eachchildon the basisof his o individual Droblems. B IRS Letter Ruling 8447014 . There is no requirement that a special school admit only students that are suffering from a mental or physical diseaseor defect. The determination as to whether a school is a special school is made with reference to the nature of the services received by the individual with respect to whom a deduction is sought, not with reFerenceto the general nature of the institution as a whole. 9 I Sims,AlvinJ., (1979) TC N4emo 1979-499, PHTCM1179499 ,39 CCHTCM700 . https://checkpointriag.comlapplservleVcom.tta.checkpoint.servlet.CPJSPServlet?usid:12f... 2/1512009 DocumentDisplay Page3 of5 Thus,the deductibilityof the tuition as a medicalexpensedependson what the schoolprovidesto an individual, and not on whetherthe schoolis a "specialschool."A schoolcan havea normaleducation programfor most students,and a specialeducationprogramfor thosewho need it. In other words,a schoolcan be "special"for one studentbut not for another.9 1 Thus,a specialcurriculumin a regular school,that is a severablepart of the regularschool,can meet the RevRul 70-285 (footnote2) definitionand thus be considereda specialschool.10Similarly,wherea directorof militaryscnool and mentallyabnormaison as a personal agreedto acceptthe taxpayer'sphysicallyhandicapped instruction in orderto alleviatethe child'sshortattentionspan,the and providedone-on-one challenge school.1l schoolwasa sDecial 9.1 IRS LetterRuling200521003 10 RevRul70-285,l97o-l CB 52 11 Olson,RollandT., (1964)TC lvlemot964-325, PHTCM.[t64325,23 CCHTCM2008 . The courtshaverarelyconsidereda "regular"privateschoolto be a specialschool.Althoughthe individualattention,smallclasssize,and strict discipli,ne characteristic of good privateschoolsoften are beneficialto studentssufferingfrom mentalor physicaldefectsor illnesses,theseschoolsrarelyare able to meet the tests of Rev Rul 7O-285(footnote2). 12Thus,wherea child is sent to a regular privateschoolon a doctor'sadvicethat his speechproblemscouldbe alleviatedby beingwith normal childrenat a regularschool,the schoolis not a specialschool,sinceno specialservicesare provided.13 wherea studentwas placedin a schoolwhoseapproach wasto placespecialemphasis on the Similarly, potential yet not and development of students whose had been reachedand whoseprogress training had beenimpededby weak study habitsor an inadequatescholasticbackground,the schoolwas not a facilitiesand did not provide specialschool.The schooldid not haveany psychiatricor psychological ra any counselingor therapyfor mentaland/or emotionalproblems. Sims, Alvin J., (1979) TC l4emo L979-499 , PH TCM 1179499,39 CCHTCM 700 ; Reiff, Jack W., (1974) T C M e m o L 9 7 4 - 2 O , P HT C M l t 7 4 0 2 1 , 3 3 C C HT C N 49 1 ; S h i d l e r ,D e v o r aR . , ( 1 9 7 1 ) T C M e m o 1 9 7 1 L26 , PH TCM T71126 , 30 CCH TCN4529 . 13 Weinberg, IsraelJ., (1969)TC Memo1969-3, PHTCMfl69003, 28 CCHTCM10 . 14 P a z o s ,J o s e F . , ( 1 9 8 7 ) T C M e m o 1 9 8 7 - 1 3 1, P H T C M 1 8 7 1 3 1 , 5 3 C C HT C M 3 3 7 . Where blind or deaf students or students with epilepsy go to private schools becausethe private schools allow the students to attend school in a normal setting, the schools are not special schools becausethe purpose of the schools is academic, rather than therapeutic. 1s I 2f... 2/1512009 Page4 of 5 ArnoldP.,(1968)51 TC 108; lvlartin, JamesR., (1975)TC Memo1975-362,PH TCM Grunwald, (1977, CCH TCN4 1564 affd CA6) 39 AFTR2d 77-692 , 54A F2d 633 ,77-r usTc 119180 , ; 1175362 ,34 Shidler,DevoraR., (1971)TC Memo1971-126,PHTCMlt7Lt26 ,30 CCHTCM529 . Wherea learningdisabledor emotionallydisturbedstudentattendeda privateschoolon a doctor's recommendation becauseof the school'ssmallclasses,the schoolwas not a specialschool.The school had no psychologists or psychiatristson staff, its administrationdid not holdthe schoolout to be a 'o specialschool,and the schoolhad a normalcurriculum. Pfeifer,DonaldR., (1978)TC Memo1978-189, PHTCMf78189 , 37 CCHTCM816 , affd (1979,CA10) 91 . 