East Egg vs. West Egg Read the excerpt about East/West Egg Choose 1 partner (or work alone). If you choose to create a play, then you may have 4 students in your group, but be sure to create at least one prop Draw a picture, create a mini-play, or create a model that illustrates (contrasts) the difference between the inhabitants of East and West Egg. Be sure to discuss where Fitzgerald would be (East or West) and explain why! You will only have twenty-thirty minutes to come up with and create your idea You will present to the class on Thursday. Ideas: Copy/paste/print pics of people from the 20’s. Bring them in and create a “story” that depicts the dynamic between East/West Egg. Make sure your scenery and dialogue evokes the true sense of “wealth” in each area. Create a graphic novel page or booklet that depicts the contrast between East/ West and its inhabitants Draw a map of the two “eggs” and add descriptive elements Write a script and “act” out the dynamics between East/ West egg. You could be characters from the story…or you could mix them with modern characters to add a unique flair. Think about the people you researched for your “Rich and Famous” project!