68 CONVECTIVE GAS.FLO TSIN WETLAND PLANT AERATION 'PETERM. BECKETTand VILLIAM ARMSTRONG, JEANARMSTRONG, S A M U E LH . F , \ 7 J. U S T I N Depafiments oJ Applied Biologl and 'Applied Matbematics, Uniuers/ty ol' Hull, U.K., HU6 7RX Al)sttact qas flows pertinenr Io pi?nt aeration va.ious repons olconvectivc lhrougbJtloa ^nd nonlhrcuqblau m2thematical models a.e defived to help assess werlan<l are .eviewed, and two simple in condirions (o dist2nce diffusion fhizomes end .oot ae.ation. APart of conveclion and long rhe llkely conr.ibutions f'om venturiindu.ed |Lows (s€c Appendix), bo!h convective types 2re diffusion d€pendcnt, ?nd the pressurisxtion undedying throughflow convectioos can be explained in terms of blz2l.1it! iru1uce.l dilfusion,(ofrcnthe.mdly enhanced),and t e/aat transpi ration. into rhe emefgen t shools ZrrozS, in w2rer lilies and in the commont.ed Pbragftites ausl/ars(Cav )Trin, ex Steud , convecrjons /]4ou can considerably improv€ aeration: dnectly, by the rale of convection rhrough rhe .hizomcs. anci indi.ecrly by increaseddiflusion ofoxyg€n wilhin thc roots and 1o the rhizosph€re Oo rheother hand, ir is concluded (hat ro, ,r/aughJlotu convecions. caused by the solubilisation 2nd remo val of respire rory carbon dioxide, c2n never play mor€ than ? minor role in the 2erarion of pa.tiallv subme.ged shoors ancl of roots The mxthematical modelling shows ttral aerated path lenglh wilhin an orgin i5 always less than the sum of the l€ngths which wouid be aerated by diftusion and convection 2ctin!! independenily. The con nlburioa of thlouSbllou convection depends upon (he flow velocity 2nd can bc much less lhan diffuslon ar low velocities and much greal€r at hiSh velocili€s. At equjlib.iun. the conr.ibution of ,or,-rrlauAbfloa co vection frcm th€ 2tmosphere will nevcr cxce€d one fifth of tha( ol diifusion and may b€ v€.y much less; also the combined effecr of diffusion 2nd this non th.ough now convectioo is unlikely ro be more than I 06 times rhar of diffusion alone l. Introduction Until quite recentlyit had beengeneraliyassumedthat the only significantven rilaring mechanismin wetland plants wasthe reciprocating g s-phasedifJusion of oxygeo and carbondioxide throughthe exceptionallywell-developed,intercon (lacunal)and non aerenchymatous intercellularco.tical nectiogaerenchymatous gasspacesof shoot and root. Bulk-flowsof gasw€re not unknown e.g , the in rush of air into mangroveroot systemsexposedon the ebb tide (Scholandere, al. 1955), but the notion that conoection mighr often play a significant role in rhe 're'discovery'of p.essurised ?erationprocesshas now emerged.Firstcame the 'rvinds'in waterlilies(Dacey1979,I980, l98l 1987;Daceyand Klug I979,l9a2a; , Schroder et a/. 1986; Grosseand Mevi Schutz 1987; Mevi-Schurzand Gtosse 19UBa,b), air-flowsin deep water rice (Raskin then, reportsofmass-(convective-) Kende 1985). Latterly, and 1983, convective gas-flows in Pbragmites australE (threetypes;Armstrongand Armstrong1987,l99Oa, 1990b,1990c;Brix 1988), ar].dinCarexgracilis (Koic lovaet al. 1988)have been reported. Elsewhere,pressure changeswhich might be accompani€dby som€ convective flow have been found in the submerged "quatic Egeria elegans (Sotrel and Drumgoole 1987; Sorrel 1989) and in subm€rgedrice seedlings(vaters e, a/. 1989).A potential for Ptant tik under oryeen depriuation,pp. 283-302 edatedbt M.8. Jackson,D-D Daries and H Lambers O1991 SPBAcademicPubttshi/18bx, Tbe Ha8ue, The Netbe aflds 2a4 W. Attnstrong et al. convecrivegas-flowhasbeen noted in '4l/l?/s(Grosseand Schroder1984, 1985) and, indeed,a potentialfor some convective82sflow probablyexistsin all submerged foot systems,(Curranet al 1q86,Koncalovae/ al I qBB;Becket(el a/. l98B). Tl-]isarticlesetsout to review our knowledgeof thesegasflows and to make of the relativeimportanceof conuectionsand dillusion in the aera assessments Somenew informationon convectiveflows is presented. tion of wetlandspecies. 2. Types of convectiveflow Isothermalbulk flou of g2scs,technicallya canltectlan,and somctimescalled transplratlan refetsto gasesbehavingas2 continuumfluid driven alongby x pres' sure gradient,(Masonand Evans1969).Bulk gas-flowsin plantscan be broadly groupecl as tbrougbflou o( non tbrougb|Tou conuections(Beckett e/ al 19aa), but, paradoxically,apa.tfrom venturi inducedfloq/s(seeAppendix),both tyPes we have r€ of convection are probably initixted by diffusiontype Processes. frained here from Ih€ usc of the term mlss'flou to describethesemovements, since diffusion in bin2ry systemscan itselfsometimesresult in a unidirectionzl transferof massof one con'tponentof a gasmixture without a net volumc flow. Tbt oughllou conueclrorsc2n be causedby a pressurisationdue ro a Knudsen difJusion or lransitional Knudsen-dilfusro, of gasesfrom the envi.onmcnt into the emergentshoot/rootsystem.Th€ gasesv/hich haveenteredthe plant by such partsat a relativeiyconstantvek> diffusionarethen convectedthroughsubmerged city becausea veotingto the atmospheteoccu15at someother point. ln thosespe ciesin which i t hasbeendiscovered, the wateriiliesand P, ragrnitesaustralis, rl'\e indeedand ofien potentialofthrougblau convectionis very apPreciable xe12ring involved in and the causai factors much llreaterthanthat of diffusionalone.This, rhc iniriation of ,rroughfou's xe discrssedlzter. l:'reemoleculal Knu.lsen d.i.IJu' sian tlescribesgas mouementstbrougb tubes (or porous lnedia) ubere pressure moleculesare so infrequent compared uitb colli is so lou that collisionsbeLtueen sions uitb tbe u.1llsoftbe tube, tbat tbe! can bedisl.egar.led.As uitb normal dilfu sion, net merements oI a speciesarc determined b! concentration graldients. At dtnospberic pressuretbe Knudsen regitueis realisedonbt uben tube/pore diame' ters are uerJ)small (motecutaf mean free patb tength, I { 0.I pm; Loeb 1931), and Knudsen dilfusion c.)elficientsare numet'icallysmaller tban thoseof normal .tiffusion in whicb molecule molecule collisions dominate, (leuning 1983). Non tbrougbJlou canuections?te gener2llycheracerisedby a longitudinal gra dient of velocity through the plant. Suchconvectionscan be initizted by some degreeof removalof, ratherthan a fully reciprocalexchangeof, respiratoryoxy gen aod carbondioxidesomewherein the system(Raskin2nd Kende 1983,1985; Curran e/ a/. 