79-2 USTCfl9518; Reiff,JackW., (1974)TC lllemo1974-20,PHTclvll74O2O,33 CCHTCN4 The fact that a schoolprovidesspecialservicesfor studentswith disabilitiesdoesn'tnecessarymake the schoola specialschool.Thus,a privateschool,approximately25oloof the studentsof which have learningdisabilities, and whichhad (a) a learningcenterto test thosestudentsand improvetheir psychological programwas not a specialschool. counseling learningskiilsand (b) an on-campus Althoughthe studentspentsubstantialtime availinghimselfof thesespecialservices,he alsoengaged in a full load of regularclassesand extracurrjcular activities,so the regularclassesand extracurricular 161 Similarly, not incidental to wherea were the alleviation of his learningdisabilities. activities learningdisabledstudenttook remedialand academiccoursesat a privateschool,the schoolwas a not a specialschool,sincethe primarypurposeof the schoolwas academic.162 16.1 Sims,AlvinJ., (L979)TC Memo1979-499, PHTclvl1179499 ,39 CCHTclvl700 16.2 Walton,BruceS., (1982)TC Memo1982-648, PHTCMfl82648,45 CCHTCM65 . In anothercase,the Tax Courtfoundthat the fact that the studentdroppedout of the schoolbecause he couldn'tmeet its academicstandards,was an indicationthat the purposeof the schoolwas academic,rather than the allevjationof the student'sdisability.The court statedthat it didn't believe that a specialschooldesignedto treat studentswith learningdisabilitieswoulddrop a studentbecause madehim incapable his iearningdisabilities of competingwith ordinarystudents.163 16.3 P f e i f e r ,D o n a l dR . , ( 1 9 7 8 ) T C M e m o t 9 7 8 - r 8 9 , P H T C M f l 7 8 1 8 9 , 3 7 C C HT C N 48 1 6 , a f f d ( 1 9 7 9 , C A 1 0 ) 79-2 USTC!t9518 . E N D O F D O C U M E N -T All rightsreserved. O 2009ThomsonReuters/RlA. 2115/2009 DocumentDisplay Page1of2 CheckpointContents FederalLibrary FederalEditorialMaterials FederalTax Coordinator2d ChapterK Deductions:Taxes,Interest,Charitable,lYedical,Others That Qualifyas MedicalExpenses-OtherThanTraveland Transportation K-2100Expenditures ExDenses. K-2154Whetherexpenditureswere for ordinaryeducationincidentalto a school'sspecial services. Federal Tax Coordinator 2d flK-2154. Whether expenditures were for ordinary education incidental to a school's special services. The cost of ordinaryeducationfurnishedby a specialschool( f K-2153) is a medicalexpenseif that educationis incidentalto the specialservicesfurnishedby the school,see 1l K-2150. A 17-year-oldwith severebehavioralproblemsas a resultof habitualdrug use enrolledin a school designedto addressboth the educationaland emotionalneedsof its students.Tuitionat the schoolwas deductible.The schoolrequiredhis parentsto maintaina "personalaccount"and "allowanceaccount" failureto maintainthe accountswould have resultedin the son'sdismissalfrom the school.Becauseof theseconditionsput on the two accounts.paymentsmade into them were ordinarycostsof education. And they were incidentalto the specialservicesprovidedby the school.17 77 Urbauer,Charles,(1992)TC lvlemo1992-170, RIATC Memot192170, 63 CCHrCM 2492 . ENDOF DOCUMENT @ 2009 ThomsonReuters/RlA.All rights reserved, https://checkpoint.riag.corn/applservlet/com.tta.checkpoint.servlet.CPJSPServiet?usid:12f... 211512009 Year2008Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof ChildrenWith LD - Page1 of6 ,ll€{-:l'SC6OOISlnvolvet parenis. S!.cesstli tiiJ5. Year 2008Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof Children With LD By Grade Parentsof kidswith a severetear0ingdisabiLitymay be eligibtefor vatuabletax benefits.Readour annual update. l\ Nllrhrcl O (l{nii. lvo'rloe Sedi! ,nd Ju6. P.lato lf you havea chitd with a severelearningdisabitity(LD),you may quatifyfor valuabtetax benefits.lf your chitd hasAD/HDor other physicat,mentator emotionalimpairments,you may atsoquatlfyfor tax benefits. Eecausetax [awsare