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Anthony Bissot
Period 6
What is a Mineral?
Topic and Questions
Essential Question #1
Details from the topics and questions
A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid that forms on or
beneath Earth’s surface.
What is a Mineral?
What is an Inorganic Solid?
What is a Crystal Shape?
What is a Definite Chemical
An inorganic solid is a mineral that did not form out of materials that
were once a living thing.
A crystal is a solid made of particles that line up in a pattern that repeats
over and over.
Crystals have a definite chemical composition depending on the element
of compounds it is made of.
A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid that forms on or beneath Earth’s surface. An inorganic
solid is a mineral that did not form out of materials that were once a living thing. A crystal is a solid made
of particles that line up in a pattern that repeats over and over. Crystals have a definite chemical
composition depending on the element or compounds it is made of.