loflft " Extra "Talkie" Edition! (I MEXICO ING VOLUME 1. NUMBER 31 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY CLOVIS, NEW MEXICOMONDAY, MAY 6. 1929. FOUR PAOES SPECIAL EDITION FILMS FORLYCEU OF SOUND PICTURES MARKS BROAD STEP FORWARD ¥ CITY'S *BUSMSS AFFAffiS Gity Amusements To Keep Pace Metropolitan Advancement First Offering In Sound Plays Is a Chinatown Mystery Picture A monument of progress to.Clovis and surrounding communities and a record of achievement for the management of the Lyceum Theatre will . Soon you, .too, will glory in the latest marvel born, to the motion picture. • be the opening of talking pictures on Friday, May 10th. There are no instances where a single machine has meant so much to the public. The inPhonofilm.—miracle of the scientific world will find its .home at the stallation of sound pictures brings to the rural communities Broadway itLyceum starting with a midnight matinee Thursday night, May' 9th, • at self. Clovis is the first small town in the State of New Mexico to offer 11:46 p. m.. Entertainment seekers, discriminating theatre goers who detalking pictures.; Hearing ;and. seeing-your1 entertainment on the screen sire the ultimate in/screen synchronization will heartily welcome Phonofilm. brings to you; the utmost in entertainment values. It has proved to bo IT TALKS I IT SINGS! IT SPEAKS! YES! PHONOFILM IS THE MOST the most popular amusement device invented since motion pictures were PERFECT DEVICE KNOWN TO THIS GENERATION—-ALMOST,'HUfirst experimented with thirty years ago. It is only a matter of time until MAN IN ITS WONDERFUL DEVICE. even the small towns will have sound .equipment, but Clovis is one of the Phonofilm will present to you with talking and wonderful music the first to take advantage.of the opportunity to;install this outstanding enfinest % film offerings of the foremost producers. Your favorite stars talk tertainment. Only .the larger cities of the: nation have installed sound and sing for you as the choicest stories of master writers unfold before equipment and Clovis can now1 be*— '——— — your eyes. Phonofilm brings to you the outstanding characterizations of placed among the lenders in the) •••the great and popular stage favor'amusement field. ' .; : - 1 ites. Soon Clovis and Curry co'untyi-will The, sound equipment 'that is being.installed in the Lyceum is the inbe singing the praises of this,maryelous invention. . ,, • vention' of Dr. Lee ipePpi'rbst, inThe first offering for,your approvventor of'tho : audien'tube for radio and who has also invented,the photoal is a Paramount picture, "China-' town Nights" with Wallace Beery electric cell which made, possible.the and Florence Vidor—and it's great. reproduction: of sound from film and .the installation that he-has fui'riished Presented w.ith a two reel all-talking for the Lyceum Theatre at Clpvis has '• Hardwick Brothers are happy to 'comedy that's a scream. You've never With talking pictures sweeping the had a real laugh .until you see it. all of the/ late improvements''and is announce the formal opening of their country, to the din of applause, the Jar superior in many, respects to now and perfected sound system. It Midnight matineeThursday night, upheaval in production studios and May 9th at 11:45, p. m. .and .Friday is'with,an,unusual feeling ,pf sei-vigfi .... sound i-.e(^ui;^mei^^tha|^lia8l^'eeitv'.jtoe^ 1 7 that the "Lyceum welcomes the Uieat-, complete "revolutioli 'in'" the '"exhibition « 'vidusty installed inlarger7cfties. fvThe .arid Saturday,'May •I'O'a'nd^l'li'JMatifield, confusion iri'the minds of'the nee daily at 3:00. Evening shows'at New Mexico's finest Theatre ^vhere sound equipment is management of the, Lyceum;:Theatre ei-rgping public of .Cloyis, Curry public is a natural consequence. Cqunty and vicinity t'o the opening "has been;figu]'ing f<jft".over a'year, on 7,:10 and 9:05. - - '•> now "being installed Theatre patrons usually think of all : Remember the dates and take adsound equipnient arid;has endeavored of Phondfilm. It is the'wish of the ! employees.that all of the hours spent sound productions as talking' pictures.' to select the,;yery best'tfnthe^market. vantage of this opportunity for.tthe To remedy this situation, clearing greatest entertainment you've ever Experiments have' shown that there is hi listening to this new and greater entertainment .will be hours of hapup much of the confusion in the pubnothing superipiv to DoForrest which known. ' , ' lic mind and making sure that patrons has finally been decided upon. It is piness and 'pleasure to be cherished in memories as the years go by. know, in advance, just what type of .our belief that those who,'hear ;the The.