comptexand manytax preparersoften do not haveocca5ionto usetheseuniquetax benefits,familiesare at risk of tosingrefundsworth thousandsof's (ike(ythat 15%to 30%of famitieswith a disabtedchild haveone or more unclaimedtax benefits. Thisguideprovidesa summaryof the most significantfederal incometax benefitsand shoutdnot be consideredtegatadvice.Tax decisionsshouLdnot be madegimptyon the basisof the informationprovided here. Youare advisedto print out this guideand give a copy to your tax advisor.Youshoutdatsoexplore potentiatstate incometax benefits,which are too numerousto reviewin this gujde. L.a.njng Djsabitjties Irav.t dnd Learnrng Media lrd Your Child Learnnrg5tandards ( lnternal RevenueService(lRs) PubLicationsrepresentthe most accessibteform of guidanceto the tax rutes for the generalpublic, and relevantJRSpublicatjonsare cjted for eachof the tax benefitslisted betow.The IRSatsoissuesinterpretationsof the code and reguLations catted RevenueRulings.Theseinteeretations are formaL,bindingpolicystatements.Tax professionats rety on revenuerulingsin advisingcLientsaboutta-x tiabilitiesand tax benefits.For exampte,RevenueRuting78-340,discussedLater,authorizesa medicat expensedeductionfor tuition or tutoring fees paid for a chitd with a severetearningdisabititywho is attendinga specialschootat the recommendation of the chitds doctor. Tax Benefits: Deductions ys. Creditt Its importantto distinguishbetweentwo categofiesof tax benefits.Onecategoryi9 a deductionfrom taxableincome orsimply a "deduction. The vatueof a deductionis basedon t he margjnal tax rate of the taxpayer.lf a personhasa tax deductionworth Sl,000, the actualvatueof the deductionwitt be determinedby the taxpayer'stax rate. Soa taxpayerin the lowesttax rate bracket, 10%,witl havehis taxabteincomereducedby 51,000and save5100(10%of 51,000).However,a taxpayerin a higherbracket, for exampLe,28%,witt havehis taxabteincomereducedby 51,000and save5280(28%of 51,000). The secondtax benefit is a tax credit, which is a dottar-for-dottarreductionin tax tiability. An individuat with a tax credit worth 51,000witt havehis tax bitLreducedby 51,000.This meansthat the actuatamount of taxesis reducedby the amountof the tax credit- However,becausetax lawsand proceduresare very compticated,othef factorscan influencethe ultjmate valueto the taxpayer. The fottowingsummarizes the principaltax benefitsthat may be avaitabteto famitiescaringfor chitdren with severetearningdisabilities. Retroactive Claims for Refunds The IRSallowstaxpaversto fite amendedreturnsand coftectrefundsfor unctaimedtax benefits retroactiveLy up to three years.This meansa taxpayercan fite an amendedreturn for the 2005tax year (andatsofor the 2005and 2007tax years)and ctaim a refundif the return is fiLednot tater than Aprit 15, 2009.(see IRSPubtication17, Your FederatIncomeTax, 2008,pages18-20.) 187?cpr=200802141d 2/14/2009 Year 2008 Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof ChildrenWith LD - Page2 of 6 BesidesParents, Who Can Claim a Child as a Dependent_1 A reLativecaretaker(e.g., a gmndparentor aunt) or a nonretativecaretaker(e.9., a fosterparentor tegalg ardian)rnay be abLeto ctaima chitd asa dependentandqualifyfor retatedtax benefits.A retativeca.etakerandthe cnild are not Standard requiredto live in the samehorsehotd.^loreinformationjs availabtein IRSPublication501;"Exemptions, Deductionand FitingInformation; pages9-19: http:/ rwww.irs.qov/pub/Aspdflp501.p{lt. Eliqibitityjs determinedby a fiv€-parttest. The mostcfiticaLrequirementis that the caretakermust provjdemofe than hatf of overat(financialsupportfor the child. For example,there may be caseswh€rethe caretakerjs rnakinga financialconvibutiontoward LD-rclatedexpenses(e.8., privateschoottuition) that repfesentsmorethan subsrantiat hatf of the overaLt costof supportfo. the chitd. ln thosesituations,the caretakefcoutd{At the chitd asa dependentand A. .taim the tuition asa medicatexpensedeductionon