1986;Koncalov^et al. 1988;Brix 1988;Beckettel al. l9AA), by (Raskinand Kende 1985),or a diffusive input of oxygen from photosynthesis Gransitorily)by Kzrdse, diffusionsinto the shoots.Becauseof th€ velocity gradient, the aeratingpotenti^l of non-tbrougblTou convectiots, although significant at times, will, in darkness,generally be lessthan th^t of tbroughfloa types; it will also usuallybe lessimportant than normallong'distaocediffusive transport.tn fully submergedplantstheremay alsobe short-termpulsedconvectionseffected Conuectiue gas-Jlous in tuetland plant aeration 285 by variarionsin light flux (Sorreland l)rumgoole 1987;Sorrel 1989),or by the surface tension effects during the growth aod escapeof oxygen-enriched gasbubbles from leaf gas films (waters et al. 1989). Such convections are, however, probably of litde signifancein plant aeration. isothermalin The convectivegas-flowsdiscussedhere are probablyessentially therm2l components. may have supplementary Convecthey naru.e,although tions due to diurnal thermalexpansionsor contractionsare not 2ddressed. J. Effectivenessof throughflow ^nd non-throughflow convections: a mathematicalanalysis wherher convectionis principallyof t tbrougbflotttot non tbrougbflow type, it will usu2llybe accompaniedby some deg.eeof superimposedlongitudinaldiffusion inducedby respiration.Indeed,the effectsof througbJlouconvectionmight cori ectivecomponentaswell ?sby a parallel be modifiedby a ,o n-tbtougbJTou diffusion. ln order to appreciatethe r€lalionbetweenconvectionand diffusion,2nd the significanceof the two types of convection it is necessaryaLsoto considerthe influenceof respirationon the flows. 3. 1. Tbrough|lou conuection ofpressuredeficits,and tra..sportbytbrougb' Convectionsariseasa consequence js fol convection stroogly dependent on the viscosity coefficient.For non turbulent(laminar)flow, the rateof the convectionis gove.nedby the Poisseuille equationfor flow through paralleltub€sor porous soiurioo!o the Navier-Stokes media: (nra2\a2oAP Volumeflux : -----li p , (r) wh€re n is the number of pipes,a is the individualpipe radius,AP is the pressure gradienr,p rhe densirvand p the viscosityAssumingth2t we havea thlougblloa convection and uoiform respiration alonla a channelwhich is open at both ends,the concentrationof oxygen will dec.ease in the directionof motion and there will be a consequentoxygen concentration gradienrwirhin the moving nuid; this will also createa diffusionalong lhe pathway. Moreover,becauseof the high solubility of 9O2 there may be a volumetric lossofgas from rhechannelwhich would createa furtherpressuredeficitand l€ad to an enh2nced flow rate. Convection may be defined as/rrougbflou conoection when this addition is very smallcompared with the basicPoiss€uilleflow. V\vecan quantify rhe effecrsofdiffusion a^dthrougbfloa convection asfollows. Firstly, consider a ,b rougbflou cor,,rectionfor which we assumea constant veloc ity U parallelto the axisof a channelalong which th€re is uniform respiralionQ. \vithout diffusionthe oxygenconcentrationwill be depl€teduniformly alongthe pathway and the length, I, of the channel which can be aeratedis given by ? : u co/Q, (2) 2a6 W. Arrnstrong et al. where Co is the oxygen concentrationat the inflow secrion(x = O). In order ro seethe effectofdiffusion, due the creationof the concentrationgra dient in the x,direction,it is uecessaryto solve rhe combined convecrion/diffu sion equationwhich, for steadystate(1.e.,rime independent)flow, is dc d2c ut=oo": (3) a In thiscaselis found by solvingrhc equarionfor C(x)subjecrro rhe boundarycondirions C = c o a t x= 0 p l u C s = oandff = or,* = r. ' (1) Herethe rhreeboundaryconditionsare necessarybecausealthoughrhe equation is only ofsecond order we dn nor know aprtoii thc vatueof t The generxlsolu lion of (3) is c(x)=a+0"-n(*-) 3- (t) \ " / andsubjecrro (4) rhisyieldsrhe parricular solurion ." -) , n{ ' i ' I $f' # \ ' , 1_1 0 ' . r x )= . o QD / , , - . " p t' L r \ D r ) | o- eDx p {/ - t r P - x\ r J u, . " / t/ t / in termsof I where f is given by the transcendenral equation u c.r u2 / u \ ."p\-Dt)-O(=r* qo , ,,,i (7) It is worrh noring that thil equarionalso yields rhe length of channelwhich can be ?eraredby eirher pure diffusion or by pure convecrion. These limirs arc deducedby setting,in the first case,U = 0 and in rhe secondcaseD = O. To derivethe limir wirh U = 0 we userhe seriesexpansionfor rhe exponential function ibr smallvaluesof the 2rgumentto oblain f j ' ( u 1/u\, /u -\r) u o ( o i /l t o r n r * 7 ( b f ) \ / \ - / ) coU' , - O o where O indicatesthat ?11 subsequenrrermsin the seriesare 'of the order of the third, or higher,power of UllD. This simptifies!o r / r . t / u i , =L o U u/ " z \o (o'/ o-r (B) and as U - 0 this yields th€ familiar formula for the length which can be aerated by diffusion, I e., /2DC^\t2 ? (ol | ^") \ v . / In the caseof D = 0 rhe exponenrialterm is unity and we immediarelydeduce Conuectire gas-flous ln uetland plant aeralian 287 c 9 s o Ui t 33 : F t E a t y ; I ;D; (> o _d c'? l .i nri rru ii z ; :- 9 .g a a I ; E F ? *; sE O ? z ! z I ..9 -.o i z E .g E 9 - 2it{l W. Armstrong et al. f = CoU/Q which {'as previouslyderivedfrom physicalcoosideratioos,see(2). In o.der to seerhe quantilativeeffectof thesecontributionswe coosiderdara .elevanrro rhe convectionand diffusionofoxygen in air, D = 0.205 cmzs I and C() = 0.000269g cm I, for a rangeof valuesfor the respiratoryactivity and rbroughflov/ velocities.Table I displaysvaluesof the length I which v"'ill be 2eraredin eachcasebyi (i) pure diffusionaspredictedby (9);(ii) pure con! ccrion aspredictedby (2);and (iii)by combineddiffusionand convectionwith I s2tisfy ing equation(7) pointsregardingthe likely effecoveness The resultsrevealsomevery