- installation of sound equipsound picture : they will see, the Lytalking pictures ,vin the ^Lyceum at ment has been a task. The Lyceum ceum Theatre will label every synR. J. Morrison, Branch Manager Clovis will all'agree that they have Carl Ellis,' Prominent Texas Exchronized attraction most specificalheard nothing better in any of 'the for the last two weeks has been a for Fox Film Corp— "It is simply hibitor. — "It is the best I have ever ing melodrama "The Dummy." ly as an all-talking, part talking, or larger cities.' . ^ ; topsy turvy place but now it is finish- great. Any house that has it is to be heard. I want it in my new house isn't a dull moment from the b and ready for your inspection and congratulated." ning to the end of the picture. Li merely a synchronized- picture with The management ;.of the .Lyceum ed when it opens May first." is hoped that you will get a great sound effects. follow thrills in quick succe and the merchants of Clovis who are it A. P. Archer, Branch Manager Eddeal, of joy iii listening to this new An all-talking picture, it is exFrom the time Mickey Bennett t just as interested in the irtstsillation^of marvel Fred Bezold, Lotus Theatre, Sheri- his deaf and dumb talking ucational Pictures Corp. — "You canof the. ages. , plained, means a photoplay in which while this equipment as is the public, feel We are glad to announce to the not hear it without becoming en- dan, Wyoming. — "Especially those everybody else is speaking wit every character speaks every word. that the opportunity i f01* the utmost Sound films have put the smaller who have heard the others are the voices they were born with, of higher , type amusement thusiastic," Such attractions as "Chinatown in ontertaininqnt is now 'being offer- lovers greatest boosters for De Forest. My the gang of kidnappers is safe i that-'itwill.be ready for them at the Nights," '(The Doctor's Secret," "The theatres in the smaller cities on a e d t o them. •••.-'•• -..-.:..•:. R. J. Garland, Prominent Film equipment is great." midnight matinee Thursday, May 9th Canary.Murder Case," "Wolf of Wall par with the big houses in the metroclutch of the law, "The Dummy" The installation , of sound equip- at 11:45 p.; in.'and Friday and Sat- Representative. — "Exhibitors and paStreet," "The Dummy" and -so on, politan centers. plies all the thrills and enter In days bygone it was the forty ment brings Broadway to your very urday, May 10th and llth, when trons everywhere acknowledge it's If you have laughs prepare to use ment anyone could wish for 'one ( are in this category- In many alldoor. The great.' stars of the vaude- there will be presented, "Chinatown De Forest for aualitv." talking pictures there are a few piece orchestra playing special orthem when you see the new all-talk- ing, May 17-18. ville and legitimate stage. Until you Nights,",.which has been adapted printed titles to convey, what the per- chestrations written expressly to achave heard sound pictures you really from thb thrilling story, "Tong War". formers are saying. All required dia- company the picture]on the screen that made the thriller jiiora.1thrilling, don't know the great entertainment It is a Paramount Picture with Wallog is done in the spoken word. "ithat is in store for you; ; The first lace Beery, Florence Vidor and In part-talking pictures, such as the romance more romatiq and. .the program to bo presented with sound Warner plnnd. . It .is an all-talking "The Barker" a Vitaphone picture, "Mother" pictures more" heart'rendequipment at the Lyceum'Theatre is picture and will be^prcsentcd in con"The Leatherneck," "The Spieler," ing. The small theatre could not afford .a 1 Paramount picture, tho best show nection,., with; an all-talking comedy "Alias Jimmy Valentine," and others, orchestras. even if they in town, featuring Wallace Beery and "Thq B.rJd9.'siRelabions",Uho fuiinest there are talking scenes only. In many such Florence Vidor, ''Chinatown Nights," piece-of artistry that has ever coma instances, thpse scenes in talk make could be recruited in a modest community. Today there is no place 'adapted from tho' thrilling story, to.tho screen. •;•:,.• •!••, •;>.,- . . v up from twenty-five, to seventy-five ing the picture, for the orchestraduras "Tpng W"r.',' ;it.is the feature pro- .While the installation of sound per' cent of the picture. Whether duction. "The Bride's Relations"-.' is equipment, has been carried forward there scenes are few or many, such the "Talkies" reproduce their own emotion stimulating sound. Whether ono of the greatest comodios'that has in the Lyceum the front, lobhjes and pictures will still be advertised as it bo in a palatial theatre in Chicago •over com'o to thojscreen,'-nil talking foyers have boon redecorated; plush ''part-talking" so that the public will Now York or Los Anggles or a modest -, - . ; / . ' _».;'.'.; \ , ''. ; . .. ' • t ' and positively the .greatest laiigh carpets .and now idrapcrios''Hnd stage not expect an all-talking feature. in Clovis, the "Talkie" gives feast you have over witnessed. equipment have, boon installed, .that Both the all-talkie's and part-talk- theatre exactly the same show. greatly enhance:, the' beauty of .this ies are always accompanied by a synWe take a great deal of^pride and pleasure in oft'ering sound picAmong other pictures that have The Lyceum has not installed the theatre whichi has' been, since fts ovocchronized score, played by symphonic been booked for, showing at the Ly5 now DeForrest Phonofilm in an-old tion, considered the finest in Now tures to the citizens of Clovis, Curry County and surrounding orchestra, the music being recorded coum are "Tho Letter'; with Joanna theatre. It may truly be called the Mexico. Now you can eonje to the as the picture is produced. There are Eagles, star of,. ,tho outstanding country. new Lyceum now. Redecorated'from Lyceum and get the iiltimato in comalso sound effects, such as knocking Broadway success, "Rain,"'"Nothinir