Schedute Medical ExDense Deductions A taxpayermay ctaim a deductionfor medicate/,penses of the taxpayeror the taxpaye/sdependentslsee boxformoreinformationondependents).section1.213-1(e)(1)(v)(a)oftheDepartmentoftheTreasury regulationsprovides,in part, that while ordinaryeducationis not medicalcare, the cost of medicalcare inctudesthe cost of attendjnga speciatschoolfor a mentatlyor physicattyhandicappedindividuat,if his conditionis suchthat the resourcesof the institution for atleviatingsuchmentalor physicalhandicapare a principatreasonfor his presencethere. As such,the lRshas rutedthat tuition and transportationcostsfor a speciaLschooLthat hasa programdesignedto educatechi[drenwith tearningdisabititiesand amountspaid for a chitdr tutoring by a teacherspecialtytrained and quatifiedto deat with severelearningdisabjtities may aLsobe deducted.(RevenueRuling78'340, 1978-2C.B. 124.) Speciat inst.uction,trai ningor therapy, 5uchas Braille, lipreading,signlanguageinstruction,speechtherapyand .emedialaeadinginstruction, woutd atsobe deductibte.Retatedbooksand materiatscan quaLifyfor the medicatexpensededuction.lRs PrivateLetter RuLing 8616069(1985PLRL 41) discusses what typesof conditionsand instructionmay not quatify. Generatty,for famiLiesto quaLifyfor the deduction,the chitds doctor must recommendthe speciatschool, therapyor tutoring, and there must be a medicatdiagnosisof a neu.otogicatdisorder,suchas a severe leamingdisabitity,madeby a medicatprofessionat.Transportationexpensesfor the speciaLschoolor the tutor alsoquatifyfor a medicalexpensededuction.lf transportationis by car, the atlowabteexpensein 200Eis 19 cents per miLe(for mjlesdriven from January1 to June 30) and 27 cents per mite (from Juty 1 to December31), or the actuatcost of operatjngthe vehicte. Furthermore,deductibtemedicaLexpensesincludeexpensesfor the diagnosisand treatment of physica( disorders,and traveLand todgingcostsretatedto suchdiagnogisand treatment expenses.Thiscan include pathotogist,psychotogist, testing by a speech'Language neurotogistor other personwith professionat qualifications. Note: Expeffes claimed os a medical expensededuction and lotet rcimbursed by on insurance componyor schooldistri.t (e.9., the serviceis adopteddspart of the child'slndividualizedEducationPtogram,or IEP) must be reported os taxable income lor the year in which the reimbursements ote rcceived. lf parents hovepaid for the servicesbut haven'tcloimedthem os a medicolexpense,they shouldaskthat the tchool district not issoea 1099Jorm in connectionwith the reimbursement.If the schooldistrict does issueo 1099,consultwith a tax adisor dbout how to proceed. Not everyonewho hasmedicatexpensescan usethem on their tax return. Medicalexpensesmust be ctaimedon ScheduteA, ltemizedDeductions,and are subjectto certain timitations.First, the famity must haveitemizeddeductionsthat exceedtheir standarddeductionin order to useScheduteA (about65%of taxpayersdo not itemizefor this reason).Second,medicalexpensesare atlowedas a deductiononty to the extent that they exceed7.5%of adjustedgrossjncome,a significantthreshotdfor manyfamities.(SeetRS PubLication 502, Medicaland DentatExpenses.) WhatExpenses Qualifvfor a Tax Deduction? http://www.greatschools.neVcgi-bin/showarticle/ 1187?cpn=2008021 41d 2n4/2009 Year2008Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof Children With LD - Page3 of6 Thefoltowingexpenses re{ommendsthe serviceor treatnent for mayqualifyfor the deductionif a medicalproiessionat disorder,slch asa severetearningdisabiLity: the chitdand there is a medicatdiagnosis of a neuroLogjcat . Tuitionfor a privateschoot . Specialjzed matenals(e.g., book, softwareandlnstructionatmateriaLs) . Diagnostic evatuations(by a privatepractitioner) . T.ansportation exp€nses for a privateschoolor tutof Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Arrangements Atternativeapproachesto obtainingtax benefitsin connectionwith medicaLexpensesmay