interesting Firsrly,it is clearthat 2eratedpath length cannot be of througbJloucottvecrions. dererminedby simplysummiogthe lengthswhich would be aeratedby diffusion and convectionactingindependentlyThe t.ue aeratedlength is alwayslessthan this figure.Secondly,and asexpected,asconvectionvelocity increases,so does the influcnceof diffusiond'minish lghat is particularlyinteresting,howc\ cr, is so to doesthe velocityneecledfor convec_ that as respiratorydemandincreases, tive aeraLion to'overtake'thatofdiffusiveaeration.Hence,with a respiratoryrate pg l0 mm ls 1, the influenceof convectionis already''i times greater of only than diffusion if the convectivevelocitv 1510 mrn mln I. wrth rcsPirztionat 100pg mm Js r, however,the convectiveeffectis only one-thirdgreater,whilst at 200 pg mm Js'r, the diffusiveeffectis marginallythe greaterone. This is a consequence ofthe factthatlis inverselyproportionalro Q for pure convertion, see(2), but is inverselyproportionaito Q"' for pure diffusion,see(9). It should be noted also that the additiveeffectsof convectionand diffusion are greatest eould 2chievesimiler degree:r,,f when the two processes, ectingindependently, I | .1ncl whefe aeration;for example,comparelhe situation Q = 200 pg mm L l = 1 0 . 0m m m i n ' l , w i t h a n y o t h e r v 2 l u € so f U . ow conuection J.2 Non-throuqhfl lf we next considerrespirationwithin a channelopen at one end onl,v,and wherc there is no externallygeneratedpressurelfadient, then in lhe absenceof respi12 tion, the diffusiveprocesswould ultimalelyyield a fully mixed gas at constant pressurewithio the path and without any volume (or mass)transportak)ng fiIc channei.vith the addition of respiration,howevef, thesewill be a volumetric lors of oxygen leadingto a concentrationgradient(which promotes diffusion). Further, if the CO2 releasedin respiratioois solubilisedto some e)(tentraLher than being reciprocalltexchangedinto the gas phase,x Prcssuredeficit will developwhich hasthe cffectof suckinggasinto the channel.Thus 2gainwe have both convectionand diffusionbut in this c?set-herate of coovection decreases from the open end to the closedend where, becausethere cao be no outflow, the non tbrougbflo?r,type Fhere lhe convectionrate is zero. This characterises convectionis a direct conscquenceof lon€:itudina!dtffusionalong the chanoel (Beckettet al. 1988:seealso equation(13) as D * 0) and is, by its nature, a relativelyslow flo$; it is importantto distinguishthis from the Late(aldiffusion betweenthe channel,leafand water which is,of course,lhe fundameotaldriving influenceFor most casesof non tbroughflou conveciion, viscositycan probably be ignoredin mathematical treatmenrsHo!r'ever,from (1) it is clearthat for a Siven Conuectiue 4as-flous in uetlqnd plant aeraliotl 249 pressuredeficit, the slower the flow the greatermust be the viscosityand so it seemsparadoxical to assertthat viscosity is unimPortant in the non'througbJlou convection where the motion is slowest. The neglect of v tscosityrn flon'tbrougb flou conuectioncan be explainedin the light of the physic2lforcesat work; in Poiseuilleflow the only hiodranceto motion is the viscousstresson the boundary and ignoring viscositythereforeremoves any restrictionon the throughflow, 'sucking' effect of the respiration whereas in the non-tbroughfloa./case it is the which pullsthe gasalongthe channel.This suckingis effectivelyspreadacrossany which would only sectionand is virtually independentof the viscousresislance be manifestat the boundaries;this is the conventionalbasisfor consideringcom pressibleflow in pipesvr'herethe rate of adiustmentof gasto densitychangesis governed nor by viscositybut by the speedof propagationof sound In models of non-tbrougbfloaconvectionthe convectiveelementof gastransportis there in order to makeup fore effectivelyallowedto attainwhatevervalueis necess2rl' by the respiratoryactivity. for the volumetriclosscause<-l The quan!itativecontriburionsby diffusionand conv€ctioaio the non'tbrougb flou c se can be deducedfrom equation(3) but with the modiFicationth2t the velocity is now dependenton distance2long the pathi thal is we solve d dx drc (uc)= D - - Q (t0) clx" againsubjecrto the boundaryconditions(4). It should be noted thzt io this trcat ment all CO2releasedin respirationis solubilisedratherthan being reciprocallv exchangedwith oxygeninto the gasphase.In order to solve(10)we ireed2 speci fied form for U(x);assuminguniform .espirationalong the chennelthe velocitv decreaseslinearlyaccordinSto (l t) U(x) = Uo (1 - x/1) where Uo is the inflow vebcity at x = 0. Furthermorefrom consideretionsof globalconservation, thc nass inflow at x = 0 must equate!o the totzl ferpilltiorl i n t h e c h a n n e i s ot h a tU o i s g i v e nb y p t j o = l Q . T h i s f o r m o f U ( x ) c a n b € p r o v e n (llecke:(let al. 1988),but is readilyexpleinedon the grouodstirrt mathematically there can bc no flow beyond the point *here the channelceasesto be eerobic. In this casethc solution for C(x), io terms of the aerobiclength {, ls ( ( ott xi c ( x =) p j r - e x p ( - _ l-J- l ' / )\ ) I \ 2Do / ttzt \i/hile f is given by ( C..\)tt: r=l.