AP World History - Chapter 19: Southwest Asia & Indian Ocean - 1550-1750 Name: ________________ Short Answer Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How did differences in geographical location and environment affect the economic and cultural development of the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, and the Swahili Coast? What role did religion play in the development of political rivalries, alliances, and the formation of states in Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean? How did European colonization of the New World and the development of the Atlantic System affect the economies and politics of Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean? How did Muslim rulers deal with religious and ethnic diversity among their subject peoples? Compare the effects of European expansion on the land-based Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires and on the cities of the Swahili Coast. What factors led to the decline of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires? Section1: The Ottoman Empire 1. The longest-lasting post-Mongol Muslim Empire was? 2. In 1453, the Ottoman armies attacked Constantinople and brought the end to which empire? 3. The sultan who presided over a “golden age” and the greatest Ottoman assault on Christian Europe was 4. As Ottoman armies pressed into Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, they fought many wars with who? 5. A new fourteenth-century Ottoman military resource was Christian prisoners of war, called 6. Explain the Devshirme system 7. After Spain expelled Jews and Muslims in 1492, where they did they go? 8. Explain the “balance” that helped the Ottoman Empire become the most powerful state in the European or the Islamic worlds? 9. How did the sultan govern his “flock” or oraya 10. What became the majority religion in the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire? 11. The chief source of Ottoman inflation in the sixteenth century was 12. Explain “tax farming” 13. What were the effect of the decline of Ottoman administrative control and rural disorder? 14. Why did the Ottoman economy become involved in the European commercial network? 15. What new product traded from the Arabian port of Mocha became the rage in the fifteenth century? 16. Why did Ottoman historians call the period between 1718 and 1730 the Tulip Period? 17. How did the Patrona Halil rebellion show “decay at the center” yet spell “benefit elsewhere?” Section 2: The Safavid Empire AP World History - Mr. Mulford - www.mrmulford.wikispaces.com - Liberty High School - 1, 2, 3 GO CHARGERS !!! 18. The Ottomans’ chief rival in Iran was the 19. Explain the differences between the Ottoman and Iranian states? 20. Out of the struggle for power in Iran emerged a chief of Kurdish, Iranian and Greek ancestry named 21. In Iran, the second language of Islam was 22. The cultural and artistic accomplishments of the Islamic empires included 23. Explain the “Hidden Imam” 24. How is the martyrdom of Imam Husayn remembered in the Shi’ite community? 25. What do the cities of Isfahan and Istanbul have in common? 26. Explain how women were affected by Islamic law 27. Iran became most closely associated with the manufacture of which item? 28. The weak link in the Iranian military was its Section 3: The Mughal Empire 29. The Mughal Empire is distinguished from the Ottomans and Safavids mostly because it was 30. The founder of the Mughal Empire was 31. Why was the Mughal Empire prosperous in the sixteenth century? 32. Explain Akbar’s policy of religious reconciliation between Muslims and Hindus? 33. How did the Sikh “army of the pure” signale their faith? 34. Why did the Mughal Empire decline? 35. As the Mughal Empire declined, what group benefited? Section 4: Trade Empires in the Indian Ocean 36. Extensive Islamic expansion into East Africa and Southeast Asia occurred why? 37. How did Islam effectively counter European Christianity? 38. High migration in the East African lake region and Kenyan highlands was due to 39. What European country conquered the East African port cities? 40. After defeating the Portuguese, the Dutch acquired what valuable colony? AP World History - Mr. Mulford - www.mrmulford.wikispaces.com - Liberty High School - 1, 2, 3 GO CHARGERS !!!