invotveuseof a medicatexpenses heatthsavingsaccount(HSA)or a flexible savingsarrangement(FSA).Att the LD-reLated reviewedabovecan be pajd throughan HSAor FsA\4/ithpretax dottars.An HsAaltowsa workerto useup to 55,800in 2008for famjty coverage,jn pretax incomefor medicalexpenses.An HSAmay onty be opened when the emptoyeehasa "highdeductible"health insuranceplan. Amountsptacedin an HSAmay be carried over to folLowingyeaB if not used. An FSAcan be part of a cafeteria ptan of atternativefringe benefitsoffered by an emptoyer.An employee can attocatepretax incometo the accountand then withdrawit duringthe year to pay for medicat expenses.Employersmay atsomakecontributionsto the FSA,and the maximumamountis set by the terms of the emptoyerptan.Two importantconditlonsare: 1. The amountto be ptacedin the accountmust be determinedby the emptoyeeat the beginningof the year' 2. Fundsin the FSAthat are not usedby the end of the year are Lost.However,a recent amendment atlowsa onetimetransferof FsAfundsto an HSA. humanresourcesoffice can providemore information.At5o,see IRSPubtication969, Heatth The empLoyer's SavingsAccountsand OtherTax FavoredHealthPtans. Deduction for Disability-Related Conferences ( \ In May2000the IRSissuedRevenueRuting2000-24,which offers guidance and goodnews- for pa.entsof chitdrenwith djsabitities.Parentswho attend conferencesto obtain medicalinformationconcerning treatment for and care of their chitd may deductsomeof the costsof attendinga medicalconference retatedto a dependentschronichealth condition.The jmportant pointsto rememberare: . Medicalexpensesare deductibleonty to the extent that they exceed7.5%of an individuatsadJusted grosSincome,and that timitation apptiesto this deductionas wett; . Costsof admissionand transportatjonto a medica(conferenceretatedto your dependentschronic heatthconditionare now deductibte,if the costsare primarityfor and essentiaL to the care of the dePendent. . Costsof meatsand lodgingretatedto a conference,however,are not deductibte.(Note,however, that todging- up to 950per night is deductjbleif you must travel and stayat a hotet white your dependentis receivingmedicattreatment from a ticensedphysicianin a hospitator a retatedor equivatent setting.) . Costsare primarityfor and ersentialto the care of the dependent"(andthereforedeductibte)if: . The parent attendsthe conferenceuponthe recommendation of a medicalprovidertreating the child: . The conferencedisseminates medicalinformationconcerningthe chitds conditionthat may be htto://www.ereatschools.neVcsi-bin/showarticle/1 187?con:200802 14ld 2/14n009 Year2008Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof ChildrenWith LD - Page4 of 6 usefuIin makingdecisionsaboutthe treatment or care of the child; . The primarypurposeof the visit is to attend the conference.Whiteat the conference,the parentssociatand recreationalactivitiesin the city he or sheis visitingare secondaryto attendanceat the conference: . The conferencedeatswith specificissuesrelatedto a medicaLconditjonand doesnot just relate to generalheatthand wett-being. Child and DeDendent Care Credit The Childand DependentCareCredit is attowedfor work-retatedexpensesincurredfor dependentsof the taxpayer.Generattythe dependentmust be underthe ageof 13. However,if the chitd hasa disabilityand requiressupervision,the age timit is waived. For exampte,a 16-year-otdwith severeAD/HDand a behavior disorderwho cannotbe Leftatonewithout adult 5upervision woutd be a quatjfyingchild for this credit. Expenses up to 53,000per year for one quatifyingdependentand up to 56,OOO for two or more qualifyjng dependentsare atlowed.Expenses for regutarchild care services,after,schootprogramsand summercamps quatify,atthoughovernightsummercampexpensesdo not. paymentsto a aetativeto care for a chitd aLso qualify, as long as the retativeis not a dependentof the taxpayer.The credit is calcutatedatZ1%to 30% percentof a(lowabLe expenses,ba5edon the famitysadiustedgrossincome.The averagecredit js about 5600but can be as highas 52,100.