- a "s"( ;)) ( rl ) we can againdeducethe formula,(9), for the l€ngth f which is a€ratedby pure diffusion on takingthe limit as(Co/p) - O. \ve can zlso deducethat it is impos sible to aerateany length of rhe channelif there is no diffusion;settingD = 0 in ( 13)yields I = 0. The consequenceof this last observationis centralto the argu ment of Beckett e/ dl. (1988), when assettif'gtn ii nan-througbflott conve.riun the role of convectionis secondaryto that of diffusion 290 W. Armsttong et al. Tabte 2 lhe te^grh ot a channet which can be a€rared by difiusion or diffusion/conv€c0on rn zo, througbJlou convecrio^ ior 2 range of respiration .a(es a Lengrhby Lengrhby (psmm rs r) Lengrbby uo (mm) l0 50 ro0 200 2i0 100 500 lr09l 496 | 150.8 24AO 2 2 19 202 5 1 5 69 l o 5 02 4961 142.1 244a 210.0 t9l 7 t 4 a5 o.49 2.21 221_9 992 702 49.6 2 7l 150 40.5 ll 4 l t l The analysisshows fh2r not only is convection rorally dependenton having somelongirudin2ldiffusion,bur alsothat rhe oxygen which is convectedinro the channelis, a{ besr,able to aerar€only one fifth of thar which can be aeratedby diffusion alone, (seeTable 2). As wirh tbroughfloa convection,howeve., the effectsof diffusion and convecrion are nor simply additive: as can be seen in Table2 rhe occurrenceof convectionincreasesthe aeratedpath by only a small fractionof rhar which can be aeratedby diffusion alone. Furthe.more,if CO, lossesby solubilisationare only a fracrionof the total CO2 produced ,n resp',a: tlon, the cffectsof convectionwill be quite negligible.It should b€ emphasised that Table 2 displaysresultsfor a rangeof.espiration rates;it is not meaningful to stipulate a range of velociries, as was the case fot tbrougbJlo4l convecrion, becausegiven any specificvalue of Q tt\erc is a unique convectionrare which mustbe consjsrentwith rhe'suction'causedby the respiraroryactivity.The respi ration rareschosenfbr Table 2 cover a rangewhich includesthe value used in T a b l ei . 4. Examplesof rfi.ooghtos, convection 4 l. lvatet lilies The first recen! reportsof a tbrougbJTotuconvecrion in plants were rhoseof Dacey (i980, l98l) and Daceyaod KIug (1982a,b).Usiqgrhe waterllly Nupbar tutea, they noted the following: (i) small, bur significanrly.aised,gaspressures(upro 250 Pa)in the youngestemergentleavesduringrdaylighrhours,(and somerimes alsoat night, if lakewarerswere warm; Daceyand Klug 1982b),(ii) an ioflow of gasesfrom the atmosphereinto theseleaves(Lheinflux leaves)againstthc prcssure gradient, (iii) by meansof an erhane t(acer gas, a convection from these inJtu:x lezv€sto rhizome and back to the atmosphere through older, more mature (and morc pote\s) efflur leaves,and (iv) thar there was a diurnal rhyrhm ro cheflow: ilows increased from near zero at dawn, peaked around mid-day and declined again ro ca. zero at dusk. The convective flows at mid-day were particularly impressive with petiolar velocities from the influx leavesof upto 50 cm min I Conuecliue qas-J7au)sin tuetland plarlt aeration 291 (volumefluxr 60 ml min-l) and,exceptfor the higherwater-vapour(humidity)in rhe gas of ccccche midrib of these inJlux leaves,there was no measurabledifference berweenrhe composirionof the lacunargasesand atmosphere-Isotopestudies confirmed rhar most of the oxygen in the flow originated in the external atmo and integratedpredictionsfrom the pressure: spher€and nor in phorosynthesis, flow dar2indicated Lher22 L.of at( (4.6 L of oxygen) could be moved down a single perioicduring rhe hoursof daylight.From a considerationof the data in Table I it will bc cvident thatsuch ratesof flow should appreciablyimprove the aeration of lhe submergedrhizomes;thesemay be as far as 2 m below the water surface. A diurn2l patternof oxygen abundancein the rhizome,often varying from less rhan l0ol, 02 (v/v) at night, to near ambient(217" 02 v/v) during daylight,and which .efiecredrhe patte.nof convectiveflow supportsthis view. It sboul.l be noled tbat tbe dat.t in Table I deriue Irom tbe assumption aI I OOoZporositl in afi orgdn; to translorm tbe data for louer porosities, tbe aerate.l patb lengtb sbould be nultiplie.l by tbe fractional potositj G.9., 0.5 u'hereporosities are 5O%). It had previouslybeenthoughtthat raisedlevelsofoxygen in water liliesduring and that diffusionwas the maior of photosynthesis, the d?y were a consequence mechanismofgastransportboth at night and during the day(Laing1940).Daccy's datasuggestthat convectiondominatesin the day,diffusional night, and that the lower oxygen ievelsin the rhizomesat night might resultin someadditionaloxy a! this stage,however, gen stressin partsof the root system.It should be srressed aerationin petioles aerated by convection, a.e directly lhat alrhoughrhizomeand rhe roor systemitselfshould alwaysbe dominatedby diffusionunlessthereis an as yet'unknown additionaltyp€ of convection.Henc€,the vTlueaf rhe tbrougb tol convectianto root aeration,will be due !o enhancedoxygenconcentrations at the root-shootiuctionsand, thereforeenhancedO2 diffusionfrom this point onwards into the root (seePbragmites below). Convection will of course be of benefit in reducingCO2levelsin rhizomeand root also;futthermore,it will help remove gasesdiffusing into the root system from the sediments(D2cey and Kluli r919). There have alsobeenreports ofconvective flows in lr'rnproldes peltata (Grosse and Mevi-Schutz1987),and Nelunbo nucikra (Lotus - Dacey 1987;Mevi-Schu!z and G.ossel988a,b),and we haverecentlyobservedvery substantialflows frorn rhe leaves of Nympbaea alba (Lrmsuor'g and Armstrong unpublisbed data). Tbrougb|lou i^ Nelurnbo is p rticulatly interesting, with inJlu, N\d eIJlux appar andGrosse1988a). ently occurringwithin the sameleaf,(Dacey1987;Mevi-Schutz Air is thought to enter the leafacrossthe expanseof the lamr\", ^nd petiola{ influx channels t.ansport the gasesto the rhizome. Efilux cnannelsin the same petiole rransportthe ventinggasesback to the atmospherevia a highly porous disclike regionat the centreof the laminadirectly abovethe petiole.The only dataavaila ble on the ralesof convectionin Nelumbo are thoseof Mevi-Schutzand Grosse (1988a),who estimatedvolume fluxes as 10 cml min i. Al(hough this is some what lower than the maxima of 60 ml min-t reported by D^cey for Nupbar, it \s neverthelessa substantialflow and translatesinto a petiolar velocity of ca. 30 cm min-r, a quite similarfigureto petiolarvelocitiesof Dacey.Usingsoap-filmflowmerers,we hav€ detectedflows of 50 cm min-t (15 cm3 min t) 1n NlmPbaea, W Armstrang et dl but if convecrionis deliberatelyblocked, whereasyounger leavesmay dev€lop higher pressuresthan older, more expanded leaves,ir is our experiencerhar the potentialfor convecfionfrom the older le2vesis grearerand in proporuon ro rheirgreaterarea.