Elements of Fiction Handout

Elements of Fiction
Protagonist: the central figure in a drama or narrative
Antagonist: opposing character that causes the initial conflict
Round: character with a complete and detailed description
Flat: less important; not nearly as characterized or described
Static: stays the same; hardly ever changes
Dynamic: shows change throughout the story
Setting is the time,
place, and social environment in which the story occurs.
Plot is the structure of the action of a story.
4: Crisis
3: Rising Action
5: Climax
6: Falling Action
8: Theme
2: Conflict
1: Exposition
7: Resolution
Exposition: gives background of characters, setting, and initial conflict
Conflict: the clash between opposing forces (character vs. character, self, nature, society)
Rising Action: a series of events building tension towards the climax
Crisis: the moment before the climax when resolution is still not determinable
Climax: the most intense or crucial moment or event when tensions reaches a peak; resolution in
6. Falling Action: the story examines the consequences of the climax and the tension fades.
7. Resolution: how the story’s central conflict is resolved; bringing the conflict to an end
8. Theme: the major idea or proposition intertwined throughout the entire scope of a literary work or
other work of art
Point of View: perspective from which the story is told (first person, third person)
Parallel Episodes: events that are happening at the same time
Subplot: stories within the story that expands some aspect of the main plot, such as
character, setting, or theme.
Foreshadowing: technique of giving clues to coming events in narrative
Flashback: technique of disrupting the chronology of a narrative by shifting to an earlier
time in order to introduce information