(SeeIRSPubtication503, Chitdand DependentCareExpenses,.) Exemption for Dependents A taxpayeris entitled to clalrnan exemptionfor eachquatifieddependent.This may appearreLativety straightforward,but caretakers,suchas grandparents,auntsor even foster parents,may overtook exemptions.Atso,in somecasesfoiLowinga divorce,a noncustodiaIparent who providesthe majority of supportfor a qhitdwith a severelearningdisabitity,and paysfor medical/educatjonat expensesrelated to the chitd5 learningdisabitity,may tikewisequalify for both the exemptionand medicatexpensedeductjons. A new definition of quatifyingchitd took effect in the 2005tax year; the most significantchangeis that the taxpayerneednot showsupportfor a quatifyingchiLd,but the child must tive with the taxpayerfor morethan six months.Fo. eachdependent,there is an exemptionfrom taxableincome,worth Sj,500 for the 2008tax year. For a taxpayerwith a marginattax rate of 25%,eachexemptionwilt reducethe tax tiabitity by 5875.Equatlyimportant,the dependencystatusis requiredfor sometax benefitssuchas the child and dependentcare credit hstedabove.Atso,dependentsunderage 17 quatjfyfor the ChjtdTax Credit, worth up to 51,000 per chitd. (see IRSPubtication501, Exemptions,StandardDeductionand Fiting Information, and Instructionsto Form 1040.") Note: The gift tox * which imposesa tax on the donot fot gifts over 513,0(n - genetu(y doesnt appty to tnyments for medicalexpensesot education-Thisis a complextopic ond shouldbe discussed with a tox advisorwhen a taxpayerprovidet, or plansto provide, an amountgreatet that S13,OOO to onyonenot a Earned Income Tax Credit FamiLies with at leastone chitd fiting a retum as singLeor headof househotdwith adjustedgrossincome under533,995(536,995for maried taxpayersfiting a joint return) may quaLifyfor the EarnedlncomeTax Credit (EITC)basedon the presenceof one or two quatr'fying chitdrenin the taxpaye/shome. For EITC purposes,a quatifyingchitd i5 a biotogicatchltd, adoptedchitd, stepchitdor foiter chjld who resjdedwith the taxpayerfor more than six monthsduringthe catendaryear and ls underage 19 at the end of the year. A quatifyingchild is atsoa chitd ages19 to 23 who js a futt-time studentfor at leastone semester.Finatty,a severetydisabLed child is a quaLifyingchitd without regardto age, even into adutthood,as tongas the chitd contrruesto tive with his parent(s).Notethat a quatifyjngchitd for EITCdoesnot haveto meet the requirementsfor a dependencyexemption.EITCbenefitsare as high as 54,g24for famitieswith two or morequdlifyingchiLdren,atthoughthe credit comptetetyphasesout at 541,646.(see tRSpubtication596, "Earnedlncomelax Credit,'for moreinformation.) http://www.greatschools.neVcgi-bin/showarticle/ 1187?cpn:200802 14ld 2/14t2009 Year2008Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof ChildrenWith LD - Page5 of6 Where to Get More lnformation The IRSprovidesfree booktetsthat covereachof the topics tistedabove.The tittes tisted betow may be orderedby cattingthe IPStotlfree number:(800)829-3676.Generalty,taxpayersmay order up to three copiesof any pubticationor form. The followingbookletsmay be hetpfut: . IRSPublicatlon17. Your FederallncomeTax (a comprehensive guide) 3oo-ptus-page . IRSPubiication501, Exemptions,ttandard Deductionand Fi{ingInformation' . IRSPubtication502,'MedjcaIand oentat Expense5 . IRSPublication503, Childand DependentCareExpenses' . IRSPubticatioa596, farned IncomeTax Credit . IRSPubticatjon969, HealthSavingsAccountsand Other Tax-FavoredHeatthPlan5' Extensiveinformationcan alsobe obtainedfrom the lRS.The AmericanBarAssociation5 TaxationSection containstinksto scoresof tax'felated sites, Tax Counseling and Tax Preparation Assistance Certifjedpubljc accountants(CPAs)representone sourceof tax advisors,atthoughnot att CPA5have expertisein this area. Enrolledagentsare individualslicensedby the IRSto