\ve alsofind that whereasan infrz-redlight sourcewill enhance convection,considerableflows can still develop in darknessprovided rhat the atmosphereis moving and is relztivelydry. It canbe deducedfrom equation(1),that providedthe resistance ro convecUon throughthe plantsis low, the'dynamic'pressuresdevelopedin rhe /ztzJr le2ves will be, and ooly ne€d to b€, smallto drive appreciableflows (seelater). 4. 1.1. Tbepbenonerul untler4ting pressurisation One can become easily confusedby the terminolo€i)'used to describe rhe phenomenawhich causethe pressurisation and consequentconvectionstn warcr ltlies: tber/no'diffusiofl, thermal transpiration, tbermo osmosis. Each refers io thermallyinducedor enhanceddiffusivegas-movemenrs of a Koudsen-or transitionalKnudsentype (Leuning1983)acrossa pariition In warer lilies this parrition must be the leaf surfaceand/()rsome internal porous structure(Schroder et al. 1986). Pressurisations occur becausethe various mechanismseffectively induce a diffusiveinflux of air ratherthan (J2 or N2, and this influx is nor balancedin a normal w^y by rhediffusiveeffluxofanother species(seebelow) A warerlily leaf will tend to pressurise until the pressure€itherovercomesthe partition restsr.utce to bulk flow sufficientto inducea reversePoisseuilleflow equal in magnitudeto the diffusion,or until it is sufficientto forcea Poisseuille flow oFequalmallnirude th.ough the plant. The letms tbermo-osmosisar.d tbermal transpiration oltefi seem to have been usedsynonymously.In context,howevet, tbermal tfttnspiration seemsto have historicalprecedence2nd to havebeenmore rigorouslydefined.Furthermorc,rr should be noted that Denbeighand Raumann(1951) used tbet'ma-osmosis to which describemovementsin the diffusingspeciesdissolvedin rhe parririon. (Feddersen1873),hashisroricalprecedeoce(Merger1873, 7-bermo-di.ffusion, 1874;Ohno 1919;Ursp.ung1912),but seemsro havebeen appliedto p.essurisa tionsand flows which were humidity-inducedand rhermallyenhancedasweu as temperatureinduced.Its conrinueduse is probably inadvisable. Tbermal transpi/"a/io, is a very specific term used to describe a temperature, induceddiffusionacrossporouspartitionswhere the gaseson each side are dry (Reynolds1879);net movementis usuallyfrom rhe colder ro rhe warmerside,and the flux can create,and move againsr,a pressuregredienr ln rhe warer lily leaf, however,the gasesare not dry but very moist,"nd during rhe day there will usu ally b€ a gradientof humidity between rhe leaf 2nd rhe drier, exrernal,2amo sphere.However,if the internalremperature of the l€afis higherthan outside,and the pore dimensionsa.e within the Knudsenregime,there ought to be a thermal transpiration componentin anyp.essurising diffusion.The rheoryunderlyingthis the.maltranspirationcomponenthasbeen dealt wirh in some detail by Schroder et al. (1986).Under idealcondirions,i.e., if pore diametersin rhe leaf'spartirion were < < l0 7 m, and ifconvectiveventingthrough rhe rhizomewere prevented in some way, thermaltranspirationshould lead ro an equilibrium pressurera(ioi Canuectiue gds-floLNs in uetlarul pldnt aeratio,l P1 = P, (Tt/T,) "' 293 (r4), where P, (armosphericpressure)is approx. i0l kPa. At an externaltemperature ('l,) of 296"K and ao internal leaf tempcrature(Ti) of 298'K, the pressure differeorialfrom l€af to atmospherewould be a42 Pa.Ail the indicationsare that pore diamerersare, in fact, only oo the fringesof the Knudsenregime(1.e.,not << I but rather < X),and hencethe tendencyto pressu.isein a non-ventingsys and the pressures will b€ largely rem would be confoundedby pa.titionleakiness, fl()w back rhroughthe leafsurface dissipatedin a concomitantr€versePoisseuille to the atmosphere;hence,the'static'pressurcdifferentialdevelopedfor a AT of 2'K would be very very much smallerthan 142 Pa.A sm2llstaticpressuredoes nor necessarily imply that therewillbe a slow llow unde. throughflowconvection to throughflowis negligible;never' conditions,however,particularlyif rcsist2nce rheless,th€ indic2tions?re that tbermallranspi.ationmav makeonly 2 smallconrribution ro the throughflowswhich havebeenobserved,and, if the temperatu.e differentialsare reversed,any contribution from thermaltranspirationwill be a negativeone. is undoubtedlyofmuch The humidity differentialbetweenleafandarnlosphere greaterimportaocethan thermaltranspiratior-r for creztingthe diffusiveinfluxes of air which induce convectivethroughflowsriodeed,it would seemthar burnidiry incluce.ldifJusio, (Dufour 1874;Kundt I 877),is the matordriving force for such throughflow convcctions(see also Dacev I987; Mevi'Schulzand Grosse l9BBb):ir can funcrion isorhermally,and with, as weLlas against,a temperature gradient,and can be rhefmallyenhanced.(Afmstronfland Armstrong,unpub lished)-Thesephenolnenacan be explainedin relativelysimpletermsasfollowsl Consideran upright cylinder topped by a porous membrane(po.e diameters << \) and containingfree'watcrto within a very shortdistanceof th€ membrane. air at atmospheri(pres If rhe atmospbereabove !he membraneis w?ter-saturated (composition volume epprox.97% N2 and Ar: sure, by O,, 3% H2o-vapour;par tial pressuresapprox. 98 kPa and 3 kPa respectively), the atmospherewithin the chamberv/ill also be water saturated,and, if there is no tempe.atu.edifferential, therewill be no net fluxesof any gasacrossthe membrane,or a pressuredifferen tial. lf dry air at atmosphericp.essurel0l kPa,(composition100% 02, N2 and Ar), is no$/ passedover th€ membrane,a water vapourgradientwill immediately be createdberween lhe chamberand the armosphere,and ao 02-N2 gradient betweenthe atmosphe.eand the chambcr.lf rhe membraneis very thin, and the bouodary layersabove the membraneare kepr ro a minimum, the gradientswill be very steep,and will causea rapid diffusionof air into the chamberand a rapjd diffusionof water'vapouroutwards.lf, however,.thewater'vapourin the cham ber is replac€dby evaporatioofrom the free-watersurfaceasrapidly as it is lost, the water'vapourcon!ent (andwater vapourpartialpressure) in the chamberwill gas-pressure tend to be sustained,while the total in the chamberwill risebecause ofthe inflow ofthe air. Indeed,the inflow ofg?seswill continueuntil the pr€ssure risessufficientlyto drive a Poissueille ourflow, or until the concentrationsof O2 and N2 insidethe chamberequal thoseoutside.Ideally,this will occur when the total internalpressureapproachesoumericallythe atmosphericpressureplus the saturatedwater vapour pressufeat that tempe€ture accordingto the equation W. Armstrong .'t .il l',=l',+P-,-P*" (15) where Pwiand P_aa(e the vapour pressuresinsideand outsidethe leaf respectively (Dacey1987).At 296"K rhiswould amounrro approx. 