STUDY GUIDE: Uses of Minerals - KEY Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. aluminum expense profit traces amethyst gems rare useful crystal ores supply value demand polished Stones called gems are highly prized minerals because they are Beautiful and often rare. Many gemstones have a crystal structure that allows them to be cut and polished to the high quality needed for jewelry. The difference between a gemstone and the common form of the same mineral is sometimes slight. The purple stone. amethyst, for example, is quartz with just traces of iron in its structure. Some minerals contain a useful substances that can be mined at a profit. Such minerals are called ores Bauxite is this kind of mineral because . aluminum can be taken from it and made into useful products. In most cases, waste rock or material must be removed before a mineral can be used. If the expense of mining gets higher than the value of the material, the mineral is no longer considered to be an ore. The value of the material can also change if the demand increases or decreases. supply or the Use words in the box at the top tat fit to complete the puzzle. G E M S P R O F I A L U M I T N U M A M E T H Y S O R E S T R A C E S C R Y S T A L S T