on doors, train whistles, autps, traf- start to finish, new "mural^ scenes, Out the Tnith," with Richard Dix; fort nnd the premjer. in <jho presentanew carpets and new beauty .throughtion of highest, .clajis, of synchronised fic noise and so on in thesg pictures. out "Wild Party" with Clara Bow; "Innomake it a new theatre. The DeForrest-Phonofilm which we have installed is the product 1 pictures. Again, there are features with cence of. Paris ;.with Maurice ChevaStage curtains and drapes have It "is with groat pleasure that you only, sound effects and the usual lier, Parisian matinee idol. Milton of Dr. Lee DeForrest, father of radio and reproduction of sound musical accompaniment by means of nothing to do with'the efficiency: of , Sills will tall? to you in tho Vitnphono arc invited to attend this new opennew Phonofilm 'but the Lyceum ing at the Lyceum Theatre. illl'nrhinUnn. ("The *1Hifl Rni'K-nv " the synchronised score. Such pictures the from film. It is of tlie highest quality and we invite comparison replaced all the old curtains, and will bo advertised as having "vivid has Hugh Bruley, District Manager for with any sound system, you have heard in other theatres. sound effects and symphonic orches- drapes with the most beautiful and Goorgo Paper, Currun Theatre; Paramount-Famous Players:—"The colorful silken hangings and drapes tral accompaniment." In this classifi- known Uoujdor, Colorado, "When " Do Foi> reproduction'is wonderful. There can to the theatre svorld, cation Ure such pictures as "The Berest guarantees . . they pi,t1 bo no question about .this equipment. . Now! You will be able to-see and hear the greatest variety of trayal," "Flying Fleet," "East Is sound effects and tho usual musical it mildly. I 'bolivo it Is unquestion-, It is the equal of any I have "ever East," and so on. accompaniment. ably the best," high class entertainment ever offered to the American public. • hoard."'" Nearly all sound productions, no In this latter classification is "Rod matter what the classification, have Skin" with Richard Dix, The picture Broadway is brought right to your floor. Now you will hear as' a theme song. This is either sung by is beautifully synchronized, the'score , / someone in the picture, as a sequence being very effective, it is pointed outi(' well as see your favorite sters. They wil| talk and, sing for, you in'the picture; or, it may be sung while the 'color process used, prpjjuc-'v, as the choicest stories of master writers unfold before your eyes. "off stage," by an unseen soloist, ing an all-colored out-door p|ctui'e, who rendered the number, with the results in a very beautiful and imYou will hear Richard Dix talk to you, and Clara Bow and Budorchestra, as the picture was being pressive photoplayT-^minus any spund made, save the orchestra wd the' dy Rogers arid Wallace 3eery 'and George Bancroft and Douglas ' In instances,, whore a picture featr song, sung by an unseen soloist. ures singing by one'of the charac- v "The Iron Mask" opens with a MacLean, In fact, ypu will.get to'hear all your favorite screen ters, such as in "Abie's Irish Rose," Prolog, in which Douglas Fairbanks stars. P.honofilm brings to you Jeanne Eagles, star of "Rain"— "The Wolf Song" and so on, the pie- speaks; then, reverts to the silent form t.iire will be advertised as "with" of movie and the talk is never missEddie Cantor of "Whoopee;" Maurice Chevalliery Paris Matinee sound effects and singing," Whore the ed, f o r , this type of picture, in its singing is done merely as part of the magnitude, is still tip-top entertain-* 'Idol and all the other big names you've read of but which have musical accompaiiimentj the picture ment, without' talk or sound, save will be labeled as "with synchronized the music, It is in a class with been available only to city theatre goers. orchestra accompaniment, featuring "Three Musketeers" and somehow the .theme song," talk would be out of keeping with'the Thus, there a,re four classifications nature of the piece. into which sound productions are Among the big all-talking pictures, divided. It is hoped, by careful coming soon, are "The Letter*," with labeling and advertising, to create in Jeanne Eaales: "The Wolf of Wall the public mind exactly what type of Street" with George Bancroft, Bacsynchronized pictures are to be of- lanova and Nancy Carroll; ''Tho fered at the Lyceum Theatre from Canary Murder Case" with William week to week. Powell and Louise Brooks: "Close Nt all the biggest pictures of the JJarmony" with Charles Buddy Ragear are all-talkings, it is explained. ers and Nancy GajTQU; »a w«U Whether or not the motion picture Held will eventually confine its, proluctions to all-talking pictures, soley, is still pvobJematicaj. Many types all of which will be carefully. }t \ of "story lend themselves to talking for just what type they are jjctures, while others are most ef- siderably in advance of *ective in silent form, with merely AMUSEMENT AT ITS BEST SAY iRITICS Talkies To Be As "Adyertised" Only Small Theatre • , ? . ' . On Par With Metropolitan - T , - - -,j £._.,£,„..« ..v HUV ,»itv**w MlAJ'ISllG \*l*U TO THE PUBLIC: t : COMING SOONt- f toil Sills andi Betty Compson "THE BARKER" Ygur real entertainment • starts when you have first heard Phonofilm, A First National LYCEUM THEATRE VITAPHONE for the V,. 1