104.t kpa,and2 pres, sure differential,AP, of approx. 2808 Pa would have been creared. If by somesustainedinpul of heat,a temperarure2'K aboveambienrcould be maintainedwithin the chamber,the warer vapourpressorewould risero 3 i 66 p?, and a temperatureenhanced humidiry induced diffusion would h?ve been achieved.If on the other hand, rhe ev2porationof warerled ro a deciineio cham, ber temperaturethe humidity induc€ddiffusionwould give a pressLrre differenrial below 2808 Pa.Nevertheless, whether the remperaruredifferenrialwas posirive, neg2tiveor zero,the potenti2lfor pressurisation is consid€rablygrearerrhan rhe 342 Pa deducedearlierfor tbermal ttanspiration. Humidity-inducedflow depending 2s it does on humidiry diffe.enri2Ls mey involve differentials within the leefirself- it is wrong to assumethat rhe leafgases wili be wholly water-saturated throughour,(\(/ardand Bunce l986) Ag?in,how ever, it must be str€ss€dthar, in pracrice,th€ full potenrialsfor pressurisarion by humidicy-induceddiffusion and rhermal rranspirarionare also nor realjsedbe causeof l€af leakiness (Dacey l98l, 19f17). A nice exampleof rhis is seenin dara oo Nelumbo,Dac€y(1987),wherc, qrirh venting preveotedand a zero remperature differentialat 2l'C, rhe roralpressuredifferenrialdevelopedwasonly 700 pa instead of a potenllal 2490 Pa. The potential for pressu.isarionby thertual transpitation and b)' humidiry differentialsin water liliesand gardenbeaoshasbeen examinedrheoreticallyby Idso ( 1981).V\Ve canalsodeduce rhe relative effectsof bumidit!-/nctuced presstrisatlon and thermal tt ansplration from lhe relationship between AT and Ap found by Daceyfot Nelu/n o; this p rovidessomegood evidencefor ihe exisrenceof rhe thermaltranspirationcomponent:under iclealconditionsthe potenrialfor sraric pressurisation at 21"C with iso{hermalconditionsrs 2490 P^; ia Nelumboit was 700 P2; with " LT of 2"C rhe porenrialfor ideal pressurisarion will be 2808 Pa (humidity componenr)+ 312 (the.maitranspirationcomponent),a {otalpressure riseof approx. 27yo;\n Nelumbo rhe roralrisein AP for this AT wasalsoapprox. 2Jy". ^^d we can estimarerharrhe rhermaltranspirarioneffectwith ? AT of 2 "C was approx. I I "/" and inkeepingwirh rhe predicrions.If AT ris€sro 6.C (e.9.,as in bright sunlight - Dacey 198t , I 987) rhe idealpressurisatioo would raiseAP !o 3564 Pa (humidity compenenr) + 1028 Pa (rhermalrranspirarioncomponenr), i.e-, the thermaltranspirarioncomponenr is noy 22y" and the total rise in AP, 64.5y". Fot Nelun o the rise w^s 64"/". Again,therefore,we have confirmalion of a tbelmal transpiration effecr^nd canseethat as a propoftion of the total con vectingforce it can vary considerably,e.9.,from zero where AT = O,to22"/" at a AT of 6"C. Theseconsiderations, at leastpa(tly explainwhy sunlightand infrared illumination have the enhancing€ffectson pressutisarion and convecrioo reportedin the literature.The very low ratesofconvecrion that havebeennored at night may be a consequenceof high atmospherichumiditiesand perhapsa negativethermal rranspiration.More information is needed on the funcrioning of the humidity-inducingcomponeot in the water lilies,however.Ir is not yet clear how stomatemay control the p.ocess,but Schroderetal. (1986),idenrifyrhe cell Cc)floectiuegas-Jlous ln uetland plant aeration o.048 oo t o . 0 4 0t - 400 ; o.o32Yo o \ 300 o.o243o ir qq s 200 o 5 o . 0 16 o Q t 100 o.o08 (! (./) 200 Light Flux 600 800 Qmot i2 t^) Ik /'lheeffcdoivaryinglightflux(PAR)onslaticp.essuredifferentixis.con!e.liveflowzndrem perarure differenrials. Almospheric humidities ilso shown. l\ Pblaqmites thl7t)rie bearing i young s h o o t s ( 0 . 2 1 0 l 2 m r a u )w a s u s e d . layerbeneaththe palisadetissueas the micro-porouspartition.From this it could to occLrr,there must be be concludedthat, for humidity-inducedpressurisation very significanthumidity gradientsthrough the palisadelaver Our studieson Nympbaeashow th2t considerableflows are posgiblein darknessunder isother mal conditionsprovided rhatthe atmosphereis movingand drv, but one canspec ulatethat it may be the closingof the stomataat night which reducethe humidity llradient2crossthe partition rather thao the incr€asingatmospherichumidity. 4.2. Pbragmites ausrralrs (Seealso Appendix) A convective throughflow in the common rced Phragmites44.r/,.4rs was also dis coveredrecently(Armstrongand Armstrong1987,l99O^,b).A humidity-induced diffusive inflov/ of atmospheric gas€sthrough stomata oo the leaf sheathsand 296 W. Atmstrong et al. Rhizome 3 > o ,"8 o o Advent.Root ;t L at e r a l s ;} o's Control o 1000 a Light o o.o C on v e c t i a n o.o o 2 4 6 Time 8 10 12 14 16 th) Fig 2. Pbragmites:effectsof light and dark periodson convecdvefloR s, on oxygen concentrerions of g2s€svenling f.om rhizome, and on roor,oxygen efflux. Rhizome lengrh was 65 mmi I culnrs presenr(heights0 6 m); depth of culm subm€rgencewes 170 mmj rhe adventirious.oor was young 2nd65 mm long(diam.approx.l 5 mm);rh€hrerrl roos weri aprox l5 mm longrnd iormeda dense coetingon oldcr advenlitious100ts The conrrol el€crrodewas l0 mm xnay from larer?lrools. culm nodes appearsto be the major driving force, again supplemenred (or re' duced) to varving degreesby thermal modification and rherm2lrranspirerion. Responsivenessto light tn Pbragmites canbe considerable, (Fig- 1), bur at pres€nr is believed to be more a function of stomatal mov€ments rhan of rempe.ature differentials,although temperaturedifferentials do have an enhancingeffect. The Conuectil)e gas-JTotrsin uetland plant aeration 297 convection in Pb,"agmiles is from the living culms to the ext€nsively aerenchymarous rhizomes,with ventingoccurringvia old or broken culms. In rhe field, convectiveflows upto 80 cm min livolume flux 16 cm3 min-l) have been reco.ded from single shoots, and in the laboratory it has been shown rharrhe convectionappreciablyimprovesthe aerationof both rhizome and roots, (seeFig. 