representtaxpayers,and this groupgeneratlyhasa high degreeof expertise. Typicatly,chargesfor a tax retuanwith multiptedeductionsand creditswitt cost 5150to 5400.Severat nationalcompaniesprovidetax preparationand tax counsetingservices.Manyoperateonty duringthe tax, filing season,but a smatlnumberin targerurbanareasare openyear,round.Feeschargedby the5e companiesare tower than the fees typicattychargedby CPAS and enroltedagents. someparentsmay not be abte to afford fees chargedby professionat tax prepareas,who genehtty seek paymentin advance.An option for lower-incomectientsis the VolunteerIncomeTax Assistance(VITA) program.However,becauseof the votunteersbroadrangeof skittsand expertise,cautionis recommended. SomeLargecities haveone or more VITAprograhsthat offeaprofessionat-levet services.A university accountingdepartmentor the tegaLservicesprogrammay be abte to hetp you identify a high,quatity VITAprogram. DlsDutes Mth the IRS Disputeswith thQ IRSare relativelyrare; tessthan 1.5%of aLlindividualincometax returnsare subiectto an lRsaudit. However,if the IRSquestionsyour return and you teel an tRSagentis not respondingproperty, contactthe TaxpayerAdvocatefor assistancetotl,lrcet \877) 777-4778. Low IncomeTaxpayerCtinicsare anothersourceof help. The IRSfundsmore than 100clinicsto represent{ower,incometaxpayersin disputes wjth the IRSor state revenuedepartments.CLinicsassisttaxpayersMth incomeunder250%of the poverty leveL- about 550,000for a famity of four. Someclinics,especiatlythoseattachedto Lawschools,wiLt representhigher-jncomefamiues.Informationon the neare5tclinic can be obtainedfrom the generatlRs tolL-freeinquiry number:(800)829-1040.Familiesabovethis inrome (evetshouLdcatt their countyor state bar association. Final Thoughts Thisguideoffers a brief summaryof someof the potentiattax benefitsthat may be avaitabteto you. You shoutdobtain copiesof the IRSpubticationscited aboveand djscusswith your tax advisorwhether these benefitsapptyto you. Again,you shoutdnot rely on this guidealoneto determinewftetheryou shouldclaim any of the tax benefitsreviewedhere. MichaelA. O Cohnori5 an attorney who promotesawarenessof tax poticiesthat benefit famities.ln I 87?cpn=200802 14ld 2tI4/2009 Year2008Tax Benefitsfor Parentsof ChildrenWith LD - Page6 of 6 addition,as a memberof the firm Mauk& Oconnor, LLP,he representsparentsin disputeswith toca[school districtsconcerningspecialeducationservicesfor leamingdisabtedchitdren.He is a boardmemberof the Courcil of ParentAttorneys& Advocates(COPAA). Mon.oe Seifer is a tax attorney 5pecializingin all aspectsof personatincometaxation, inctudingincometax return preparation.As a former lnternal RevenueServiceagent, he is uniquetyquatifiedto representctients beforethe UnitedStatesTax Court and assistclientswith auditsand appeats.Monroeis the senior sharehotderwith the law firm Seifer,Murken,Despina,Jamesand Teichman,ALC,in SanFranciscoand is a memberof the taxationsectionsof both the State Barof Californiaand AmericanBarAssociation. Juan Pelayois a tax attorney speciatizingin att aspectsof personatincome,trust and estate, and gift taxatjon,includingincofte tax return preparation.He is admitted to practicebeforethe UnitedstatesTax Courtand hasrepresentedand assistednumerousctientswith auditsand appeals.Petayopracticestax law with the law firm seifer, Murken,Despina,James& Teichman,ALC,in san Franciscoand is a rtember of the taxationsectionsof both the state Barof Catiforniaand AmericanBarAssociation. O 2008Greotschoolslnc. All RightsReserved.Originally creoted by SchwobLeoming, lormerly o program of the Charlesand Helen SchwabFoundotion (i4odified Jonuoty 2009). Get more great tips to keepyour chitd on track! Signup for our newsletters, Related Links Fiiancrai Aidfor Education tor Student! wrthLD- cLrides andResoumes Financiat Arsistarrce for Pa.ents of KidswithLDandAD/HD gi-bin/showarticle/1I 87?cpn:200802I 4ld http://www.greatschools.neVc 2/14/2009