EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF OHIO - The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington

Certificate of Eligibility for Nomination
for the VIIth Bishop of The Diocese of Lexington
To the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Lexington,
By my signature below, I certify that:
a) I am eligible to stand as a candidate for Bishop Diocesan according to Article II and Canon III.11 of the
Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church;
b) I have reviewed the Profile which is found at http://diolex.org/bishop7/category/profile/;
c) I am willing to be nominated as a candidate for VIIth Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington;
d) I agree to the background check required of all nominees;
e) I will submit the application form, Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) ministry portfolio, and essay
questions which are found at http://diolex.org/bishop7/apply/
Signed: ____________________________________________ Date signed: ______________
Printed name: __________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________
State: _______ ZIP: _________
Home phone: (_____)_________________ Work phone: (_____)_________________
Cell phone: (_____)_________________
Email: ________________________________________
Questions about the application process
may be emailed to diolexstandingcommittee@gmail.com.
This Certificate and supporting documentation must be received by
the Standing Committee no later than Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at
The Diocese of Lexington
attn The Standing Committee
PO Box 610
Lexington, KY 40588-0610