2). Improved ae€tion in the roots is, of course,2 consequencelargely of convectionenhancedoxygen concentrationsat the root shoot iunction, and althoughtheremay be a smallnon throughflowconvectionin the roots, roor aera rion will be largelydiffusiondominated(seelate.).Again,as in the water lilies, pel seappearsto havelittleeffecton the convection,and volume phorosynrhesis inflow of gasesacrossthe leafsheathsand culm nodesapproximately equalsrhat vented, and the concentr2tionsof oxygen in the gasespassingdown the living culms a.e little differentfrom thoseof atmosphericair when account is tak€n of i h e r n c r e a 5 ehdu m i d i l ). By enhancingthe oxygensupplyto the root system,the convectionsin Prr4g /nitesmay pl^y ^nimportantrole in rhesuirabiliryofthis speciesfor sewagepurification by what has becoineknown as the rool zone treatment',(reviewed by Lawson1985).Oxygendiffusingfrom rootsirlto w?terloggedreed beds supplied w i r h e f f l u e n r c\ r n 5 u p p o r It h e b r , t e r r r lo x r d i ) r n gr e r ,r r , r n .N H , > N O , > N O ; . while in anaerobicpocketsof the soii nTosaic,rhe nitratesare reducedand escape as oxidesof nitrogenand nitrogengas.Similarly.oxidation reactionsare needcd for the removal of S-compounds, COD and heavv mer2ls. 4.3. Nuclepore membranes Becauseof the petiolar anatomy in water Lilies,and the unwreldy na..uteof Pbragn //esshoots, the study of tbrougbfloa conuectionin rbesespeciescan be difficult. phenomenaexnefl. An alternativemeansof studyingaspecrs of rhe pressurisation mentally is to mimick the leaf partitionsby meaosof Nucleporepolycarbonate micro porous membranes.Dacey(l987) usedsuch membranesfor comparrsons wirh Nelumbo in regardto differentialsepar2tionratesof Ar and N2 from 2rr Ln accordancewith Knudsendiffusivities. Nucleporemembraneshavediscretepores rather than a mesh-work,and can be obtainedwith specificpore sizesdown to 0.015 pm diameter.ve have madean exrensivesrudy of the humidity-induced component of the convectionusingthesemembranes,examiningthe effectsof such fac!orsaspore size,pore frequency,membranearea,wind velocity, humidi ty and temperaturedifferentials. Detaiiswili bc publishedelsewhere(Armstrong preparation).ln znd Armstrong,in brief, rhe datashow that whilst the potential for pressurisation is an inversefuncrion of pore diameter,po.e frequenclesare alsoexrremelyimportantfor determioingconveclionrates.Hencefor memb12nes of equal area,flow ratescan be greaterwith pore diametersonly on the fringes of the Knudsenregime(e.g-,1 0 pm), rhanwirb membraneshavingpore diameters well within the Knudsenregime(e9.,0.015 am), provided that the porositiesof the former ale very much greaterthanof the latter.Convectiveflow ratesfor any given membranea(elinearlyrelaredro rhe sraricpressur€differentialsdeveloped unde. non-rhroughflowconditions;they increaserepidly wirh wind velocity up to I m min I and declinecurvilinearlyas a function of increasinladistance 294 IY Armstrong et al. between the membmne and the fre€ wate. surface;this is analogousto the devel opmentofsignificantwater vapourgr2dientswitb leaves(Vard and Bunce1985). The relalionshipbetweenhumidity differentialsand rhe staticpressuredifferen tialsunder isorhermalconditionsis a linearone, wirh zero AP occurringar zero humidity (Armstrongand Armstrongl99O^in press),and this hasd€monsrrated the criricalimportanceof humidiry-inducedconvection.It hasnot beenpossible to demonstrate a very significant thermal transpiration effect with Nuclepore membranes,however:pressuredifferenrialsin humidifiedchambersriseby only approx.6.57oper "K (numericallyequalto rhe rempcrarure eohancementof rhe whereas humidity component), in Nelumbothe figu.e was approx. 13y..\fi dty chambersonly minimzl effecrsarrriburableto thermalrranspirationhave been noted. This may be a function of the very thin membranes(10 #m) and it could be rharpartirionrhickness(and hencepore lengrhs)may be criticalto rhe main, tenanceof tempe.aturedifferenrials. 5. Examples of non-throighllow convection 5.1. Deep-uaterrice Attention was recently focussedon non tbroughJlow convecrions by repofts of massflows of air which it was claimedwere the majoamechanismfor aeration in deep water .ice', (Raskinand Kcnde 1983,1985).Theseconvecriveflows occur via the narrow, but continuousgasfilms which coat rhe submergedleafsurfaces and connect with the atmospherear rhe floodv/arersurfacewhere the leavesare emergent-They arisebecauserespirarorycarbon dioxide produced in rhe submergedpartscan be lost into the surroundingflood waters12rherthan moving up the films to the atmospherein diffusivereciprocitywith oxygen.The rendency is, therefore,for gaspressuresto fall within the films and rhis is {e-dressedby a convective inflov/ of air from rhe atmosphe.e.In daylight,becauseof photosynthesis,CO2 will be absorbedfrom rarherth2n releasedto the water, and ihe oxygen released,being comparitivclyinsoluble,can causea revers2lof the convection (Raskinand Kende l9B5). \ve havealreadyanalysedand commenredupon rhisrypeof convectionin Sec tion 3.2 and in derailelsewhere(l)eckeuet dl. 1988).Raskinand Kendeshowed that the convection was grealesrimmediarelyafrer partialsubmergencein the dark,or in darknessfollowing a period of photosynthesis; the flow rhen declined considerablyin a few hours ro 2 quasiequilibriumstate.So far as roors are concerned,by the time this equilibriumstatehas been arrained,the oxygen supply fiom convecaionis insufficienrfor growth or significantrhizosphereoxygenarion in apicalregions,(Fig. 3). The earlier mathematicalsecrior' oA non-tbroughfioz, convection demonsrrated that the convection is sub-ordioarero diffusion in the aeration process even where all respiratory CO2 is losr ro solution, and it is clear that thar even during the rapid initial phase, oxygen consumption from the gas-filmsand aerenchyma reserveirsare more important for the plant than the convecting gases:for every Jite oxygefl moleculesdepleted from these reservoirsonly o/re oxygen molecul€ Conuectiue 8.ts JTous in uetland plant aeration 299 n] f o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time after pattial submetgence (h) F€ .l Root inle.nal oxygen o, root exlcosion ., and non-throughflowconvectivegasflow ^ , in agar:wat€r mediumin theda.k Tbe root m€di rice par(ially submergedto 0.5 m inai. s2turated0-05% um war anaerobic.The apicaloxygenregimeofs€l€ct€d1()06wasmonitoredpolarographicallyusing sleevingPl-el€c(fod€s(Armstrong1979).Root €xt€nsionwasmeasuredi, rrr with a vcrnie. mrcro scope. Convective 8as-now was measuredby soapfilm flow melersart2chedto the heade. spacc enclosingrhe em€rgenilexf cnds (Afte. Beckettet al. lgaa). is drawo into the film in the air flow. lt hasbeen calculatedthzt non-tblougbJlou conuection alone might only adequatelyaerate40 mm of rice leaf compared with 2O2 mmby dilJusio, alone, and that in the presenceofdiffusion, convection can only extend the aeratedpath by approx. 10 mm (Beckette/ 4/. 1988).Further,it is evident that without longitudinaldiffusion(D = 0, equation(13))there could be oo convection.and also,that convectionwill becomelessassolutionconcen r r a r i o n so f C O , b e ,o m e g s q J 1 q 1 concerning the eco'physiologyofdeep-wateriice, the problemofsudden sub mergence by flash floods is partly overcome by (i) rapid internodal growth to regainemergence(Metrauxand Kende l98l), and (ii) the production of a new c(op of roors at th€ uppermost node (personalobservation).This ensuresthat a functional root system will occur in a position as nea. normal as possible. \ve would suggestthat the gas films on the leavesate more funclional for lateral gasexchangesof both O2 and CO2with the floodwaters,and for the escapeof ethene, than for inducing influxes of air from the atmosph€re.Becausethe leaf is ridged and gas films rather than water occupy the furrov/s in which the stomatalie, this will substantially reduc€ resistanceto gesexchangewith the water. The function 100 W. Armstrong et al. of the films as lateralgas€xchangerswas firsr suggestedby Raskinand Kende (1983).In pracrice,rhe deep-waterrice plant may eventuallybreakaway from rhe originalroot systemburied in the sedimentsand which presumablywill be dead becauseof the inadequacyof either convectionor diffusionro mainrainaerarion at depthsof >2 m and at temperaturesof >30"C. 5.2. Roots and rbtzomes con Just as the solubilisationof respiratoryCO2 cen induce a non-rbrougb|Tour vectionalongthe leafsurfacegas-filmsof deep water rice,so too can it crearethc potential for non throughflow convection in submergedroors and rhizomes, (Koncalovaet al. 1988;Brix l9B8; Cwrun et al. I986; and orhers).lt hasalready been pointed out, however, that such non-tbroLlgbflou convection must always be sub-ordinzrero diffusion in the aerationprocess,and hence rhe derivarion of diffusioo equationsto model rhe long distanceoxygen rranspor! ln ruors (Luxmoore,Stolzyand Letey 1970;Armsrrongand Beckerr1987;De Willigenand VanNoordwitk 1989)is fully jusrified.Concerningroor sysrems, ir is probablerhxr in flooded soils the rhizosphereoften will be highly chargedwith CO2,parricu larly if the soilsareon the acidsideof neurraliry,and rhiswill diminishsrill furrher the potentialfor an inducrionofconvection. Raskinand Keode(1985)noted thar non throughflow convecaionin deep-waterrice was halted if rhe submcrsing medium was chargedwith CO2.The work of Koncalovaet al. (1988)on rhe roor Aerariooof Cdrexgracilis C]utt.,is particularly p€rtinent here, and rhey sumnre se their findingsasfollows.'Two processes appearto be of importancein the venrilarton of Carex roots: (1) the diffusion of oxygen aloog rhe oxygen gradienr fronr the atmosphereto the internal gasspacesat the roots; and (2) the massflow of air d.iven by the pressure difference of carbon dioxide between rhe internal gas spacesand the root medium.\vhen the pressureofcarbon dioxide is lower in the root medium than in the root, the massflow follows rh€ s?medirectionasdiffu sion,enhancingrhe internaloxygensupply ro rhe roots.Vhen the pressur€of ca. bon dioxide is higher in the root medium than in the roots, rhe oxygen suppl,v is depressedby the mass-flowdirected againstdiffusion.Sincea medium wirh high biological oxygen demand may produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, mass-flowis suggestedto play a negative role in the ventilation of roots growing uoder such conditions'. 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N€w Phyrol 113 119-451 Appendix LoPbragmites austlalrs, a third causeof convectiv€ throughflows has now b€en found (Armstrong and Armstrong l99}c): Ventu inciuceclpressutedifferentials c.eatedwhen winds blow over rhe long (often > 2 m) and p€rsistent,dead (and often broken)floweringculms.Theseold shoors,which remainconnecredto the gas-space systemofthe undergroundrhizomenetwork,area characteristic feature of thisplant.The air dmwn out by aheVenruriefffcr is replacedby an inflow from t h e a t m o s p h e r ien t o o t h e r , L r l m sb r o k e nm u c h c l o s p rr o g r o L l n dl c v e l . ln preliminarystudies,staticpressures developedin no flow (blockedrhrough flow) conditionshave amounredro -2 5 to -30 Pa at averagewind speedsof 10-35 km h I. These^re 55 650/"of the valuesto be €xpectedusing the well known relationship. AP = - y, p Vr. In the rhroughflowstate,flow velociriesof t 3 100 mm min (60 2000 mm] min r)from rhizometo individualculms h2ve been reco.ded at wind speedsof 10 15 km h '. Alrhough wind speedsvary enormously,such convectionsshould, neverth€less, play a significantrole in Pblagmites aeration(seeTable I ), parricularly at night, and in winter when living shootsa.e not presentto support humidity-inducedflows.